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"I've got some!" Skybird yelled as she stood in stance. She had no idea what she was doing, but she couldn't let him kill Slipstream.

Shadow Raker turned around with a smirk as he kept a firm grip on the mech.

"Is that right, dear? And what are they?" the Insecticon asked with a devious look.

"You know my name," she glared. Skybird still didn't know what to do, but she couldn't show that to Shadow Raker.

"That I do," he replied. "You are Skybird, the Buzzsaw Mini-con who allowed me to hack into your tech and track the rest of your team."

Skybird growled as she listened. It was her fault, she should have tested her equiptment for hackers but she didn't. That mistake had cost them everything, and now it was going to cost them a teammate's life.

The Decepticon grew impatient as he got ready to strike. "You have three seconds to answer or else he is dead."




The Mini-con looked to the side a little before nodding. "Turn around!"

Shadow Raker chuckled as he turned to face the others, at that moment, he felt something wrap around his waist, keeping him in place.

It was Jetstorm's nun-chucks.

The Insecticon growled as he looked at the returning group. Both Jetstorm and Eclipse were holding onto the other end. Shadow Raker dropped Slipstream before grabbing his end.

Skybird ran over to Slipstream and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

"A little shaken, but I'll be fine," he replied as he grabbed his naginata.

Shadow Raker twirled as he grasped onto the Mini-con's nun-chucks. The pair were forced in the air before being thrown towards a far wall. Jetstorm hit the wall but Eclipse transformed before hitting him. She then flew towards the others at full-speed. The Insecticon simply allowed nun-chucks to fall off of him.

Skybird continued to work on Galaxia with Sliptream's help. The red Mini-con preferred to take a few moments away from the fight after what had just happened.

Jetstorm groaned as he stood up, he took a moment to get his balance then ran towards his nun-chucks but was stopped by Shadow Raker. The Decepticon pointed one of his blades at him so he stepped back.

Eclipse and Wildstreak gave each other a nod as the Torpedo transformed and allowed the Buzzsaw to climb on top of her. Eclipse flew over Shadow Raker and Wildstreak jumped off, landing on the Insecticon which made him drop his blade.

Jetstorm ran forward again and reclaimed his weapon, he then spun his nun-chucks as he ran back over to Drift. Wildstreak, Eclipse and Slipstream weren't that far behind.

"Now what, Drift?" Wildstreak asked as she grabbed her daggers. The guards had just returned the visitors' weapons.

Drift thought for a moment, he had waited for so long to finally have the chance to end Shadow Raker, but he never imagined that he would actually get the chance.

This whole time, he had thought that the best solution was running away, but he was wrong.

They had to attack...

They had to end this...

Slipstream and Jetstorm ran over to Cadet and grabbed Drift's swords. They then returned to him and bowed as they held them up in the air. Drift nodded before accepting them and putting them away.

He held out his arms. "Slipstream, Jetstorm, undeploy now."

The pair looked at each other before transforming and landing on the Decepticon's forearms.

He looked back at the others. "Wildstreak, Eclipse, get a pair of stasis cuffs." They nodded and ran towards the exit.

Drift saw that Skybird was still working on Galaxia, as much as he wanted the Mini-con to continue her work, he needed her for his plan.

"Skybird, obtain your bow and assist us," he said through the comm so that he didn't have to shout, that way Shadow Raker wouldn't hear him.

The Buzzsaw finished what she was doing then ran over to the group after recieving her bow and arrows. Wildstreak and Eclipse returned with a pair of stasis cuffs.

Shadow Raker stood up slowly, Wildstreak's last attack had damaged him a little.

Drift looked down at his arms. "Let us end this."

He undeployed Slipstream and Jetstorm and the pair flew towards their former mentor. They both succeeded in hitting him, Jetstorm in the chestplate and Slipstream in the faceplate, then they landed behind him with their weapons at servo.

Shadow Raker was knocked back. Eclipse transformed again and allowed Skybird to climb on top of her.

"Let's do this," she said to the Buzzsaw before taking off.

They flew over Shadow Raker as Skybird loaded her bow with a unique arrow. She then aimed at the Insecticon before releasing it. Causing smoke to fill the area. The pair landed next to Jetstorm and Slipstream as they aimed their weapons at the cloud of smoke.

Drift nodded to Wildstreak who ran into the smoke cloud. Shadow Raker looked lost as he moved his sword around randomly, hoping to hit something.

The Buzzsaw slid across the floor with her daggers out. As she slid under the Decepticon, she scratched his pedes cause him to scream out in pain before falling to the floor. Wildstreak stood up and ran out of the smoke cloud to the other Mini-cons.

The smoke soon cleared and Shadow Raker let out a sigh of relief. However, he was forced to gasp when he saw Drift pointing his blade at him.

"It's over, Shadow Raker," he told him as Eclipse walked over with the stasis cuffs.

"That's what you think," he said with a smirk. He quickly stood up before kicking Eclipse back, forcing her to drop the cuffs.

Both Decepticons grabbed their weapons before engaging in a full-on fight. Both launching attacks and both taking hits. Shadow Raker was slightly slower due to the injury that Wildstreak had caused, but that didn't seem like much of a disadvantage. However, Drift was able to soon overpower him.

After a few minutes, Shadow Raker was on the floor, out of breath and weaponless. Drift stood over him with a pede on his back. He nodded to the Mini-cons and they cheered, Drift didn't mind for a change.

Eclipse handed the cuffs to Jetstorm and Slipstream and the pair slowly walked over to him before placing the cuffs on his wrists.  They shared a high-five as they watched their former master lie on the surface in defeat.


Sorry this chapter took so long, the final battle had to be the best in this book so I found it a little harder to write.

On the bright side, there are only few chapters left to write and they will be a little shorter then they usually are.

Then I can finally finish this book after over a year of writing it!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Starburst out.

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