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"Galaxia, I have something to tell you."

Now Galaxia was intrigued, "Yes, Drift?" she asked.

Drift paused for a second then turned back to the screen, he was trying to keep himself from panicking but was failing.

"Galaxia," he began. "I-I... lo--."

The comms were shut off.

The three watched as the screen was absorbed back into the projector, leaving Galaxia to wonder what Drift was going to say. Deep down she knew it, but it was unbelievable. She did like him, but he wasn't the type of bot to say that.

Skybird and Wildstreak knew it too, but they couldn't say anything. So Skybird nudged her partner and pointed to the hatch. Wildstreak nodded them lead Skybird out.


The two ran to their quarters and looked out the window. There was nothing much to see, but the shady space and distant stars were beautiful. The two were almost speechless.


"Can you believe it?!" Skybird asked with excitement.

Wildstreak was surprised. Usually, it was her to break the silence, but this time it was the intelligent and quiet Skybird. But she didn't have much time to think about that because she was also excited.

"I know! But we can't get our hopes up, he could have been saying anything," Wildstreak began as she calmed down. "He could have said, 'I love that Skybird likes Slipstream' or something like that."

Skybird also calmed down and glared at Wildstreak. "One, I do not! And two, you're right, we shouldn't get our hopes up," she said with disappointment.

The two lowered their helms and looked up each other. Releasing as a sigh as they realised the possibility.

Skybird looked up again awkwardly, " what?"

Wildstreak raised an optic ridge, "Don't know."

The two continued to stare at each other, thinking of something else to discuss.

Luckily, they didn't need to.

"Galaxia to Skybird and Wildstreak, we have arrived at Luna 1. Meet me at the exit hatch."

"Few," they both said before running towards the hatch.


The hatch opened slowly, revealing the war-torn moon. It was horrible. The place was deserted, buildings were now in ruins and the metal surface was now partially rusted.

There was no way anybot was going to live here now.

Skybird and Wildstreak stepped forward and gazed at their former home, it was too much for their processors.

"It's hard to believe that...only a few weeks ago, I was helping them with the energon, and now, there is no energon," Skybird said softly.

Her partner walked forward and placed her servo on Skybird's shoulder. "And we were supposed to play the Cube finals on the day of the invasion."

Galaxia looked at the purple Mini-con. "Mini-cons play Cube?" she asked.

She looked up at her deployer. "To be honest, I think the correct word is 'played' and yes, we did play Cube, except that we used a smaller Cube unlike you bigger Cybertronians," she told her. "The Cube finals were supposed to be two weeks ago, I was so ready, but as I was walking to the stadium, the Decepticon Starships began landing and the Decepticons started capturing Mini-cons one by one. Wrapping them in chains and forbidding them from speaking, it was horrible..."

Wildstreak closed her optics tightly as a tear flowed down her faceplate. Skybird looked at her friend.

"Luckily, I found Wildstreak before the Decepticons did, and we hid in her basement until you came to rescue us," Skybird explained.

Galaxia looked at her Mini-cons as they looked at the metal surface. It was hard, returning to their home after it had been deserted. She wondered if everybot was gone, or if there were some that were lucky enough to avoid capture. She did alert Optimus of the invasion but when his team was too late.

She looked at the sky, she could see Cybertron in all of its glory. Being on Luna 1 made her worry. The moon became a wasteland after a portion of the war. 'What's going to happen to Cybertron after the War?' She thought. 'Will it also become a wasteland?'

She turned her attention back to her Mini-cons, the two were still staring at their old home, but they needed to get back to Cybertron in time for the trial. It was only a few days away.

"You two know this planet better than I do, is there anywhere we can get some energon?" she asked.

Skybird looked thought to herself before looking up at her deployer. "There were some old, abandoned warehouses on Luna 1. Most were stripped of their energon beforehand but some was left behind. We just have to find one."

Wildstreak wiped a tear away and smiled. "So, what's the difference between an old, abandoned warehouse, and a new, modern warehouse?"

Galaxia smiled, she was glad to see that Wildstreak had cheered up. Making jokes was a good sign for her.

Skybird gave her partner a compassionate smile before answering. "Luckily, there was one close to your house, Wildstreak."

"Really?" the Mini-con asked.

"Yes, I saw it a few months ago, but the police wouldn't allow anyone in due to it being unsafe," she replied.

"Fortunately, the cops had to leave with the Mini-cons, so I'm sure no bot will mind if we break a few rules," she smirked before holding out her arms. Skybird and Wildstreak looked at each other and chuckled before undeploying onto Galaxia's forearms. Then she transformed into a muscle car and drove off.

This chapter was actually hard to write, and I think this is the first time something personal has upset Wildstreak. Also, this is the first (but probably not the only) chapter to contain only OCs in this book (accept the replay at the beginning).

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

Starburst out.

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