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Shadow Raker had his arms folded and was waiting for them. He didn't seem impressed when his pupil arrived with the mini-cons.

"You are late," he scolded.

"Our apologies, Shadow Raker. Shall we go?" Deadlock asked. His mentor smiled and ordered the mini-cons to un-deploy on him. They seemed uncertain. Deadlock gave them a gentle nod which made them calm down and follow his order.

Deadlock was quite excited to finally escape. On the other hand, he had just promised the mini-cons that they would never return against their will again, but what if the plan fails? He would have let them down.


The heist crew arrived at the bank so they could steal the shanix without getting caught. Or at least that's the plan.

Deadlock didn't like this. He didn't like the idea of stealing. It made him wonder why he was a Decepticon. His mind was only focused on one thing...

The Starship.

But he had to wait for a distraction.

"Mini-cons, deactivate the security systems," Shadow ordered as he deployed the mini-cons.

They landed then bowed and ran straight to a keypad. He couldn't tell what they were doing but he was right about one thing, they would be useful on the heist.

After a few minutes, they were able to get the doors open and turn off the security systems. Now all Deadlock had to do was create some kind of distraction. But how?

Shadow Raker swiftly ran into the bank and ordered his shadows to scatter and grab anything valuable.
Deadlock decided to disobey the command and follow his mentor, in order for him to create the "distraction", he would need to do something that will definitely upset his Master.

They approached a safe which was full of shanix. They refected onto his optics and made him sure he was doing the right thing.

"I will search the safe, you stand guard," Shadow Raker ordered. Deadlock nodded then stood infront of the entrance.

As he walked in, Deadlock signalled to Jetstorm and Slipstream, telling them to come closer and get ready.

"Wow, there are enough shanix here to buy a whole new base, let alone fix the old one!"

Deadlock grabbed the door and pulled it towards him. He could hear his men to yell as Slipstream secured the lock then put his thumb up.

"Shadow Raker is very intelligent, he will find a way out," Jetstorm told him.

Deadlock listened then looked around. By the entrance he noticed a servo-scanner. It was usually used only by the workers and was used to secure the safes. But if someone else tried to scan their servo it would set off the alarm and send a message to the Police Force.

Shadow Raker is stuck in the safe, and they could easily grab the Starship without being caught. On the bright side, the authorities would come and apprehend his mentor, freeing them for a long time.

Set off the alarm.

Deadlock leaped forward and scanned his servo, he watched cautiously as the laser sketched his servo then glowed bright red.

"Access denied," it said. Then the whole building flashed on and off with red lights and started blaring out the noise of a siren. The mini-cons were forced to cover their audio receptors and crouch down. Deadlock could see it was too loud for them.

He peered out the door and saw around ten cars speeding towards the bank. He grabbed the mini-cons and ran out towards the Starship. The door opened then he jumped in.


They ran to the bridge and stared at the controls. Deadlock didn't have the slightest clue on how to pilot the ship.


He looked out of the front window and saw the police observing the ship. They had to leave.

"Do either of you know how to pilot the ship?!" Deadlock asked.

Slipstream ran straight to the console and pressed a button, a panel was removed then more buttons replaced it. He started pressing them in certain patterns then the ship's nose began to tilt upwards as they took off.

Deadlock couldn't believe it, they had just escaped from the Insecticon. The one that had tortured Jetstorm, mistreated Slipstream and put everything on their shoulders.

It felt like a miracle.

He felt a tap on his leg then looked down seeing it was Jetstorm. The mini-con smiled slightly then spoke. "Deadlock, I would just like to say thank you, for saving us, and keeping your promise."

Deadlock had just enough time to show the mini-con a smile before being interrupted by Slipstream.

"Deadlock, I have troubling news. I have checked our inventory and we are low on energon, also our security systems are not up-to-date."

"So we need to resupply and upgrade the ship's security, but Cybertron is not safe," Deadlock told them as he stared out the window.

Jetstorm thought for a moment then ran to the controls. He pressed a button and a holo-screen appeared showing a map. "There is a place we can go..."

"Where?" Deadlock and Slipstream asked in unison.

"Luna 1..."

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