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There he was. The one Decepticon they hoped to never see again. The one that they hoped had dissapeared forever.

Shadow Raker.

"What? But, how did you know our location? How did you know about Galaxia?" Drift questioned as he stepped infront of his Mini-cons, who held their weapons out as their servos shook in fear.

The Decepticon stared at Skybird, who gulped. "I had a little help from a certain Mini-con."

The whole team glared at her, she stumbled back as Wildstreak stepped away from her. "How could you?" she asked.

"I don't know what he's talking about!" she panicked then looked to Slipstream, who could only lower his helm in shame.

Shadow Raker knelt down to Skybird and stroked her helm, that caused her to quickly back away.

"You don't need to blame her," he began with a smirk. "I hacked her computers and comm unit. I saw her research and heard your conversations, while she had no idea."

Drift looked at Jetstorm,

"Does the Master's capture seem... too easy?"

A few weeks ago the Mini-con had his suspicions, yet Drift assured him that they were safe, and now he had lead them into the clutches of Shadow Raker. He had broken his promise.

"Perhaps the capture was simple and easy, however Shadow Raker will not touch you, because as soon as we reach Luna 1, we will resupply and go as far away from Cybertron as possible. I promised he would never take you, and I intend to keep it."

He turned his attention back to the Decepticon, then to Skybird who was deep in thought, until she began to explain. "I noticed there was something wrong with my computers but I thought it was just a weak signal," she looked at Shadow Raker with anger, "but it was really you! You were viewing all of my files, accessing all of my comlink frequencies, tracking the Starship as I did!"

"Yes, and I also heard about your little encounter with Fracture and his Mini-cons," the Decepticon chuckled.

Galaxia forced Rage to the floor and pointed a blade to Shadow Raker's neck. "Don't play dumb. You hired them and sent them the ship's coordinates. I know that because I was also hired."

Shadow Raker used his digit to move the blade away from his neck. "But I'm not the only one who's playing dumb. Am I, Galaxia?" he asked with another smirk.

Now the team were all focused on Galaxia, who was also clueless, until she remembered what happened with Fracture...

"So Galaxia, excited to bring in these bounties?"

"Huh? O-oh! Yeah, yeah. Can't wait."

"You know. This mission is the best one yet, because we're doing this together."

"Yeah, so much fun. Would have been boring otherwise." She gasped. "What are you doing?!"

"Don't be scared, Galax, I just want you to know something."

"I love a femme like you."

Her optics widened as she remembered what happened with Fracture, and she still hadn't told the others. But how did Shadow Raker know? She and Fracture were the only ones there, and they weren't in contact with anyone so he couldn't have tracked her comm.

Drift caught her attention with a glare. "What is he talking about?"

Even the Mini-cons were concerned.

Galaxia took a deep breath in, hoping it didn't have to come to this. She noticed her Mini-cons, Skybird and Wildstreak, they peered out from behind Drift to face their deployer. She could see the fear in Skybird's optics and the anger in Wildsteak's. Jetstorm and Slipstream also stood at her pedes in confusion.

"I... I was kissed by Fracture." They all gasped except Shadow Raker. "He said he loved me, and I couldn't stop him. That's why I joined him, I was trying to protect my status as a Bounty Hunter."

Now Drift was really mad. "You risked our lives to protect your status?!" he yelled as he grabbed his blade and slowly pulled it out from his belt. "Slipstream was almost killed!" The red Mini-con backed away behind Jetstorm.

Galaxia kept a firm hold on her own blade, deciding whether to keep it on Shadow Raker or point it towards Drift. But if she did that it would make her look even more guilty. "I was the one who saved you! I redirected the ship away from Cybertron and held off Fracture until you arrived!" She lowered her blade and was close to pointing it towards Drift. "I didn't want him to do that. I mean, he had to hold me against a wall in order to do it, and I fought him immidiently after."

Shadow Raker chuckled as he watched them argue. Skybird stood infront of her deployer and faced Drift. "Drift, if she hadn't of joined Fracture, then you would have all been in cells, and right now you would be in clutches of Shadow..." she stopped and looked behind her, "...Raker."

"She has a point," Slipstream told his master.

Drift lowered his blade and slid it back into it's holder on his belt. Yes, he was still mad, but they had bigger problems. Galaxia, on the other hand, wasn't so cool, she grabbed Rage's cuffs and threw him at Shadow Raker. Then stepped infront of her Mini-cons. "You have Rage, now pay up!"

"And what about Deadlock and my Mini-cons?" he asked.

She looked at them, Drift still looked mad but Jetstorm and Slipstream only stared at her. The Autobot could see the worry in their optics, she knew that they didn't want to go back to their old mentor. And a few weeks ago Galaxia promised them that Shadow Raker wouldn't get his bounty.
"They aren't part of the deal, you only ordered Rage for this reward, the Decepticons are separate," she glared. The Mini-cons smiled at each other.

"As you wish," he presented her with a container, which he then opened to prove that there were shanix inside. Galaxia swiftly accepted the money then held out her arms, Drift did the same thing and the Mini-cons undeployed onto their masters, they then transformed and drove back down the hallway. Shadow Raker grabbed his blade, "If you wanted a fight then why didn't you say so?" he asked with a smirk before running after the bots.

Galaxia and Drift quickly drove through the contaminated room then outside. The two transformed and watched as Shadow Raker approached them. He then stopped and gasped before running back the other way, this really confused the team. Suddenly, they heard something clicking.

"You're under arrest!"

The team turned around and were greeted by cops with blasters pointing at them. One of them cuffed Drift while another approached Galaxia after seeing her Autobot symbol.

"It's alright miss, we'll take it from here," he told her before escorting Drift onto their ship. Galaxia tried to say something, but she couldn't. If she did, she would also be arrested and loose her status, her Mini-cons and her friends. To her this was a big mistake.

"Thank you, I'm glad you got here in time," she replied before remembering Shadow Raker. "But you haven't got them all, there are still two Decepticons in there, Shadow Raker and Rage, Shadow Raker tried to knock me and my Mini-cons out with dark energon, and he enjoys torturing his Mini-cons."

"Thank you miss. We'll investigate immidiently," the cop replied then ran into the building with his blaster.

Galaxia looked at their prison ship one more time before driving back to theirs.


Once on the ship, she deployed Skybird and Wildstreak, they both looked at her in anger.

"You just left them there?!" Wildstreak asked angrily.

Galaxia grabbed the controls. "We can't help them now, but we will come back for them."

A/N: As you may or may not know, I'm only writing this book at the moment because "Up In The World" is on hold as it needs some major editing, "Lost Sparks" is finished and I don't have any requests in "One-Shot Requests". I'm not sure whether to write a TFP book cause I love that show, write a sequel to "Lost Sparks" or commence with the editing of "Up In The World".

What do you prefer?

I may choose to do two of these options.

Starburst out.

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