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Galaxia glared at Shadow Raker as the blade edged closer to her neckcables. She wasn't scared, she knew that whatever happened, Shadow Raker would never win. She also knew that she had her Mini-cons, who were well trained, and her partner, Drift, along with his Mini-cons, and those three really understood the true meaning of honour. Even if today was going to be her last day, she knew that Drift would be able to win, because he has learnt to no longer fear Shadow Raker.

The Decepticon chuckled as he extended his second blade and pointed it towards Drift and the others. He had finally discovered his pupil's biggest weakness, his love for Galaxia.

"So, Deadlock, what is it going to be? Accept your fate?" Shadow Raker narrowed his optics. "Or suffer the consequences?"

Drift didn't know what to do, he didn't want to risk Galaxia's life, but he couldn't let a Decepticon like Shadow Raker go free. He knew he and his team were at a disadvantage, they didn't have their weapons, and Shadow Raker had the upper servo.

Skybird and Wildstreak looked at each other, they didn't want their deployer to get hurt, but they couldn't let him kill Drift. They had no idea what to do.

Galaxia looked at them and sighed, she knew what she needed to do. "Skybird, Wildstreak." The Mini-cons looked up at her as Shadow Raker glared. "You two are the reason that I have become the best bot I could possibly be, I'm an Autobot, a Bounty Hunter, and a Deployer. I know that your judgment is good and you will know what to do when the time is right."

They looked at each other in wonder. What did she mean by 'when the time is right'? Then they turned to their deployer and nodded, they wouldn't let her down, they couldn't.

Galaxia turned to face Drift. "And Drift, I know this probably isn't the best time to tell you this but...I know what you were going to say on the call, and I feel the same way." Drift gasped as he remembered the confession, he was so close to telling Galaxia the truth, but the cops ruined it by ending the call. "I've always loved you Drift, ever since I laid optics on you, ever since I saw you protecting your Mini-cons from me. And we both know that I would gladly put my spark on the line to protect yours." Shadow Raker turned around and showed his dentas with a growl. Galaxia gathered up all of her strength then kicked Shadow Raker off of her.

Shadow Raker fell back as the Bounty Hunter escaped. He looked at her as he held his blades out again. "Big mistake, Bounty Hunter." At that moment, he struck.

"Galaxia!" Drift yelled.

"No!" Skybird and Wildstreak yelled in unison.

Jetstorm and Slipstream gasped as they turned around.

Galaxia fell to the ground as she grabbed her side with servo. She tried to get up but she couldn't, energon was leaking out of the cut wound that Shadow Raker had caused.

Drift was outraged. How dare he do something like that to Galaxia? The Decepticon stood in stance then charged forward. Trying to punch Shadow Raker several times but never actually landing one. The Mini-cons watched in horror as he did so, they didn't know what to do.

Before they knew it, Shadow Raker had managed to pin Drift to the floor, the Decepticon was helpless to do anything as he tried to escaped from underneath his pede.

Shadow Raker raised his sword. "You could have saved her, Deadlock, but you chose to fight, and now you will join her in the Well of Allsparks."

All of a sudden, a shuriken came out of no where and flew right between Shadow Raker and Drift. The Decepticon's grip on Drift loosened as he looked up to see the source.

Skybird and Wildstreak looked up as well, the blue Mini-con smiled when she saw who it was.

"No one hurts a friend of a friend!" she yelled before realising how wierd that sentence was. Eclipse grabbed her bow staff then jumped down from the beam she was standing on.

"Eclipse!" Skybird yelled as she ran over. The other three Mini-cons shared confused faceplates as they watched.

Drift used her distraction to force Shadow Raker off of him. The Decepticon stood up then joined the Mini-cons.

"Master Drift," Slipstream called out causing him to look down at the Buzzsaw. "What do we do?"

Drift looked between Shadow Raker, Galaxia and the Mini-cons. He knew that there were no second chances meaning that there was no room for error.

Drift thought for a moment, Galaxia had to be their first priority or else she could die. However, the longer they left Shadow Raker unattended, the more likely he would strike again and hurt someone else. He also knew that they were limited due to the lack of weapons.

Drift turned to the side to see Cadet run in, he panted for a minute before saluting. "Drift, I know where all of your weapons are being stored, but it's on the other side of the building. And to make things worse, someone messed with the bars on the cells, prisoners are currently trying to break out."

Drift nodded then looked back down at his Mini-cons. He knew that their whole adventure had been about bringing them together, but now the only solution was to split them up.

He narrowed his optics. "Skybird, get to Galaxia and do what you can to stabilise her. Jetstorm, you and...Eclipse will accompany Cadet to find and obtain our weapons. Slipstream, Wildstreak, you two are with me, we need to hold off Shadow Raker for as long as possible."

"Yes, Master Drift," Jetstorm and Slipstream bowed. Skybird nodded then stood in stance with Wildstreak. Eclipse and Jetstorm ran out of the hall through the entrance with Cadet.

Drift laid his optics on Shadow Raker. "Give it everything you've got," he told the remaining Mini-cons. "We cannot lose this battle."

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