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The trio reached the surface as darkness blinded them. Forbidding them from seeing their left from their right. Like a snake trying to wrap them in its scales of shadows.

Suddenly, they heard a creaking in the floorboards, causing the Mini-cons to hide behind their Master. Galaxia grabbed her blades and stood in stance as they ventured deeper into the basement.

"Skybird, are you sure the energon is here?" she asked her.

"I'm sure, but it's not usually this dark," the Mini-con replied as she peered out from behind Galaxia.

"Who needs lights when you can see in the dark?"

The three jumped when they heard a voice. It sounded like a femme, and she wasn't far away.

"Who's there?!" The Bounty Hunter yelled as she tightened her grip on the blades.

No one replied, causing them more fear. Skybird held out her tablet and scanned the area for energon. Once the scan was completed, she disappeared into the shadows.

"Skybird?" Wildstreak called out as she tried to find her friend. However, she couldn't see in the dark as the voice claimed.


As Cadet passed the cells, he saw the different prisoners trying to get out. Most of them were Decepticons but a few were Autobot traitors. That's why most Autobots were being arrested at this time.

He remembered his moment with Drift a few minutes ago. Usually, he felt uncomfortable talking to prisoners, but there was something different about that Decepticon. Like he wasn't where he was meant to be.

He reached the cell at the end which was being heavily guarded by two fellow Autobots. Cadet stood in front of them and watched as they stepped to the side and one of them deactivated the lasers. The Autobot looked at them before entering the cell.

Inside was the one he wanted to avoid. The one who had wronged Drift and his Mini-cons. The one who had already been here before and successfully escaped.

Shadow Raker.

The Insecticon looked at the cadet with a smirk. This made him feel extremely nervous.

"Ahh, so your the one who's going to take care of me," Shadow Raker spoke. "Cadet, is it?"

He trembled slightly before clearing his throat. "Yes, but I'm just here to check up on you, and let you know that your trial is in a few days. Now in the meantime, we need to--"

Shadow Raker completely ignored what Cadet was saying, he stood up and began circling him, acting as if he was inspecting him. "So you're the one the boss told me about. The inexperienced cadet that usually works with the more...harmless inmates."

"Well that's not entirely--"

"So tell me, Cadet, why were you sent to care for me?"

The Autobot had had enough. He couldn't take it anymore. But if he lost his cool, he would also lose his job.

"You know what? I think we're done here," he told the Insecticon as he placed a cube of energon onto the surface. Then walked out.

"Yes... We are," He smirked as he watched the cell bars reactivate. Cadet could here him chuckled menacingly as he left.


Skybird didn't even notice that the others hadn't followed her. She was just focused on finding the energon.

A few metres ahead of her, there was a small blue glow coming from the cubes. She had found the energon.

Cautiously, the blue Mini-con walked over to the cubes and began inspecting them. They were in great shape and had good quality. Just what they needed to refuel and power their Starship.

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