Waiting game.

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Astrids POV.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wake myself. I wanted to get up and say I was fine and sail back to berk, back to Hiccup. I loved him so much , it was hard to be without him. I missed his messy brown hair, and braiding it, I longed to stare into his forest green eyes and get lost in them. I just missed... him. Whilst we were on the travel there wasn't much talking more of Gothi writing and I could hear some of Valka's response's, but my hearing was slurred, I tried to put that as my main focus. Hearing. I couldn't see, I couldn't move to see, and I couldn't express my emotions. I was just a still being, nothing better than the wood planks I was lying on. It was all just a waiting game, to see where we were going, how long we'd be gone, how long till I could see Hiccup again... a waiting game.

Hiccups POV.
After me and Gobber had spoken, I left the tent and composed myself. I thought I'd go and spend the day with the gang, to help me cheer myself up a little. I went to their tents to begin with to see if they were there. Nothing. I went to the great hall, still nothing *I wonder where they are* I thought to myself. I still carried on the search, but then sat on one of the cliffs, watching the sunset as a break. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me, so I turned and looked... there stood Fishlegs, Snoutlout, Ruff and Tuff.
"Oh hey guys, I've been looking all over for you." I smirked a bit.
"Oh, sorry we've been busy." Fishlegs said, speaking for all of them.
"I'm sorry I've been distant lately guys, I'm just...getting my head around things." I said, but they already knew what 'things'.
They came and sat down next to me, we all watched the sky together.
"Hiccup, it's okay, we know how much Toothless meant to you." Ruff said.
"But I didn't realise that I was being selfish, you all miss your dragons too, I was too stubborn to see that, and I'm sorry." I sadly said.
"Hiccup, don't do that, don't apologise for anything we are all going through a lot, but your going through the most." Snotlout politely told me off.
"Thanks." I looked at him in gratitude.
I took a deep breath.
"One thing though, don't keep it in, talk to us...we're always...always here for you." Ruff said whilst placing his hand on my shoulder.
"I guess I'm struggling a little...a lot without Toothless, he meant the world to me. I miss riding him, and being one in the clouds, But I also miss Astrid...I miss her more than anything, she's my everything, and I'm worried. Then there is... my dad, I know it's been over a year, but he taught me everything I know, he made me who I am, I sometimes think, what would he think of me now." I released all my negative thoughts.
"It's okay, Hiccup." Said Fishlegs.
Those three words helped me a lot. I then began to tear up.
"Come here guys." I chuckled and through my arms out.
They all hugged me and I hugged back, I really needed this, we all pulled away, and sat there watching the sun go slowly down, calm and beautiful.
"Thank you." I said.

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