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The Cadet watched over the two Mini-cons. Niether of them spoke nor transformed. He suspected it was because they were scared, which was understandable. The Chief was horrible to them. He hoped that they would be announced innocent so that they could be taken back to Luna 1 to live a happy life.

He looked at the other cells, each had one or two Mini-cons within, including buzzsaws, torpedoes and Cyclone Mini-cons. They were here because their Master's were either being interrogated or were set free. If a deployer is declared innocent but the Mini-cons guilty, they are kept in custody.

The femme returned with two cubes of energon, both small enough for the Mini-cons to consume in one go. She knelt down by the cell and nodded at the Cadet, who saw this and typed in a password to deactivate the cell bars.

Slipstream and Jetstorm still didn't move, but they knew there was energon for them. However, they were hesitant to transform as it could be a trick. But they were both hungry, so they did it anyway, but kept their distance.

The Cadet admired their protoforms, he wasn't used to supervising Mini-cons so this was a new experiance for him. The two kept their guards up, however the femme placed the cubes on the ground and raised her servos, signalling to them that they were safe.

"It's okay, you're safe," she whispered. The pair lowered their guard. "I am the head of the Mini-con department and this is my assistant. We just need to perform a quick search to see if you are carrying any weaons."

The Mini-cons held out their arms and allowed the two bots to search them. They didn't find anything dangerous except their weapons which were poorly hidden, so the femme was forced to remove them.

"Cadet, take these weapons into storage and label them 'Jetstorm and Slipstream', they're too dangerous to have around here but if they're innocent then they will get them back at a later date," the femme ordered the Cadet as she placed the weapons back into the trolley and he walked off.

The femme crouched down infront the Mini-cons. "Eat up you two, we only have twenty minutes until your call."

Cautiously, Jetstorm and Slistream approached the energon cubes and picked them up. Quickly drinking them as they stepped back.

Slipstream finished his but held onto the empty cube, gripping tightly as he stepped forward again to face the femme. He gave her a confused look after she said 'call'.

"A call?" the red Mini-con asked.

She nodded. "Yes, you two and your deployer will be coming together and will be able to call someone for five minutes, but as soon as the timer reached zero, your comms will be deactivated until you are judged."

Slipstream looked back at Jetstorm, the black Mini-con smiled in excitement as he placed his cube down. It wasn't completely empty, but he didn't care about that, he just wanted to see Drift. He walked forward and stopped beside Slipstream.

"What will happen after the call?" he asked.

"Well, you two will be brought back here until the trial, and your master will be taken back to his cell. Unfortunately, you probably  won't see each other again until the trial."

Now both were concerned. They would get to see their master, but it would be the last time until the trial, and they don't even know whether they'll be released or placed on the Alchemor. However, they were allowed to call anyone for five minutes, and there was no doubt that Drift was going to call Galaxia, meaning that Slipstream would get to see Skybird, even if it was for only five minutes.

"Right you two, let's go meet your master," the femme told them before leading them out.


Skybird and Wildstreak had their plan and were ready to show Galaxia, she would probably be a little dissapointed because it doesn't involve any violence, Wildstreak was.

When they arrived at the bridge, Galaxia turned to face them. She had an excited look on her face plate which made them both confused.

"What is it?" Wildstreak asked as Skybird slightly hid the paper behind her back.

She moved to the side, revealing the screen. On it was Drift, Slipstream and Jetstorm.

"Slipstream!" Skybird exclaimed as she dropped their plan and ran forward.

"Skybird!" he replied.

"So, how's prison life?" Wildstreak asked as she joined her partner.

"It's not too bad, the bots have been treating us nicely," Jetstorm replied with a huge smile.

"Speak for yourself," Drift muttered.

"You'd better not be liking it Jetstorm," Galaxia smirked.

His smile dissapeared as he began to panic slightly. "No! I-I just meant t-that it... isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"This place is changing him," Slipstream told them. "Please tell me you have a way to get us out."

Galaxia looked at her Mini-cons, who jumped back as Skybird picked up the paper again. She handed it to her deployer.

"In fact... we do," Galaxia told them as she read it. "We are going to be your wittnesses at the trial, and convince them you are innocent."

"But the Starship departed towards Luna 1, will you make it back in time?" Drift asked.

"Definitely," the Bounty Hunter replied.

At that moment, a cop entered the room and told Drift that he had twenty seconds left.

"We don't have long," Drift stated swiftly.

"Don't worry Drift, I promise that we will save you, even if it does mean loosing my position as a bounty hunter."

Drift faced the screen again with a serious faceplate.

"Thank you, and Galaxia, I have something to tell you."

Now Galaxia was intrigued, "Yes, Drift?" she asked.

Drift paused for a second then turned back to the screen, he was trying to keep himself from panicking but was failing.

"Galaxia," he began. "I-I... lo--."

The comms were shut off.

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