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Drift was surprised. "I am not your Master," he told the mini-con.

Galaxia elbowed him with a smirk. "You act like one."

"What do you mean?" Drift asked as Jetstorm bowed again then walked over to his partner.

"You were the one who led these mini-cons away from Shadow Raker, you convinced me that you were good and you saved me, Slipstream and Jetstorm...well just me and Jetstorm from Fracture. You have what it takes to care for any mini-con. So why can't it be those two?"

Deadlock looked over at the mini-cons, he saw Jetstorm supporting Slipstream to a dormitory so that he could tend to his chestplate wound. Galaxia was right. He had led them through a lot, and Slipstream would have been in worse condition along with Jetstorm if they hadn't arrived in time.

"Perhaps you are correct." Drift smiled at her. Galaxia returned the smile then left the bridge to assist the mini-cons.

Between a master and mini-con relationship, the most important thing is trust. A master can easily ask the mini-cons to join them but they have to accept. That was the hard part.


Galaxia walked into the room with a bowl of water and some clothes. Jetstorm had a very worried faceplate while Slipstream laid down on a berth.

"Don't worry, Slipstream, all we need to do is clean up the energon then repair the wounds. Simple." She placed the bowl on the edge then began wiping the energon away. "Jetstorm, can you grab the tools from the sick bay?"

"Of course." Jetstorm bowed then ran out.

Galaxia finished cleaning then grabbed some bandages from the room's medical kit and wrapped his chest until Jetstorm returned.

"He should have been back by now. The sick bay is only down the hall," Slipstream told the Bounty Hunter.

"Jetstorm's never been there before. And by what I've heard, you two usually stay in a dormitory during the trips," Galaxia smiled as she placed the bowl on a shelf. "He'll be back in few minutes."

Suddenly, she received a call from Drift. He told her that there was a call coming in from an unknown bot.

"Wait for Jetstorm here then meet us on the bridge. This seems sketchy." Slipstream nodded allowing Galaxia to leave.


"I'm here, Drift." He pointed to the monitor. He was right. All that was seen on it was just a shadow. Only his voice was heard.

"Um... Hello," she said as she narrowed her optics.

"Greetings, Galaxia. I need you to pursu and capture Rage. Then deliver him to this address in Kaon City."

"Rage. But he's an easy capture, I know that because I've caught him before. Wait! I've already captured him before. Did he escape?" she asked.

"Yes, while he is terrible at avoiding the law, he is amazing at escaping. He has been captured many times. I will pay you two-thousand shanix for his delivery."

She turned around to face Drift. "That would be enough to modify the ship, and we could use the rest for energon and weapons." Galaxia turned back to the  monitor. "Will I be able to meet you? Because I can't leave a captured bounty unattended."

"Yes, yes. I know the rules. Capture the Decepticon and you will get your money."

"Hmm...Okay, I'm on it. Galaxia out."

Drift walked up behind her as Jetstorm walked in with Slipstream.

"Is this a good idea?" he asked.

"It feels like a scam. But we have to take the risk. That money will do us wonders and you can finally become an Autobot along with the mini-cons. Besides, I accept payment before handing over the bounty. So if he refuses to pay then I'll just hand Rage over to the law enforcements."

Drift nodded. "Jetstorm, pinpoint Rage's signal then set a course for it. Galaxia, repair Slipstream. Then begin training both mini-cons, we need their help on the battlefield."

"On it."

"We get to train?!" Jetstorm asked excitedly.

"Indeed, with your weapon of choice,"  Drift replied.

Slipstream picked up the naginata he found before. He had found his weapon of choice but Jetstorm hadn't.

"I have the naginata but what about Jetstorm? He did not find anything in the supply room," Slipstream asked as Galaxia helped him up.

"That is not entirely true." Jetstorm pulled out a pair of nun-chucks. "I picked them up before the explosion."

Drift walked over to the window.

"We are all equip for battle and after the repairs and training, we will be ready to capture Rage. And finally escape Cybertron for good..."

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