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Galaxia knew how Fracture was feeling, so she backed up. Deadlock had his servos on the bars with an angry faceplate, also knowing how Fracture was feeling. All four mini-cons looked surprised. Asking questions to each other, even though they were on opposite sides.

Fracture grabbed Galaxia's arm. "Airazor, Divebomb, collect all of the energon from this sector and bring it to the bridge. Me and my partner have other business to attend to."

The mini-cons nodded then went in different directions. Deadlock tried to break the bars down, but they were too strong.

The three prisoners were alone now, Fractre had left with Galaxia and the mini-cons were busy. No one was left to watch them.

"How could she do that?" Jetstorm asked.

"Fracture has twisted her mind," Deadlock replied.

"What are we going to do? We are on our way to Cybertron, we have no energon, and we are going to be turned in!" Slipstream panicked.

"We will find a way out before we arrive, then we cannot be turned in. And as for the energon, that is not entirely true," Deadlock replied.

Both mini-cons looked confused, then they gasped when they saw what Deadlock had stolen from the supply room. He pulled out two cubes, both very small.

"Take one each, and do not waste them. This is all we have in our disposal," Deadlock informed them as he handed them the cubes.

They both slowly poured some of the energon into their mouths. It felt good to be able to function properly again. Energon was crucial for a cybertronian's survival.

They placed the cubes down then focused on the bars. Now feeling recharged, they both observed the bars and noticed an off switch on the far wall.

"We could use Deadlock's sword to push the button!" Slipstream yelled.

Deadlock nodded then grabbed his sword. He slowly pushed his blade through but stopped when his servo reached the bars. They weren't small enough to fit through.

"Let me try." Slipstream was handed the blade, but Jetstorm stopped him.

"No me. I am smaller. I can reach further through the bars." Jetstorm took the blade from Slipstream and lifted the sword through the bars. He was just below the button.

"I am not tall enough!"

"Let me help you." Slipstream knelt down and so that Jetstorm could climb onto his shoulders. He lifted him up so that he could reach the botton, he pressed it and the bars dissapeared as quick as lightning bolts.

They ran out and looked around. They didn't know whether to get off the ship or try to take control of it again.

But an ally had turned...

They were on their way to prison...

With Fracture...


The Starship was getting closer to Cybertron every second. Both Deadlock and the mini-cons were growing more frightened of what would happen. But that couldn't compare to how Galaxia was feeling, she had just upset her friends and was about to hand them over to someone they really didn't want to see again.

On the other hand, Fracture was feeling pretty good about himself, not to mention the crush he had suddenly developed for Galaxia after what she said to the Decepticons. He wanted her more than anything.

They were both on the bridge watching as Cybertron grew bigger in their optics. Fracture's mini-cons were patrolling the ship.

"So Galaxia, excited to bring in these bounties?" Fracture asked hoping to spark up a conversation.

Galaxia looked at him uneasily, she didn't feel comfortable talking to him. But she couldn't retrace her steps and take back what she had said. She couldn't reject the deal she had earlier agreed to. She couldn't return to the time she was about to stab Fracture in the back...literally.

Her lips trembled before opening. She stuttered as she spoke. "Huh? O-oh! Yeah, yeah. Can't wait."

"You know. This mission is the best one yet, because we're doing this together," Fracture stated as he leaned in towards her.

"Yeah, so much fun. Would have been boring otherwise." She mentally slapped herself in the face. Why would I say that? Now I'll never get him off of me!

Suddenly, Fracture grabbed her and forced her against a wall. Galaxia was both shocked and scared.

"What are you doing?!"

"Don't be scared, Galax, I just want you to know something." She glared at him, but he didn't care. Instead he kissed her. It didn't feel right. But due to her position, she couldn't do anything in return. She couldn't move and she couldn't fight back.

"I love a femme like you."

"Okay, first, last time I checked my name wasn't Galax, and second, I'm taken."

Fracture's smile turned to anger. "By who?"

"By someone who deserves an apology from both of us." She felt more confident in that line. Fracture pulled her away from the wall then shoved her to the ground. Holding a blade to her neck.

"I can't believe you like that Decepticon over a bounty hunter!"

"Then what's that on your chestplate?" Fracture stared down and noticed his Decepticon logo, giving Galaxia enough time to push him away and stand up straight. Holding her blades infront of her, ready to fight.

"I can't believe you like an Autobot femme over a Decepticon," Galaxia smirked. Fracture grabbed his blades and ran straight at her. She used her's to block the attack then counter, using a kick to knock him back and gain distance.

"First rule of being a bounty hunter." She grabbed the controls. "Trust your instincts!" She twisted the yoke (Starship steering wheel) with her servos just before the ship rotated. Fracture fell to the side and hit the window. Galaxia did the same but saved herself by keeping a firm hold on the yoke.

The ship was now heading in the opposite direction of Cybertron...

Fracture stood up and leaped onto Galaxia, the Autobot was too late to counter as Fracture had placed her in the first position she was in when they first met. Her on the floor in cuffs. 

The Decepticon looked to the controls and pushed a button. A screen was projected on the window which showed the empty cell. Galaxia smirked.

"Better work on you're capturing skills."

He pounded the speaker. "AIRAZOR! DIVEBOMB! THE PRISONERS HAVE ESCAPED! FIND THEM AND DELIVER THEM TO THE BRIDGE IMMIDIENTLY!" He ran over to the hatch and opened it. "You won't be giving me lessons after I rip the sparks out of Deadlock, Slipstream and Jetstorm."

He had used their names instead of calling them 'bounties'. This was serious.

"But what about our deal? And what about our client?" Galaxia asked worryingly.

"Deal's off! And if you listened to the transmission properly, then you would have heard that they would be accepted dead if necessary." Fracture dashed out.

It was true. But their client had requested them alive unless impossible.

She had to make it possible...

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