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Now that Skybird and Wildstreak had joined the team, they were ready to deliver the bounty to the mysterious client who Galaxia still didn't trust. But the shanix was important for fixing the ship, so they had to go through with it.

Skybird was in her new quarters the Mini-cons had prepared for her and Wildstreak. She was leaning against the window with her arms crossed looked over Luna 1, which was slowly getting smaller.

Slipstream was walking by when she saw her in that position, so he walked into her quarters and stared out of the window with her.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked.

Skybird continued to stare at Luna 1, but her faceplate showed a more serious expression than before. "Well, my home has just been invaded, my friends and family are still there and the Decepticons are after us, so yeah, everything's perfect."

Slipstream rolled his optics. "I know this is hard, but you aren't the only one going through this."

Annoyed, Skybird turned around to face him. "Let me guess, you? Yeah, you've never lived on Luna 1, you had the luxury of living on Cybertron. You got protection and energon from a bigger bot. And you weren't forced to leave your home!" she yelled angrily.

"And you think I liked that?! I was lucky to get away!" he replied. Skybird folded her arms while Slipstream took a deep breath. "Listen, a few weeks ago, when I told you that I didn't want to see my mentor ever again, I ment it." She looked confused. "Every morning, we were forced awake and had to supply energon for our Master and if we didn't, he would torture us. Well, more Jetstorm than me." She lowered her arms. "I would constantly see him walk into our room covered in scratches, dents and cuts, his faceplate covered in tears because of what had happened. I hated it, and the day we escaped was the best day of my life."

She frowned. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know that."

Slipstream wiped a tear from his optic. "It's okay."

Skybird ran over to him and hugged him tight. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

Just then, they were interrupted by Jetstorm and Wildstreak. The pair were dazzled by what they were seeing.

"I hope we didn't interrupt anything," Wildstreak smiled as Jetstorm chuckled.

The two immidiently let go of each other, smiling awkwardly. Causing the other two Mini-cons to burst out laughing. Skybird folded her arms. "So whats there to say about you two? Travelling together across the ship."

Wildstreak placed her servos on her hips then approached her friend.

"Nothing, Galaxia sent me to get you, Birdie, and Jetstorm was on his way to get Slipstream so we ran into each other on the way," she smirked.

The blue Mini-con allowed her arms to drop. "Oh."

Wildstreak giggled. "Come on."

She waved goodbye to Slipstream before following her friend out of the room.

"So you said Drift wanted to see us?" Slipstream asked his partner.

"Yeah, it's about deploying," Jetstorm told him, "He thinks it's time we try it."

Slipstream was lost for words, yet he had some things to say. "But... But...he said he wasn't a Master."

"I know, but...we are his Mini-cons," Jetstorm replied with a smile.


Wildstreak was leading Skybird to Galaxia's quarters where the Bounty Hunter had asked them to meet. Both of the Mini-cons had no idea why but Skybird didn't know that Wildstreak was clueless.

"So why are we meeting Galaxia?" Skybird asked.

"I don't know."

"Are we getting trained?"

"I don't know."

"Are we going back?"

"I don't know."

"Are we getting weapons?"

Wildstreak grabbed her arms and pinned her to a wall. "I don't know!" Skybird giggled before her friend joined in and released her.


The two reached her quarters and were invited in by Galaxia.

"Welcome, come in," she told them.

They entered her quarters which were laid with weapons and targets along with a medical kit and stasis-cuffs. Her berth was by the window on the far end of the room followed by shelves of fiction and non-fiction books, probably about being a Bounty Hunter.

The Mini-cons jumped onto her berth so that they could feel a little taller. The pink Autobot chuckled and sat beside them.

"Why are we here, Galaxia?" Skybird asked.

"Please tell us." Wildstreak folded her arms, "It's killing her."

Skybird rolled her optics. Galaxia giggled before speaking. "I want to talk to you about...deploying."

"Deploying?" both ask at once.

"Yep. We stand a better chance on Cybertron if we can perform attacks that require deploying Mini-cons. So I was wondering if you wanted to give it a shot."

Skybird and Wildstreak shared a confused faceplate as they turned to face each other.

Wildstreak was the first to say something. "So you want partner with you?" The Autobot nodded. "Well I'm in! Birdie?"

Skybird looked between Galaxia and Wildstreak, both with excited faceplates which drove Skybird to make her decision.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Wonderful! Now, let's begin." Galaxia stood up in a catching position. "In order for you to undeploy onto me, we need to trust each other. So I want you to transform and lanch yourselves off of my berth towards me, and I will catch you."

"You go first, Birdie," Wildstreak smiled as she pointed towards Galaxia.

She gulped, then stood in a stance. She gazed behind her before launching herself off of the wall and transformed. The blue and gold Mini-con glided towards Galaxia and waited for the Bot to catch her.

The Bounty Hunter held out her arms again just a Skybird transformed back into Mini-con mode and landed in her arms. Much to her relief.

"Okay, Wildstreak, your turn."

Wildstreak launched herself the same way Skybird did but in a different direction which Galaxia wasn't prepared for. This ment that she couldn't catch her.

The Mini-con flew right past her and shot through a cupboard door. Skybird and Galaxia gasped before running over to the broken door and opening it, seeing her on top of a few boxes with her optics closed.

"Are you okay?" Skybird asked.

Luckily, Wildstreak opened her optics and smirked at the pair. Surprising them.

"You kidding? That was awesome!"

"But I missed. You can't trust me now," Galaxia sighed.

"Seriously? If you had caught me, I would have called you an enermy. But now, I'm in your debt." She winked.

"Ready to try undeploying?" Galaxia asked.

Skybird and Wildstreak nodded then ran up to Galaxia's arms and transformed, securing themselves firmly on her forearms.


Suddenly, there was a knock at her door. She opened it and Drift was there, with Slipstream and Jetstorm on his arms.

"I guess we're both deployers now," Galaxia chuckled.

"I guess so," Drift smiled in return.

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