The day after.

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Hiccups POV.
It's been 24 hours since... since the dragons... the dragons left, even saying it makes my vision blurry with tears. I didn't sleep a wink last night I usually feel the warm scales of  my night fury up against my body keeping me comforted from my nightmares. Toothless can lo...did look like a scary monster you find under your bed, but really he was, and still is the sweetest dragon I know. His cat like Demeanour made him prance, and roll around on the grassy floor of each island we visited. I miss charting undiscovered areas of the archipelago with my partner in crime, my best brother. Flying on top of him in the fluffy clouds made me feel so free, wishing I could never come down. All that's gone now. I wanted him to be free, I still love him, I always...always will love him. I'll never stop. I knew we both were older, wiser, smarter and didn't need each other as much as we much as we thought. We both had loves of our own and in an accidental way we were holding each other back from so many great things, we didn't think we'd do, so many great places we thought we'd never venture too. We both rule our own respective tribes, that we have to prioritise in front of everything else, even one another. It's difficult to think, let alone say...we had to let go...let go of being together, letting go of my...our dream to have both worlds not fight, now I see that it wasn't a stupid fantasy, but maybe just too ambitious for right now, especially with all the great responsibilities we have, responsibilities that are bigger than our brother hood. I remember when I first found him in the woods, the night after I  shot him down, I looked into his forest green eyes the same as my own and his soul reflected mine. Well me being the scrawny 15 year old kid I was you wouldn't think the night fury of all dragons would later be my best friend over a period of 5 years to come. Ugh I miss him so much.

Astrid POV.
My storm fly, my good girl. I miss you. I know where you are and wish I could just come hug you and stay with you forever. Hiccup's dream was to hide together, I told him
'I just hope your right.'
Really I wanted that too. I wanted it more than anything in the world. I mean he was right Burk wasn't the place it was just the place we lived. Burk was so much more than the island it was the people, an island can't be home of 7 generations if there are no generations to inhabit it. I just couldn't see that. I trusted him, but our dream couldn't happen. Both our worlds wouldn't of excepted it even though we would've been hidden, greedy humans don't stop, when they want something they never stop a second until they have it. *sigh* storm fly I'm so sorry, we can't be together it's just not time, but there will be. One day. Flying around with my sister in life was the best thing you could do, the views, the clouds. Everything. It was so beautiful. We could be out for hours and we wouldn't have to be anything, or be anyone, we could just be there. That was the best feeling you could feel. But I can't feel that anymore. Well at least not without her. We had been through so much together it was so hard to let go. Well I can't imagine how Hiccup feels, he trained us, he made us everything we are now and he was the first in the village to ride a dragon let alone be friend one. Hiccup saved Toothless' life and in return Toothless gave him a life, then that led

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