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A/N: Before you begin reading this, please be aware that I do not have a lot of knowledge when it comes to court trials so please don't be mad if I get something wrong or miss something out. Now, enjoy the chapter!


Drift watched as the cell bars were deactivated and two officers walked in. He knew it was finally time for the trial, and for all he knew, today could be his last day awake if he was announced guilty.

The officers grabbed Drift by the arms and forced him to stand up. He didn't bother resisting because he knew it would only make things worse for him. They placed stasis cuffs on his servos before releasing him so that he could walk on his own.

"Let's go," one said before nudging him out of the cell. Drift narrowed his optics then began walking passed the other cells towards the hall.


The head of the Mini-con department deactivated the bars on Jetstorm and Slipstream's cell. They both looked at each other, they knew the day had finally come.

"Time for the trial," she said before stepping aside. Two officers walked in and cuffed the Mini-cons, then they told them to transform into their buzzsaw modes. They were wearing special cuffs that wouldn't interfere with their transformations.

The looked at each other one more time before transforming and being caught by the officers, who began to walk out holding them.

"Good luck, you two," she said quietly before returning to her work.


Drift noticed one of the cells, Shadow Raker was also being cuffed. The Decepticon always knew that their trial days would be the same day, but he still couldn't help but shiver.

Two his right, two other officers appeared holding a pair of buzzsaw Mini-cons. Drift glares slightly when he noticed that the colour schemes were identical to that of Slipstream and Jetstorm. Seeing them get carried around made him remember what being with Shadow Raker was like, treating the pair like objects. It was truly horrible.

He looked ahead and saw the hall, it would only be a matter of seconds until he and his Mini-cons were standing trial for their charges. The Decepticon stared at the entrance, unable to see Galaxia, Skybird or Wildstreak. He sighed quietly, he knew they weren't going to make it.

All of a sudden, he saw three protoforms being directed to the front bench, one Autobot and two femme Buzzsaw Mini-cons. He knew it was them.

They really did come.

Drift walked along the aisle and stood behind a desk. He wasn't allowed his cuffs removed which was no help. He saw the officers placing Jetstorm and Slipstream down then ordering them to transform, the two did so then looked around. They were both afraid, and Drift could understand why.

The jury took their seats as a blue bot walked over to Drift, he immediately looked at the notes on the desk then nodded to Drift.

"Hello, Deadlock, my name is Groundcycle, and I will be your lawyer," he announced to him. "And I truly believe that if we play this right, you will get to leave today. I have already met your witnesses and they have really good things to say about you and your Mini-cons."

Drift smiled, he knew that they wouldn't let him down.

An officer walked in front of the main desk as the audience stared at him. It was time for the trial to begin.

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