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Amused, Galaxia couldn't help but laugh at Rage who kept punching the walls of his cell. Skybird and Jetstorm were working on the controls to the cells, something had caused them to glitch which allowed Rage to try and escape every time they dissapeared. But they always appeared again before he reached his destination. That only made the Bounty Hunter laugh harder.

"I can't believe you know so much about this technology," Skybird smiled as she wiped some energon off of her head.

"Well, being a slave to Shadow Rakor can be beneficial. In some ways..." the black Mini-con replied. "And you?"

"Standard training on Luna 1. All of us are supposed to take classes once we reach a certain age. It's not the law, but it's still important to us."

Jetstorm sighed. "Another thing I missed after being kidnapped at the age of a sparkling."

Skybird gasped in regret due to making the Mini-con feel like that. So she closed the hatch to the control panel then walked over to Jetstorm. "Don't worry, your one of us now, and there's more to being a Mini-con than the training. Just ask Wildstreak."


"She refused to take the training, and dedicated her life to sports. She believes in the alien phrase, 'Actions speak louder than words'. So she became a professional Cube player instead."


Skybird shook her head. "You have a lot to learn."


Slipstream, Wildstreak and Drift were on the bridge as they were preparing to land in one of Cybertron's major cities.


"Ready to land?" Slipstream asked.

"Yes, bring us down, Slipstream, and activate the cloak." Drift ordered. "I'll tell the others to meet us at the exit with the bounty."

Slipstream nodded then began the landing procedure. Wildstreak just watched as the red Mini-con activated the cloak before setting the Starship down in Kaon.

Wildstreak was filled with excitement. "Come on! Last one there's a rusty old Decepticon!" The Mini-con began running however Slipstream didn't move.


Confused, Wildstreak turned back around to see Slipstream with his arms folded before he pointed to the Decepticon symbol on his chestplate.

"Oops. Sorry."

The red Mini-con just rolled his eyes before they both ran towards the exit.


The team left the Starship with Rage in cuffs and the Mini-cons undeployed to their masters. They needed to be ready for anything.

The building stood tall infront of the three bots but it also looked abandoned. Galaxia checked the coordinates and they did match so they had to go in.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Drift commented before continuing on.

"You and me both," Galaxia added as she continued to drag Rage.

With the door directly ahead of them. The two decided to go over their plan of attack.

"Remember, we sneak in, meet this client, trade Rage for the shanix then get out. If anything goes wrong we protect Rage at all costs so that he can be handed over to the authorities," Drift told his friend.

"Drift, trust me, I have done this loads of times, just follow my lead and things will work in our favour."

The Decepticon nodded before following Galaxia inside.


The room was pitch black, nothing to be seen, except a single black screen that appeared to be glitching. Drift was worried, things seemed sketchy.

Galaxia stood in the centre. "I have brought you Rage, just like you ordered so just show yourself and we can collect our shanix and go."

Suddenly, a spotlight appeared over a chest, along with a tube. Then the screen stopped glitching to reveal the shady client.

"Ahh, Galaxia. I admired your work. The shanix you seek are waiting for you in the chest, just place the Decepticon in that tube and take all the shanix you want."

Galaxia was slightly mad. "This isn't how it works, meet me here or else I will leave with Rage."

The client began speaking again, but the reply they got was not what they were expecting.

"Ahh, Galaxia. I admired your work. The shanix you seek are waiting for you in the chest, just place the Decepticon in that tube and take all the shanix you want."

"It's a recorded message," Drift pointed out.

They both looked at each other and nodded.

"Jetstorm, Slipstream, with me." Drift launched his two Mini-cons into the air for them to land in stance.

"Skybird, Wildstreak, with me." Galaxia did the same thing with her two Mini-cons.

"I don't get it. Where's that client you told us about?" Skybird asked.

"He won't be meeting us," Drift replied.

"But we still need the shanix," Galaxia told them. "Let's check out the chest. If the shanix are in there, we'll place Rage in the tube. If not, we'll take him with us and report this place to the police."

Drift pointed to the chest. Slipstream and Jetstorm saw it then ran over to it. They felt the wood of the chest and placed their thumbs up, showing that there were no traps.

"Outside's secure, but now for the inside..." Jetstorm looked towards Slipstream who had his servos under the lid.

Together, they lifted the lid open then immidiently began coughing as they fell on the floor. At the same time, the doors were slammed shut and purple mist began leaving the chest and filling the room. Skybird and Wildstreak were quick to pull the two away from it.

"What is it?" Slipstream asked as he stood up.

"It's the vapors of dark energon. It was used to drive both Autobots and Decepticons out of their homes before it killed them." Galaxia explained.

"We have to leave. Now!" Drift yelled before pointing to the closed door.

Wildstreak tried to push it open, but it wouldn't budge. "It's no good. We're trapped...

...and doomed."

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