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Astrids POV.
I had searched all over screaming his name constantly, till I turned a corner and he was there. I asked if he was okay, he didn't reply. I was about to leave for help, but he begged me not to go. I stayed.
"HELP!.. HELP!" I yelled behind me.
No answer. I can't leave him, he'll die, but if I don't go and get help he'll die. Tears began to form in my blue eyes.
"I shouldn't of left my group... I... I'm so sorry." I sobbed.
"Y-you don't-t ne...need t-to s-s-sorry." He jittered.
Streaming waterfalls gushed down my face, I could tell he had no energy, but he slowly lifted his arm and wiped away my tears. I laughed through the tears. He lay on my lap and we pressed our heads together.
"I... i l-love you m-more th...than a-anyt-thing." He stuttered.
I shut my eyes and whispered.
"I love you too."
I suddenly felt his chest stop rising, I opened my eyes.
"Hiccup?" I said.
He didn't answer. He was dead.
I stood up and began to drag him.
I dragged him as far as I could at a time, I kept stopping briefly, but I couldn't give up.
Suddenly I heard Valka.
"VALKA...VALKA!" I screeched.
She heard me, she ran around the corner and saw Hiccup In my arms.
"He's...he's...d-dead!" I stuttered with tears.
Her eyes widened in hurt and pain, she picked him up and we both ran back to berk. All the people saw us running past and began to rush back to berk with us.
"What happened is he okay?" Gobber, and the gang asked.
"We....I-I... He..." I couldn't speak.
Fishlegs grabbed me tight and hugged me I buried my head in my hands and placed them on on his shoulder.
"It's okay... it's okay." He said.
We got to Gothi's hut and lay him on the wooden bed, she wrote on the floor and Valka repeated.
"We need to start his heart back up, Astrid when I say go you need to pinch his nose and breath into his mouth twice." She told me.
I nodded and when she said go I did as I was told. We did that for a while, but nothing was happening. Valka stopped and cried I however didn't, I wasn't going to give up on him. Gothi wrote 'punch his chest' I did so seven times. Still nothing. I raised my fist high and threw it down. He woke, and quickly sat up, he gasped for air.
"HICCUP!" I yelled in excitement.
I hugged him tight, but he was still freezing.
"What happened? What's wrong?" He said.
I pulled away from the hug and kissed him.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"You have no idea how scared I was." I said.
He was back home.

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