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Author's Note: Hey readers! Sorry it's been a little while. I've had a writer's block. However I've spoken to my fellow wattpad writers and they have given me some ideas. So I thank them.

Starburst out.


Things were definitely looking up, apart from the fact that the Decepticon who had tortured the mini-cons had escaped and was now on the hunt for them but other than that the team couldn't be better. They had acquired enough energon to fuel their ship and gained new allies. Skybird from Luna 1 and Galaxia the Autobot Bounty Hunter. Things were going well.

They stared out of the rear window as Luna 1 slowly grew smaller. Slipstream lent against a wall with his arms folded while Jetstorm pressed his servos against the glass. They both felt bad that they had to leave Skybird behind, but Slipstream knew that there was no way of dragging her onto the ship.

Deadlock and Galaxia were a different story. They spent most of their time on the bridge planning their next destination. The mini-cons had started to get ideas in their processors but everytime it was mentioned, they would just get sent away. But that didn't help.

"So... Galaxia seems nice," Jetstorm stated.

"Quite. And Deadlock does have an optic for her. I can tell," Slipstream smirked.

The two of them chuckled together as the Decepticon walked in. They both gasped then stood beside each other. Deadlock raised a ridge. He wasn't used to being treated this way. Jetstorm and Slipstream have always acted like this to avoid punishment.

"I need you on the bridge, we have discovered an unknown life signal aboard the ship. We must investigate." Deadlock turned then left, ensuring that the mini-cons were following.

"An imposter?" both asked as they looked at each other.


Galaxia was already waiting at the bridge for the rest of the team. Jetstorm ran a scan on the Starship and noticed the same thing that the bigger bots did. The only problem was that the dot on the screen was flickering and glitching, constantly changing positions, as if the mysterious visitor was trying to cloak their signal but failing.

"Split up. Deadlock, check the energon supply. Slipstream, Jetstorm, check the loading dock. I'll stay here and guard the bridge," Galaxia ordered.

After receiving a nod from the others, they ran out to patrol their areas. Galaxia decided to disable the hatch locks so that the entrance and escape hatches could only be controlled from the bridge.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps from behind the door. Bravely, she grabbed her blades and held them in stance. Ready to face whatever was behind that hatch.

Without warning, a purple bot sliced it open and forced a paralytic patch on her voice modulator so she couldn't call for help. When the bot looked at who he had captured, he seemed surprised.

"Galaxia?! What is an Autobot Bounty Hunter such as yourself doing on a Decepticon Starship." He gasped. "You weren't allying yourself with them, were you?"

The femme just rolled her optics as she grabbed her blade again tried to strike him. However he was too agile for her to catch. He grabbed his statis cuffs and forced her servos behind her back, locking her up. He then decided to be nice and took off the paralytic patch.

"Fracture... What are you doing here?" Galaxia asked.

"I was hired by a Decepticon to capture a bot called Deadlock and two buzzsaw mini-cons for a high price," Fracture replied.

"Funny, so was I. But you have to understand that they are harmless. Wouldn't you rather spend your time capturing a bounty that was worth your effort. Or would you prefer getting all of your money the easy way?" Galaxia tried to bargain with him but it was no use.

"Exactly, that's why it's called 'easy money'. You should try it some time." Galaxia growled. "I can't believe that the loyal, reliable and tough Galaxia is running away with Decepticons. You should probably join our cause. At least you will when Shadow Raker hears about this."

Galaxia opened her mouth to speak, but he shoved the paralytic patch back onto her shoulder forcing her to be quiet. There was nothing she could do except watch as Fracture took control of the ship...


Jetstorm and Slipstream were exploring the loading dock, trying to find the imposter. All of a sudden, their audio receptors began to scream out in pain as a high frequency filled the room. Forcing them to collapse. The last thing they heard was the giggling of the imposter.

Deadlock ran in with his blades at the ready. All he saw was Jetstorm and Slipstream lying on the floor with their servos over their ears. He shook them and tried to wake them up, but no luck.

Ahead, he could see two torpedo mini-cons laughing. Both looked rather freaky. One had long arms that were used for sprinting, the other had multiple legs and walked like a spider on the ground.

"You will pay for this," he glared.

"WHAT?!" both asked as they held their servos up to their audio receptors

Deadlock gasped, then ran over to monitor on the wall. It was playing on a high frequency that was only heard by mini-cons, which explained why their audio receptors were turned off.
He slammed his digit on the pause button allowing the mini-cons to relax. That relieved Deadlock, now he could start the fight...

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