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Author's Note: Hey readers! Sorry it's been a little while since I uploaded a new chapter but I've been focused on two new characters who most Animated fans will know. The Jet Twins (As you can see on my profile collage). So I am planning on writing a fanfic about them in the future but I have no ideas so far. Anyway, I hope to be getting more chapters out over the bank holiday because I will have more time on my hands.

Okay, enough about me.

Starburst out.


Slipstream was paralyzed with fear. Knowing that not only himself, but also his friends, would be locked up in prison by their fellow mini-cons. They were surrounding him, intimidating him. The mini-cons had angry faceplates while holding anything they could find to use as a weapon. He stepped back, spark beating fast. Too frightened to speak.

Jetstorm couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't let his friend get captured. So no matter how hard Deadlock tried to stop him, Jetstorm ran out from the side of the building. But was beaten by a different mini-con.

"It's okay, everybot. This is just an actor for my newest play, he's playing the Decepticon. I had to temporarily replace his insignia to make it more convincing for the audience. Just keep walking."

The mini-cons looked away then left. Constant chatter flowing through the crowd. Either confused or satisfied with the excuse.

The figure turned around, revealing an aqua blue mini-con femme. She had a beautiful protoform with gold markings, her cranial case was also decorated with golden detailing and a centrepiece above her faceplate. She smiled compassionalty at the mini-con. Now Slipstream was really confused.

"Thank you...again. Why would you do that?" he asked.

"Hey, you may be a Decepticon, but you don't seem like a bad mech," she replied. "I'm Skybird."

"I am Slipstream," he replied.

"Well...Slipstream. I guess you're in a hurry for energon?" The mech nodded. "Seeing as we don't want that to repeat itself, I'll help you get the supplies," Skybird offered.

Slipstream's optics widened. "You would do that?"

"Sure, just promise me you won't start another city panic." All Slipstream could do was smile before leading her to his friends.

Deadlock and Jetstorm stood there with a thankful expression shared across both of their faceplates.

"This is Deadlock, and this is my partner and best friend, Jetstorm," Slipstream introduced. The black mini-con bowed to the femme. It was a way of showing respect.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. Now let's get that energon," she stated. "Follow me to the warehouse."

Deadlock didn't know what to make of this new mini-con. She was acting like she did want to help them, and she did just save Slipstream's chassis. But she seemed too good. She knew exactly how to handle the crowd, she knew how to get energon, and she was currently helping Decepticons. One thing that did appear very clear was that Slipstream was starting to like her, she probably felt the same way.

He didn't have time to think about that right now. He needed energon. Questions can come later.


They arrived at the warehouse and noticed that the door was locked. Much to Deadlock's surprise, the warehouse looked very well-built and decorated. Much different to the energon warehouses back on the dominant planet of Cybertron. Mostly due to the fact that the bots didn't have time to decorate their builds, they just needed them to stand up long enough.

Skybird tried the door but no luck. It was locked good. There was another servo-scanner at the entrance. So there was no way of them pulling the same charade as they did before.

"What now?" Skybird asked.

"We could break in," Slipstream replied.

Jetstorm looked as if he was about to freak out, but he had to remain quiet. "Break in? Break in!? We cannot break in! You will only add to our list of crimes."

"If we leave Cybertron then there will be no list of crimes," Slipstream assured his partner with an argument.

"True...fine! But I am not doing it," Jetstorm stated. Slipstream and Skybird chuckled.

"I'm sure your mentor could do it with his blades," Skybird suggested.

"Oh, Deadlock is not our mentor," Jetstorm started.

"And we would prefer not to see our current mentor at this point of time," Slipstream finished.

"I get it, no authority," Skybird nodded. "Anyway, knock this door down!"

Deadlock obeyed the young mini-con. He grabbed his blade and sliced the door clean off. Forcing it to let go and fall with a bang onto the cold, hard floor. They were lucky it was closed, or else the workers would have already found them.

Once again to Deadlock's surprise, there was a huge pile of energon sitting in the floor with no protection or security. It was more than enough to fix their ship and feed themselves.

"Is this enough?" Skybird asked.

All three of them nodded in response. Then Deadlock transformed and the mini-cons began to load the cubes into his boot. And before they could draw any attention to themselves, the mini-cons climbed on top allowing Deadlock to drive swiftly out.


They arrived back at the ship, Jetstorm and Deadlock began to carry the cubes onto the Starship.

"Thank you, Skybird. Your help has been invaluable," Slipstream bowed.

"Not a problem. I just wish you didn't have to go so soon," Skybird replied sadly.

"Me too. Luna 1 is such a magnificent place, the perfect place for Jetstorm and I to continue our lives peacefully. But if we stay, we will cause more panic," Slipstream explained with a frown.

"Well... Please call if you need help finding your peace. Or if you just want to talk," she giggled.

Slipstream nodded just before Skybird pulled him into a tight hug. The mech couldn't help but return the embrace. He hoped to see her again.

Slipstream turned around then exhaled, he couldn't believe that they were finally going to leave the galaxy. And get away from Shadow Raker.

He place his pedes on the surface of the ship. His partner was waiting for him at the entrance. Smirking once he realised his friend's liking for Skybird. 

Deadlock met them both there, smiling. He placed his servo out and tapped the exit button to close the hatch.

Suddenly, through the gap of the ascending door, a femme Autobot jumped out holding two blades. She was wearing a bounty hunter badge.

"I'm bringing you in, Decepticon!"

They were in trouble now...


Hope you enjoyed this new chapter. Seems like love is in the air :)
Anyway, I'm hoping to write a new book set in Transformers Animated about Jetfire and Jetstorm. But I don't have many ideas. So if you have any please feel free to let me know in the comments!

Starburst out.

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