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Author's note: Hey readers! Sorry it's been a little while since I updated, I hope to be getting more chapters out over the holidays which are only a few days away (Yay!). Also, another idea has popped into my head and I have began designing the cover and planning the story (unlike this one which I make up as I go). I'll upload that one once I get more into this one and I will try and finish my other books.

Anyways, enough of me...

Starburst out.


Deadlock didn't know what to do, his spark was pounding in his chassis as the choices scurried through his processor. Does he lock them up and escape alone? Or does he stand up to his mentor and avoid the heist? It was too hard to decide, so he just opened his mouth.

"I will do as you ask."

Shadow Raker smirked as the mini-cons gasped. He could see their painful expressions and suddenly regretted saying it. Deadlock just had to add to his plan.

Free the mini-cons from punishment before the heist...

Wait till he's distracted...

Grab the mini-cons...

Steal his Starship...

Leave Cybertron forever...

He had just made things harder for himself.

Shadow Raker just smiled as his pupil escorted the prisoners out of the dojo. Before he closed the door, he confronted his master.

"Why would you do this?"

"Those who do wrong should be taught a lesson. Besides, I did not like the way you hesitated," he stepped closer to Deadlock just as he did a few days before, "You are still my student and I am still your teacher, and students obey their teacher."

Deadlock just glared at his mentor before leading the mini-cons to their quarters.


"I despise Shadow Raker," Jetstorm admitted.

Slipstream placed his servo on his partner's shoulder plate. "You have said that many times, and I feel the same way."

Jetstorm lifted his arm so Slipstream would let go. Slipstream gasped silently at his friend's sudden reaction.

"It does not matter how many times I repeat myself, we will never escape. Deadlock will but we will not, and if we do he will hunt us down again," Jetstorm exclaimed.

Deadlock felt empathy for the mini-cons. Jetstorm was right. Shadow Raker would find them if they did escaped. However he was not going to give up on them so easily.

He turned and knelt down to the mini-cons height.

"You will escape, I will convince Shadow Raker to bring you on the heist for extra support, then we will take his ship and leave."

They smiled, not the same way they did when they did a good job, they had hope.

They walked into their room as Deadlock sealed the door. As the entrance closed he could only see their faceplates which to his surprise did not seem sad.

He too felt what the mini-cons were feeling, his spark felt warm as he realised what was happening, or what was going to happen...

They were going to escape,

because he had hope.

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