Apologetic argument

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Astrids POV.
Hiccup came back with a note, in which he slammed down hard onto the table, cutting me off in the process. The loud bang that followed his angry palm scared me and I jumped so high I could've hit the roof. He paced angrily as I shakily read the letter aloud.
"... on day I'll kill Astrid and everyone you love.
Then you, well at least you'll be with your... father.
I finished the letter and Hiccup was still charging up and down, up and down. I looked over to Gobber and he looked... scared.
"Drago? How is he? Why is he? What?" I asked.
"Gothi's gone and my mother's going to die because of me, it's all because of me!" He yelled.
"Hiccup, it's not, n-..."
he stared me right in the eyes, I'd never seen him this angry I was... I was ...terrified.
"Don't touch me!"
He smacked my hand away, there was a short burning sensation in my lower arm from where he hit me. It went away, but the pain in my heart didn't. I tried not to, but my eyes began to water.
"Just leave me alone!" He yelled.
He burst out the door and ran. I burst out in tears, and covered my face, Gobber came up and rested his hand on my shoulder.
"Are you alright, lass?" He asked softly.
I said nothing, just turned and buried myself in him for comfort. I wiped away my tears and sat on the stool next to Valka, I carried on patching up the stab wound on her side.
"Are you okay, Astrid?" Gobber asked again.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, you just go, you've probably got more important work to do than babysit me."
"Are you sure?"
"Hundred percent."
He left without a word and I continued to treat Valka, I understand that he was angry and upset, but he didn't have to do that. He didn't have to take it out on me. I finished healing the wounds as best I could, I didn't want to leave her in case something happened. Although he hurt me I still need to help his mother. Every so often I checked her and cleaned the wound and added fresh bandages, it got dark outside and my eyes began to get heavy and weighed my entire head down until I was asleep.


A shining, fresh light opened my eyes for me, I awoke looking at a wall and Valka also. I turned my head and there he was... Hiccup.
"How is she?" He asked.
I turned my head back to Valka, I didn't want to speak to him, or even look at him. I started replenishing the cotton and bandage, the wound was looking better. No infections, nothing bad.
"Astrid?" He said.
I continued with the plasters and cotton, still saying nothing.
"Astrid!" He there his fist down to the table, making a loud bang.
I dropped my things and breathed hard.
"She's fine!" I huffed.
"I only asked!"
I stood up and got a little closer.
"Did you forget? Did you bump your head, or something?!" I said angrily.
"What are you talking about!?"
He expressed his recollection.
"You could've at least come back and started with a simple sorry!" I shouted.
"You hurt me in here!" I gestured to my heart and teared up.
"I tried to help you, but you pushed me away!"
"I was angry!"
"You clearly still are!" I screamed.
"I know you were angry, but you took it out on Gobber! on... on me."
"You want a sorry, fine sorry!" He yelled.
"No, it's too late!"
His mask and angry facade faded, he now looked sad.
"W-What are you saying?" He asked, I could still feel the anger in him.
"I'm saying get out!" I cried.
"No, get out!"
He reached for me and I stepped back.
"FOR THORS SAKE GET OUT!!" I screamed louder than I anticipated.
I got closer and opened the door, I put my hand over his shoulder and pulled him so he was near the door, then pushed him out of it. I slammed the wood door and placed my back against the door and slowly sat down...crying.
"A-Astrid?" A faint voice came to my ear.
I looked up and Valka was awake, i stood up and wiped my eyes, I threw on the best smile I could.
"Hey, Val, How are you feeling?" I asked.
"What was that? What's happening?" She asked.
"You were stabbed-..."
"No, with you and Hiccup, w-why were you arguing?"
"Oh, it's nothing." I said.
"You sure?"
I nodded... nothing. Definitely nothing.

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