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Shadow Raker was furious, not only had his pupil run into a burning building, he also pushed his way past the Rescue Team, disobeyed his order to return and all just to rescue two worthless mini-cons who were now back at full strength. Their condition won't last long as they will probably get the blame for what happened.

Jetstorm and Slipstream get the blame for everything, even for incidents they were not involved in. Shadow Raker will always twist the story so that so that it loops around and makes them in the wrong. For example: Deadlock failed to attend training while the mini-cons were cleaning the dojo, Shadow Raker punished them for not letting Deadlock know that he had training, even though that wasn't their job.

Today, Deadlock was in the dojo training with Shadow Raker. His mentor didn't seem angry but he was good at covering up his emotions. He'll probably explode once the mini-cons show up and retell the story so it passes the blame onto Slipstream and Jetstorm some how, even though they were the ones in trouble.

Actually, thinking about it, it would be pretty easy to twist the story.

Shadow Raker turned his attention to his pupil, he looked pretty calm until the mini-cons arrived to clean their weapons.

They bowed before their master and waited for instruction. However Shadow Raker looked as if he was about to blow. They had been working really hard to clean up and repair the base after the fire but that wasn't good enough.

Deadlock could sense the anger in his mentor, Slipstream stepped back while Jetstorm placed his arms infront of his faceplate. They knew what was going to happen.

"Slipstream! Jetstorm! You two have failed me too many times! My pupil almost got into trouble with the Rescue Team because of you! If you had just escaped on your own and allowed the Rescuers to do their job then maybe none of this would have happened!"

How could he say it was their fault? Yes, Deadlock did run back into the base to find them but they couldn't escape, they were lucky to be alive. All Shadow Raker cares about is his base and his only pupil. This gave Deadlock another reason to leave.

Suddenly, Shadow Raker approached Jetstorm, the mini-con cowered at his pedes. He stood in stance and raised his leg, Slipstream gasped, Deadlock glared. Without warning, his leg extended and met Jetstorm's faceplate, he was forced back into the wall. Slipstream suffered the same fate. Both mini-cons laid on the floor with their optics closed.

"Deadlock, lock these two in their room. Nothing gets in or out, including energon," Shadow Raker ordered.

"No!" Deadlock replied immidiently.

"Obey, or else there will be no heist. I know how much you want to go."

Oh no, Shadow Raker had it all wrong. Deadlock didn't want to go. He was only going so he could escape. So what was he supposed to do? Lock the mini-cons up and go on the heist? But then he wouldn't be able to escape with them. If he didn't lock them up then there would be no heist and no escape.

He had to choose.

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