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"Cybertron is in sight!" Galaxia yelled as she stared at the window. After everything they had done, the big blue planet was finally in sight, and they could finally go and help Drift in the trial.

Her moment of fantasy was interupted by a battle cry, the Autobot turned around and ducked as an arrow was launched at her. She looked at her Mini-con with a raised optic ridge.

Skybird lowered her bow. "Sorry, Galaxia, I was aiming for Wildstreak."

Galaxia sighed then knelt down to the Mini-cons height. "It's okay, Skybird, it was just an accident."

"I don't know what's wrong with me, no matter how much I practice, I just can't seem to hit my target."

"There's nothing wrong with you, you're just too worried about missing, causing your servos to shake and your optics to divert. You just need to calm down, take a deep breath, and focus on the thing you're trying to hit, then you won't miss."

Skybird looked down at her bow with a confused faceplate. Was she right? Galaxia was better with a sword than a bow, but she knew she had to trust her deployer.

"Thank you, Galaxia, I'll do that," she said with a warm smile.

The Bounty Hunter watched as Skybird ran after her partner, it reminded her of how Jetstorm and Slipstream used to be, kind, playful and determined.

All of a sudden, the monitor appeared behind her with an Autobot on it. Galaxia turned around and looked at him, she had no idea who he was, but he was a cop so it had to be about Drift.

"Bounty Hunter Galaxia, the trial will begin in twelve hours and we have had no word from you, what is your status?"

Galaxia mentally rolled her optics. "On our way officer, we just had make a quick stop but we should be there in a few hours. Can you give me any news on Deadlock?"

"All I can say is that the police are working as hard as they can to get him through the trial, but I can't guarantee that he will be innocent."

She wasn't so thrilled to hear that, but what was she expecting? "Thank you."

"Some of my fellow officers will be at your landing site to escort you to the hall, and you must hand over all of your weapons to prevent attack, understood?"

"Understood. Galaxia out." She pressed a button and watched as the screen dissapeared back into it's projector. This was wonderful, Galaxia had been working so hard to train her Mini-cons but now they weren't allowed to bring their weapons. This had to be a new rule.

The Autobot reached for her comm. "Galaxia to Skybird and Wildstreak, prepare for landing."

It was finally time to go to the trial.


They landed their ship without an issue, and they saw the police waiting for them, just as the officer had told her. The three stood by the entrance and stared at the button, they had no idea if they were ready or not to face this trial. If they won, Drift and his Mini-cons would be free to leave and they could continue their lives. But if they lost, then they would be placed on the Alchemor forever.

Galaxia looked at Wildstreak, who was closest to the button. The Mini-con was also hesitant, but a nod from her deployer made her realise that they had to do this, so she pushed the button then rushed to join the others.

The hatch slowly began to open to reveal the officers. There were only four, probably just to cover all angles. As soon as the hatch was wide enough, Galaxia lead her Mini-cons through the gap.

One of the officers approached them. "Bounty Hunter Galaxia, please follow us to the hall."

Galaxia nodded. "Of course." She held out her arms for Skybird and Wildstreak, the pair undeployed onto her before she transformed into a muscle car and slowly followed the cops. They were taking all precautions.

It felt wierd being protected. As a Bounty Hunter, Galaxia was usually the one protecting others, like her Mini-cons. But she knew that the police had a job to do and she couldn't stand in the way, so she just decided to go along with it.

Galaxia couldn't believe it. They were finally on Cybertron, they could finally get to the trial and they could finally save their friends. It had been just over a week since they left them, but it felt like a year. It made her remember what she had told her Mini-cons the day the others were arrested.

"We can't help them now, but we will come back for them."

And now they have.

Sorry it's slightly shorter than other chapters, but I don't want to rush into anything.

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