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The next day swiftly arrived as Deadlock sat at the table after training. Jetstorm had been absent but he managed to cover for the mini-con by explaining to his mentor that he asked Jetstorm to clean his room. Shadow Raker accepted it.

Slipstream came out holding two huge, glistening cubes of energon. He handed one to Deadlock and one to Shadow Raker, Deadlock knelt down to him and whispered into his audio receptor.

"Jetstorm is in my room if you wish to see him."

Slipstream nodded then ran off to find his friend. Those two were inseparable. Deadlock didn't think they would have made it this far with Shadow Raker if they didn't have each other. Deadlock wished for someone to rely on, Shadow Raker felt trustworthy at first but after last night, his opinion of his mentor had completely changed.

Shadow Raker noticed his pupil was distracted so he cleared his throat then gave Deadlock a compassionate smile. Deadlock found it really annoying as he was acting as if nothing was wrong, but that clearly wasn't the case.

"I have some good news, Deadlock. You will be joining us on tonight's heist. Your recent training has proved that you are ready for such a mission."

Deadlock smiled at his mentor. He didn't want this. He didn't want to torture bots just for their pocessions. It wasn't right. However, if he tried to protest then his master would punish him for insubordination. If only Deadlock had a choice.

This could be my chance...

Shadow Raker would be distracted by the heist, allowing Deadlock to collect Jetstorm and Slipstream then steal his starship. This was perfect.

"Are you in, Deadlock?"

He couldn't believe he said this.



Slipstream ran up to Deadlock's room and pounded on the numbered keypad that locked his door. Deadlock had shared the password with the mini-cons in case they needed him.


He heard a clicking sound from the door, it was the sound of it unlocking. Slipstream slowly pushed the door open then looked around. He hadn't been in Deadlock's room for a long time, he was only allowed in there for cleaning however Deadlock was determined to keep his room clean himself.

Slipstream saw the berth and saw his partner resting on it. He jumped up and gently shook Jetstorm awake. He yawned then looked at his friend. He looked very worried.

"Are you all right?" Slipstream asked immidiently.

"Yes, do not worry. Deadlock helped me."

Slipstream helped his friend off of the berth then handed him a cube of energon. Jetstorm gasped. Shadow Raker only allowed them to have one cube a day, to have one without their master knowing was a privilege in their optics. Jetstorm poured the energon into his mouth and savoured the cool, blue liquid as it flowed down his throat.

He remembered what Deadlock had asked him.

"If you could escape Shadow Raker, would you accept it?"

That was an obvious question. Of course Jetstorm would like to leave. He would do anything to leave Shadow Raker or even leave Cybertron if he could. Slipstream felt the same way. They couldn't be happy with Shadow Raker.

"I am under the impression that Deadlock wishes to leave Shadow Raker," Jetstorm said as he turned to face the other mini-con.

Slipstream gasped. Was it true?

"What gives you that impression?"

Jetstorm placed the empty cube down and stared out of the window, he looked at the night sky and noticed the stars. It was always like this on Cybertron, not that anyone was complaining.

"He asked me if I wanted to leave Shadow Raker, perhaps he has something planned."

"I hope so, I hate Shadow Raker."

Jetstorm chuckled, it had been a while since Slipstream had seen his friend laugh. It was a rare sight as they were working as slaves. Which was not the best job for a mini-con.

Jetstorm and Slipstream were captured by Decepticons when they were younger on Luna 1, Cybertron's moon. The Decepticons needed some shanix so they sold the mini-cons off to a stranger who was willing to pay lots. That stranger was Shadow Raker. He took the mini-cons in and gave them a cube of energon daily. In return, Slipstream and Jetstorm would perform tasks for him such as cleaning his weapons. Over time he began forcing them to do work and tortured them if he were to make a mistake. Besides, they were mini-cons, they weren't that important.

Suddenly, they felt a vibration in the ground, a small earthquake. Or more accurately, the firing of a huge gun. They rushed to the window and saw a bullet fly through the air, it rotated and started to fall down towards their base. Jetstorm gasped then grabbed Slipstream and pulled him as far away from the window as he could. They both forced their arms over their heads and waited for the impact.

There was a huge explosion.

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