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Author's Note: I only have one thing to say....


Starburst out.


Galaxia struggled on the cuffs, trying to break free. However, she wasn't strong enough. On the side her blades were lying on the floor. Fracture must have left them there when he realised the others had escaped.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Galaxia rolled her optics.

"It's open you know." She didn't care who was on the other side. She was in cuffs so she couldn't do anything.

The door opened, an orange bot was on the other side. Galaxia couldn't believe her optics.

"Deadlock!" She gave him a smile. "Fracture put these cuffs on me!"

He stared at her blades, then at her. "Why would I help you? You betrayed me, and the mini-cons."

"You don't understand. I was only pretending so that I would still be able to control the ship. But then things got a bit too real..."

"Why would you say that?" Deadlock asked as he picked up her blades then cut off her stasis cuffs.

"You don't wanna know." She was handed her blades. "Hey, where are the mini-cons?"

Deadlock looked down. "I got separated from them by the torpedoes. I came in hope of finding Fracture so I could get him off of the ship."

"Yeah...about that..." Galaxia walked over to the controls and loaded up the past footage they had of the bridge, it showed Fracture's anger after Galaxia told him the truth.

"You won't be giving me lessons after I rip the sparks out of Deadlock, Slipstream and Jetstorm."

"But what about our deal? And what about our client?"

"Deal's off! And if you listened to the transmission properly, then you would have heard that they would be accepted dead if necessary."

Deadlock's faceplate froze with worry. If Fracture ment what he said. Which he did. Then the mini-cons were in real danger alone. "We need to find Jetstorm and Slipstream."

"Luckily, Fracture is dumber than he looks." She pulled a chip out of the control panel, then picked up the broken cuffs. "He left us a few things that could come in handy."

Deadlock walked over to the hatch and allowed Galaxia to pass through before him. They needed to search the ship without getting caught.


Cautiously, Slipstream and Jetstorm were walking along the corridor looking for something.

"Where are we going?" Jetstorm asked.

"Without Deadlock we are defenceless, so we will need some kind of weapons to protect ourselves. So we need to find the supply room," Slipstream replied.

He pushed a button on the wall which revealed a room that was filled with shelves. On each shelf was a few weapons, energon and other tech.

"Fortunalty Fracture does not know we have escaped. And he does not know where this place is," Slipstream assured his partner as he stared at some of the weapons, then he picked up a naginata. "Hmmm, like the pipe. I can get used to this."

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