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"So how are we gonna get them back?" Wildstreak asked. "We can't exactly break them out."

Skybird agreed, "Yeah, and if we don't hurry, they'll be placed on the Alchemor and taken to a whole other galaxy, we'll have no chance of saving them."

"But what laws have they broken?" Galaxia asked her Mini-cons. They both looked at each other then began blankly listing answers.

"Served another Decepticon," Skybird replied.

"Kidnapped two Mini-cons," Wildstreak added.

"Stole a Cybertronian Starship."

"Assaulted a Bounty Hunter."

"Kidnapped a Bounty Hunter."

"Broke into a bank."

"Kidnapped two more Mini-cons."

They could go on, but they could tell Galaxia was getting annoyed so they decided to stop. The Bounty Hunter knelt down to their level with a serious faceplate.

"Yes, but he did it all for a good reason, even breaking into a bank had good intensions," she told them.

"Come again?" Skybird asked with confusion. How could breaking into a bank have good intentions?

"He assisted with the robbery only to trap Shadow Raker and escape, he stole the Starship to flee from Cybertron. He didn't kidnap me or you, we followed them willingly. And he had to fight Fracture before he killed Slipstream. None of this was for evil," she smiled a little. "And in a way, we are all responsible."

The two Mini-cons paused for a few minutes and stared at the floor, she was right. Without them, they would both be Decepticon slaves, Slipstream wouldn't be here and Galaxia would still be against them. They wanted to save Drift and his Mini-cons more than ever, but they didn't know how.
They looked at each other then nodded with a smile.

"So what's the plan?" Wildstreak asked.

Galaxia thought for a moment. "I have no idea."

"What?!" they both asked in shock.

"But you always know how to fight!" Wildstreak added.

"Yes but I'm a battle strategist, and we can't exactly attack the police, we'll be behind bars too. And besides, having a partnership means everyone gets a voice, so while I pilot the Starship to Luna 1, can you start brainstorming some escape plans?" Galaxia asked.

"Of course!" Wildstreak yelled with excitement as Skybird shook her head in annoyance over her partner's quick response. The pair then walked towards the hatch and to their quarters.


Drift was forced into cell with police watching his every move. He had just been searched and was now being detained.

So far his time on the prison ship was horrible, he had been shoved around by the other inmates while the cops found his files. Luckily they hadn't discovered his Mini-cons yet but after being searched, he had a feeling that was about to change.

The chief was staring at him as another cop arrived, he saluted before speaking. "Sir, the Decepticon is equipt with a wakisashi, a katana and two buzzsaw Mini-cons. Options?"

The chief was quick to respond. "Remove his possessions, including his Mini-cons."

"But how?" the cop asked in confusion.

"Watch and learn Cadet," the chief stepped forward and disabled the laser bars. He then spoke with a stern voice. "Deploy your Mini-cons." Drift was hesitant. "That's an order!"

Drift didn't move. There was no way he was putting them at risk, but he knew by not cooperating it would only make things worse for him.

Finally, Drift spoke. "No."

The chief smirked as he clicked his digits. "Fine, we will have to remove them ourselves. Cadet, get the tools." The cadet saluted then ran off.

A few moments later, he returned with a box of tools and a few other cops. He guessed it was because the cadet was too inexperienced to extract the Mini-cons. But Drift, Jetstorm and Slipstream trust each other, so removing them would be impossible.

Two of the cops grabbed laser cutters and set the power to low using the dial. Their chief nodded then they approached each arm and activated the lasers before outlining their protoforms on his plating.

It did hurt, but better him than his Mini-cons. Once they were finished, the dropped the laser cutters and grabbed his Mini-cons. Using all their strength, they tried to pull the Mini-cons off but no luck.

Suddenly, their chief shoved the one on Jetstorm's side out of the cell and grabbed the black Mini-con. Drift glared at the bot as he began to pull the Mini-con off of his arm. His forearm stung as the chief continued, but this was nothing compared to the pain Jetstorm was feeling. Eventually, he came off with a scream before being placed on a trolley.

"No!" Drift exclaimed as the cop managed to remove Slipstream too, and they were both placed in the trolley and taken away by the Cadet.

The chief stared back at the bot as another cop took away his weapons. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed, his Mini-cons had just been ripped from his arms. He was surprised they were Autobots because that was evil.

"Now that that's over with, move him to the interrogation room." He smirked. "It's time to make him talk."

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