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This was it, only twenty-four hours left until the trial. The police had gathered all of the information needed and the witnesses. Galaxia, Skybird and Wildstreak have been requested as witnesses but if they don't get there in time, random civilians will take their places and will no doubt want Drift in stasis.

Suddenly, he saw the cell bars dissapear as a few inmates walked past, he noticed that they were moving too slow for a prison break, so they were probably being released into the courtyard for a bit. But it was Drift's first time, so he didn't know what to expect.

The Decepticon didn't know whether to hide in his cell or follow the other inmates, neither would get him out of trouble, but the first one seemed less likely to hurt. However, the second option was more likely to lead him to someone he could talk to, so he took a deep breath, then followed the inmates outside.


The two Mini-cons were still in their cell, scared of what was going to happen. They knew it was almost time for the trial and there had been no word from Galaxia and the others.

Slipstream stared at the clock, he heard it tick as the hands slowly moved from line to line, as each second went by. He wanted to call it a doomsday clock, because he knew his life would be ruined after tomorrow. The red Mini-con hoped that Skybird and her partner would come to help but he was starting to feel alone, knowing they wouldn't come.

Jetstorm sat on the surface and stared at the ground in fear, he wanted to see Drift, he wanted to run outside and feel the warmth of the sunlight, he just wanted to feel less like a prisoner and more like his old self.

He reflected on everything that had happened over the past few weeks, when they escaped Shadow Raker and met Skybird and Galaxia on Luna 1, then when Fracture attacked and held the three prison and manipulated Galaxia, that was a hard time but they got through it. He just wanted to return to that life, because he was finally allowed to be himself and was able to choose his deployer. Jetstorm chose Drift, and he was happy with his choice.

Without warning, the cell bars dissapeared as Cadet walked over and knelt down by them. He seemed happy to see them, but the Mini-cons didn't share his expression.

"What is the meaning of this?" Slipstream asked as he clenched his fists.

"All of the prisoners are being released into the courtyard, from both the Mini-con and the Decepticon department for an hour. So that means..." Cadet smiled as he gave the pair a chance to finish his sentence.

Fortunately, Jetstorm did. "We may get see Master Drift."

Slipstream's optics widened as he turned around to face his partner, who was smiling for the first time in a while.

"Correct, this is the one chance you have before the trial to meet with your deployer, so I wouldn't miss it if I were you." The Autobot stood up and moved to the side, allowing a clear path to the door.

Jetstorm stood up and walked over to Slipstream, he was frozen still. He nodded to Cadet as he placed a servo on his partner's shoulder.

"Let's go see our Master."

Slipstream nodded to his friend before they both began walking towards the door. They had no idea how Drift was going to react, would he be happy to see them, or worried or upset? They didn't know, but they wanted to find out. They needed to find out.


For once, Cybertron was bright, blinding even. The prisoners were all calm as they spoke to their friends and exercised. Drift saw both Decepticons and Mini-cons, but no sign of his own. Perhaps his students were too afraid to come out, it was their first time.

At that moment, Slipstream and Jetstorm walked out with their servos covering their optics, it had been a while since they saw daylight. They blinked then looked for Drift, but he wasn't there. Jetstorm looked down as he sighed.

"Jetstorm, perhaps Master Drift is just being cautious, you know he would never rush into a public place as a Decepticon, especially when he was unarmed," Slipstream explained as he tried to reason with his partner.

"I know, I just wished that for once, it wasn't true." He looks up for a moment then is forced to look up again as he gasps. "Master?"

In the far corner, Drift was sitting on a bench with his helm down. Slipstream smiled at his friend as they both began running towards him. Forgetting about everything they were worrying about before.

Slowly, the samarai looked up when he heard voices. He couldn't identify them at first, but he had to smile when he saw them...

Slipstream and Jetstorm.

He smiled as his pupils approached him and bowed with excitement. Drift wanted to bow back, however, he was too thrilled to see them. So instead, he leaned forward and hugged them, surprising the pair.

Swiftly, the Decepticon realised what he was doing then pulled back. He knelt down the check them over to ensure that they weren't hurt but all they had were a few scratches from when they removed from his arms a week ago.

"It is so good to see you," Drift told them.

"Same with us, Master," Slipstream replied.

"Master, were you interrogated?" Jetstorm asked all of a sudden as his optics widened.

"Yes, and I had to reveal everything about Galaxia, Skybird and Wildstreak. What about you two?" Drift asked them in return.

Slipstream shook his helm before Jetstorm could speak.

"I was, but he mainly asked about our last deployers. However, I couldn't tell them the name of our first deployer because I can't remember it," Jetstorm told them.

Drift smiled at his Mini-con, he knew they were both scared and worried about what was going to happen next, but they felt better now that they had seen each other.

"Are you prepared for the trial tomorrow?" Drift asked his pupils.

"No, but we have no choice, I just hope Skybird, Wildstreak and Galaxia get here in time, or else we are doomed," Slipstream answered as he looked down.

"The police are on our side, we have Cadet, the head of the Mini-con department--"

"The Chief," Jetstorm stated as he interupted his Master. Both the Decepticon and the Mini-con gave Jetstorm a confused faceplate.
"Yes, you heard me, the Chief."

"Okay then...We have the police on our side, they will help us, and Galaxia won't let us down."

They talked for a while before being escorted back to their cells. It felt good seeing Drift again. And hope had finally entered their sparks again, but one thing hit the Mini-cons.

If this trial were to fail...

Would this be their last day of light?

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