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Deadlock gasped. What had happened? Had someone been hurt? Had there been an intruder?

Within no time at all, he forced his door wide open, so hard that it caused it to smash against the wall beside him. He quickly closed his optics as it did in fear of waking his mentor.

The first thing he saw was Jetstorm, lying there on the floor. He had tears running down his cheeks and dents and cuts covering his body. His optics were tightly shut as he mumbled under his breath.

Deadlock couldn't believe it. How could someone do this to a mini-con? He quickly but gently scooped up Jetstorm who didn't move at all. Deadlock knew he wasn't supposed to allow the mini-cons in his room unless they were ordered to by Shadow Raker, but this was important.

He swiftly walked into his room and placed Jetstorm down on his berth and ran for some water and a cloth. When he came back, he gently began to clean the wounds to remove the energon that was flowing out. Jetstorm opened his optics slightly to see what was going on, he gasped.

"Shadow Raker will be..." he began.

"Do not worry about my mentor, I will take the blame for this," he stared into the mini-con's optics. "Who did this to you?"

"Shadow Raker..."


How could he?

How could he abuse Jetstorm?

Deadlock understood that his mentor treated his mini-cons poorly, but for him to do this. It was horrible. "What happened?"

"It is normal. Only... Shadow Raker knows how much you care for us, so he does it after you are thought to be in recharge," Jetstorm replied.

"What about Slipstream?"

Jetstorm looked up at the ceiling, then winced as Deadlock touched one of his wounds. "Slipstream is better than me, he does not get punished like I do. However he is still treated poorly."

Deadlock couldn't believe it. He felt ashamed to wear a decepticon symbol on his shoulder. It represented evil and torture. Which also represented his destiny. Deadlock realised that he didn't want to take over Cybertron and follow Megatron's lead.

Megatron was known as Cybertron's first Decepticon, he was also known for starting the war. Megatron used to be a gladiator then stood before the council to explain that all bots should be equal, many bots followed his lead, including Optimus Prime. Over time, his status corrupted him, causing him to abuse the power he was granted with. Optimus saw this and began to stand against him, those who stood with him were known as Autobots. Megatron announced that anyone who stood beside him would be known as Decepticons. That is when the two sides began to fight in the ongoing war.

Deadlock turned his attention back to the mini-con, he lied on the berth and showed a concerning expression on his faceplate. Deadlock's still movement must have worried him. He cleared his throat and continued where he left off.

What Jetstorm didn't know was that Deadlock was forming a plan in his head. A plan to escape Shadow Raker with the mini-cons and give them a better life.

Wait till he's distracted...

Grab the mini-cons...

Steal his Starship...

Leave Cybertron forever...

Those words repeated again and again in his processor before he began to mumble them. Not loud enough for Jetstorm to understand but loud enough for him to notice.

"Deadlock?" Deadlock shook the idea away knowing it would never work and faced the mini-con. "Are you okay?"

Was he okay? No, he wasn't okay. He was sick. He was sick of Shadow Raker abusing his mini-cons. But he couldn't say that to him, so he rearranged his words. "I am all right."

"What were you mumbling?"

Scrap. He heard him. Maybe the plan will work, but he wasn't going to go against their will.

"If you could escape Shadow Raker, would you accept it?" Deadlock asked.

Jetstorm didn't need a moment to think, he had wanted to run away for a long time. "Yes! Slipstream would also."

The plan was set.


How was he supposed to distract Shadow Raker? And what would he do after they run away? Maybe he would come after them.

It didn't matter. They had to leave. Deadlock wouldn't stand by while Shadow Raker mentally killed Jetstorm and Slipstream.

He looked at the clock. 11:30pm. He had training in six and a half hours, he should get some sleep. Or else he would be tired and fail training tomorrow. That couldn't happen again.

"You will rest here, Jetstorm," Deadlock told him. "I will sleep on the sofa."

Jetstorm tried to get up, but let out a groan instead. "I could not do that to you."

"It does not matter, you need to rest and heal. If you stay here you will be able to continue your work tomorrow. Shadow Raker does not enjoy disturbing me unless it is an emergency so do not worry."

Jetstorm smiled softly and slowly fell asleep. He didn't know why but he enjoyed seeing him fall asleep peacefully. Is this what being an Autobot is like? Helping others? If it was, it felt nice. Maybe his destiny could change, if he could change himself.

Deadlock couldn't keep his optics open any longer, so he layed down on the sofa and fell into recharge.

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