Where to find him

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Astrids POV.
I'd finished my errand with Fishlegs and began to look for Hiccup. I checked his hut, the great hall, Gobber's place, valkas place, the waterfall and the great tree. Nothing. I then checked my own hut to see if he was waiting for me. Again nothing. I found Fishlegs.
"Um, have you seen Hiccup, I can't find him anywhere?" I said.
"No, I thought he was with you?" He replied.
I looked at him confused and began to look around.
"He might be with Snoutlout." He told me.
I thanked him and walked to Snoutlout's hut, I knocked and he opened the door.
"Hey Astrid..." his expression slipped. "Is everything okay? You looked stressed." He asked.
"Actually no, I can't find Hiccup anywhere, have you seen him?" I pleaded.
"No, sorry, I've been here all afternoon." He replied.
I waved bye and turned around, I ran to the twins' house to check with them, if they didn't know, then there was something seriously wrong. I got their and they were already waiting at the door. They must've seen me.
"Have you seen Hiccup, we want to run something by him?" Tuff questioned.
"No, I was going to ask you the same thing." I began to worry.
I filled them in and quickly left. I went to the woods to look for him, I looked for any signs of him.
"HICCUP!?...HICCUP!?" I yelled in all directions.
"Where are you?" I whispered.
It began to fade to dark, so I began to stress and worry, I called everyone in for an emergency meeting in the great hall. The people piled in looking confused and worry stricken.
"Um, I've... I've called you all..." I attempted to say with noise and muttering in the background.
I lost patience.
"HEY, SHUT IT!" I screamed.
They were shocked and settled down.
"I have called you all here because I can't find Hiccup anywhere, and I need your help to find him." I projected.
They gave me looks of 'why should we' I cleared my throat and prepared to speak.
"Your probably wondering why you have to help, you know why because he is your chief, he has done so much for you all, and he deserves that much, I know he's not perfect and he's made his fair share of mistakes, but haven't we all. Now please will you help me!?" I lectured.
They now all looked determined and we set off out into the woods with candles. We moved in groups and yelled out into the cold air. No response, no movement. Nothing. We were all thinking of where to find him.

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