it's time.

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Astrids POV.
"Hiccup! Wake up!" I said.
He rolled over sleepily and saw me cradling my pregnant belly, he whispered in his grungy voice.
"What? What's happening?"
I smiled at him wide as I was knelt on the bed.
"Oh thor! It's happening, isn't it?" He exclaimed.
I gave him a nod of confirmation, he shot up and ran around to my side of the bed ready to help me downstairs. We got to the bottom of the stairs, with the bag waiting at the door. I squeezed Hiccup's arm tight.
"Hiccup, I can't!" I screamed.
"Yes you can, we just have to make it to mom's house."
"No, I can't move!"
He brought me to the sofa and sat me down, he began  to run to the door.
"Where are you going!?"
"To get mom."
He ran out the door. The whole house echoed my heavy breathing and panting, and I was accompanied by a baby that would soon be in the world. Moments passed and Hiccup came bursting through the door with Valka. Valka ran to the sofa and Hiccup grabbed blankets from the bag, they put them underneath me and over me. Hiccup ran around to hold my hand.
"I'm here."
I cried and squeezed his hand tight, my sweaty hands held his hands as tight as they would.
"Astrid, your going to have to push." Valka said.
I nodded at her.
I pushed and held my breath, crying and holding onto to Hiccup. I gave up and breathed deep and hard to catch my breath.
"Breath, Astrid. Breath." Hiccup whispered.
"Okay, again, 3...2...1."
I repeated the process again.
"Hiccup, I can't!!"
"Astrid Hofferson, you are the strongest and bravest viking I have ever met, you can do this. I believe in you." Hiccup said.
He kissed my sweaty forehead and I nodded and smiled.
A babies cry came from Valka's arms, and I cried, i looked at Hiccup beside me, shock, excitement and love filled his body. Tears streamed down his face, he looked at me and kissed my lips. Valka cut the cord and took the baby over to a set area. She cleaned the small baby off and handed it to Hiccup. Hiccup held her gently and cried so much.
"It's a girl." Valka said calmly.
Hiccup laughed and smiled as she looked at him, he brought her over to me and I held her tight to my chest.
"Hello, baby." I cried.
"What will you name her?"
Me and Hiccup exchanged a look, and turned back to the living human in my arms.
"She looks like a Zephyr to me."
I looked at Hiccup again  and he nodded with tears.

Hiccups POV.
I woke up to a babies cry and I went to the bottom of our bed where a blonde haired boy lay crying in his crib.
"Hey, Nuffink, what's wrong?" I whispered, making sure not to wake Astrid.
Nuffink had just been born a week ago, he was the new addition to the Haddock family.
I rocked him back to sleep and placed him back to bed, I left the room to get a glass of water from down stairs. I was just about to go down when I saw Zephyr stood at her bedroom door.
"Hey, Zephy, you shouldn't be up, honey."
"I no tired, dada."
I walked over to her and picked her up, then walked back into her room.
"Well we'll see about that when I've read you a story."
"Yay! Stowy!" She smiled.
He placed her in her bed and rummaged through the collection of toddler books they owned.
"What story do you want?"
"I want da one about da Dragons!"
"The Dragons?"
"M-hmm" she smiled.
I walked over to her bed and knelt down next to her.
"There were Dragons when I was a boy..."
I carried on until she had gone to sleep. She breathed slow and I tucked her in, I walked to the door and turned off the light, before leaving I whispered goodnight, then I shut the door.

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