The truth.

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Astrids POV.
A guard grabbed my wrist, waking me up, he hoisted my body up an dragged me out of my cell.
"Get off me! Let me go!" I hit his arm.
I was too weak, he didn't speak he just carried on walking. The sun hit my eyes and I covered my face, the man threw my arm back and thrusted my body forward. I was on the floor. I looked up and terror hit my soul...Drago. I shot up.
"AGHHHHH!" I ran towards the man.
A guard beside me threw his fist out full force, straight into my stomach. I doubled over in pain and fell to the deck floor. I felt sick and weak, I wanted to cry, but I couldn't show weakness. The man I tried to attack knelt down next to me.
"Your not the fighter I remembered you as, Astrid."
I was in immense pain, but I managed to spit out a few words.
"Y-You killed...Heather."
"Ah yes, Heather, she fought well, it's a shame she would've made a great warrior in my army. Would you like to know what dying wish was?..."
he lifted my chin with his two fingers.
"She said 'you won't win Astrid will stop you, they defeated you once before and they do it again' then I pulled my knife out of her chest and I laughed as the life left her eyes."
He pulled a knife out of his belt.
"This was the knife I killed her with, and it'll be the knife I kill your friends with, kill Hiccups mother with and of course young chief Hiccup. I'd make you watch, I'd make them suffer and beg, then I'd kill you and every last Berkian alive."
I made no hesitation, I grabbed his hand and turned the knife toward him, I was too weak he turned the knife back around and shot it through my side. I yelled out in pain, I couldn't help but cry.
"Tears? Your more weak than I thought. TAKE TO HER CELL!"
His voice Pierced my ears and I was again hoisted up by two men and dragged back to the lower deck, where they threw me in my cell. They left and I sat up leaning against the wall, I placed a finger on my stab wound and winced, immediately I saw blood on my finger. My hand slipped down my side, back to the floor and I sobbed and drifted off.

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