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The team was now on their way to Luna 1 to rescue Skybird and her friend Wildstreak from the invasion. They just hoped they could get there in time.

"We need to go faster!" Galaxia yelled. 

"Calm down, Galaxia," Drift told her. "If we go any faster, we'll burn through all of our energon, then we'll have no chance of returning to Cybertron to deliver your bounty."

Slipstream turned to look at the bigger Cybertronians. "But the bounty doesn't matter right now. What matters is saving the mini-cons from capture!"

"Yeah," Jetstorm added with a sigh. "What happens if every mini-con gets captured and we're the only ones left?"

Drift kneeled down to Jetstorm's level as he placed a servo on the mini-con's shoulder plate.

"You won't be the the only ones left, because we will get to Skybird and Wildstreak."

"And I've already alerted Optimus Prime of the invasion and he and his team are on their way," Galaxia told them.

Slipstream was amazed. "Woah... You know Optimus Prime?"

Feeling pretty proud of herself, Galaxia responded with a smile. "I may have fought on his team a few years ago, before I left to become a Bounty Hunter."

"Wow," Jetstorm smiled before his attention was brought to the window. "Woah."

The team turned to face Luna 1, and it was a sight that they would never forget.

Buildings were on fire, and multiple mini-cons had already been captured. Jetstorm and Slipstream could barely watch as the Decepticons loaded the captured mini-cons into another Cybertronian to be delivered to their Starship. So that their symbols could be forged and placed on them for good.

Drift and Galaxia didn't like this sight either, but they had to ignore it in order to reach Skybird and Wildstreak.

They followed the coordinates and reached a city that looked like it had already been cleared. However Drift didn't want to take any chances.

"Slipstream, Jetstorm, you two will stay here and be ready to depart as soon as we board the ship," he ordered.

Slipstream rose from his seat. "But, Master, we can help!"

"NO!" the Decepticon yelled. "There are Decepticons out there looking for mini-cons to capture, I will not have you two risking your lives for two mini-cons we barely know!" Slipstream gasped silently. "Besides, you aren't prepared for battle because you haven't been able to train like Jetstorm has! So both of you stay put!"

The mini-cons nodded then bowed. At that moment, Drift and Galaxia both left the bridge and prepared to find the two femme mini-cons.

Saddened by their inability to help, Slipstream and Jetstorm just stared at  surface and watched as the rest of their team ran over it towards a house which matched the coordinates.

"Well, that's a first," Jetstorm said.

"What is?"

"Me being compared to you in a way that actually makes me feel better."

Slipstream just smirked at his partner causing Jetstorm to laugh, Slipstream joined in.


With their weapons at hand, Drift and Galaxia opened the door and slowly walked into the house, causing the floor to creek. Galaxia signalled to Drift that the stairs were just in her line of sight. So they ran over to the stairs and followed them down.

When they reached the basement, it was dead silent, and there was nothing that could direct them to the mini-cons' hiding spot.

"Skybird?" Drift called.

"Wildstreak?" Galaxia called.

Suddenly, they heard a knock from the left wall and found that the mini-cons were on the other side.

"Deadlock? Galaxia? Oh it's so good to hear you," Skybird replied. "Also, we can't get out."

"What?!" both Cybertronians questioned.

"The Decepticon sealed us in," Wildstreak replied. "He saw our hiding place but it was too small for him to search it so he just sealed the entrance instead."

"Don't worry, we'll cut you free," Galaxia told them.

Quickly, she forced her blade into the wall, followed by Drift. They both carefully carved away the entrance until they the wall was ready to remove a few minutes later.

"Okay, we're done. Try pushing the entrance," Drift ordered.

The two mini-cons pushed on the entrance before it came tumbling down. Allowing them to crawl out.

Skybird came out first, making her way over to Drift.

"Thank you, Deadlock," she smiled in relief.

"Your welcome, but my name is now Drift, not Deadlock," he finally told her.

"Oh! Sorry...Drift."

Secondly, Wildstreak climbed out to reveal herself. Her protoform was a combination of light blue and purple, and her helm had a unique decoration. She ran over to Skybird and the two shared a hug.

"We'll bring you back to our ship. There's someone on board who will be more than happy to see Skybird," Galaxia smirked.

"Slipstream's here?!" Skybird asked with excitement.

"Yes, and Jetstorm too," Drift replied.

"We'd better get back to them," Galaxia told the other three. "This way." She led them back to the Starship.


Jetstorm and Slipstream were waiting patiently for the team to return, but it had been thirty minutes since they left.

Suddenly the hatch to the bridge began opening and the mini-cons prepared themselves for a fight.

But there wasn't one...

"Slipstream!" Skybird yelled before she ran through and hugged the mech.

Wildstreak walked up to the Jetstorm and held out her servo. "I'm Wildstreak. I hear you're Jetstorm?"

He accepted her servo. "In the metal."

Drift walked in with a serious face.

"Slipstream, launch the ship. Jetstorm, set a course for Cybertron. Now that Skybird and Wildstreak have joined our team we are finally ready to leave and live a safe life...

...Right after we deliver this bounty."

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