The End.

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The years that passed were full of wonderful moments and laughter, Zephyr grew and so did Nuffink. Hiccup grew a long beard, and the whole of Berk was happy, Astrid was an amazing chieftess. She adored her two children, and loved them. Hiccup told them both stories of the dragons and how him and toothless became such good friends. He also told them great stories about their grandfather, Valka made weekly visits to see her grandchildren. The gang hung out with them too, and Hiccup and Astrid let Zeph a d Nuff call all if them uncle and auntie as they meant so much to them. Gobber and Valka were made god parents, and they all were happy. Fishlegs and Ruffnut got married too and they were really happy. One day Hiccup, Astrid and their two children went on an adventure out to sea. It was Zephyr and Nuffink's first time, so they wanted to make it special.

5 years later...

Hiccup held 4 year old Nuffink in his arms as Nuff wipee his nose they both looked out to sea. Astrid pulled on the sail rope and Zeph pretended to aswell, Astrid tied the rope around a knob and she walked up to take Nuff. Hiccup walked up to the side of the boat and squinted through the oceans mist. Through a gap in the fog he saw a Night Fury, then emerged a Light Fury and 3 babies. The Night Fury pounced up a d flew to the boat, landing on the point of it, making it rock. Astrid moved back and hide Zephyr behind her and hugged Nuffink into her chest. The dragon stood tall and mighty.
"It's okay." Astrid said, holding her children.
"Hey, bud, you remember me?" Hiccup asked the dragon.
Hiccup tried the only thing he thought would help, he put his hand out. The dragon looked at it, then sniffed it. It's eyes went big like a cat and he jumped on Hiccup, Hiccup screamed in excitement. Astrid laughed and pulled Zephyr around to her front.
"He's not gonna eat your father." She reassured them.
"Hey, bud! How's the tail holding up? Could use a little oil and fine toothing." Hiccup said.
He stroked Toothless and Toothless licked him.
"See? There friends!" Astrid told the kids.
Hiccup sat up and Toothless licked him one more time, Hiccup yelled in disgust and wiped the slobber off his cheek.
"Come here, he won't hurt you." Hiccup waved to the kids to come towards him.
"Go on."
Asrrid pushed them lightly and Zephyr looked scared and pulled the same face over father did when he first met Toothless.
Hiccup grabbed their hands to show them how to touch him.
"Hold your hands this."
They stood before the friendly beast, Nuff covered his eyes and looked away.
"Let him come to you."
Toothless began and stopped, making Zeph nervous and shut her eyes. He finished and let them touch his nose, he purred and Zephyr opened her eyes and smiled, then Nuffink's hand slipped down from his face and his jaw dropped in shock.


Hiccups POV.
"I want da one about da dragons!" Sephyr said.
"The dragons?"
"M-hmm." She smiled.
I walked over to her bed and knelt down next to her.
"There were dragons when  I was a boy, ah there were great grim sky dragons that nested on the cliff tops like gigantic scary birds. Little brown scuttly dragons that hunted down the mice and rats in well organised packs. Preposterously huge sea dragons that were... 20 times as big as the big blue whale! Some say they crawled back into the sea, leaving not a bone, nor a fang for men to remember them by. Others say they were nothing but folk tails to begin with. I'm okay with that..."

*out of flashback*

Hiccup was riding Toothles again, after 10 years without his best friend he finally got to see him again, and with his wife and children too! Hiccup's hair blew back in the wind as they went at a normal speed. Nuffink held his arms out, as if he was flying, and Hiccup held onto him. Toothles went faster and began to spin and twirl in the sky, Toothless went up and down. Hiccup threw Nuff into the air, catching him as he descended, Nuffink laughed and smiled. Toothles spun and went up through a cloud, Hiccup threw Nuff high in the air and caught him again. Toothless smiled and free fell back through the cloud before catching himself with his wings. Toothless roared loud and mighty, it filled the morning sky. It echoed around the entire world.
"Mom!?" Nuffink yelled with excitement.
The light Fury came up beside them, with her babies in toe, one spit a ball of fire and flew through it, making him disappear. He reappeared and another went underneath Toothless, Nuffink reached out for it, Hiccup held his stomach to keep him from falling. The baby touched his hand and squealed. Then Astrid flew past on Storm fly, she cheered and laughed with joy, she had Zephyr with her. She slowed down and looked back to Hiccup, she nodded, gesturing to head that way. Zephyr threw her arms up and laughed.


Hiccups POV.
"Legend says, when the ground quakes, or lava spews from the earth, it's the dragons! Letting us know they're still here..."

*out of flashback*

Hiccup stroked Toothless and Toothless headed that way. The dragon turned upside down and Hiccup passed Nuffink onto Storm fly, behind Astrid. He then went to the front of Storm fly and grabbed Zephyr's hand, Astrid helped her over and she kicked her legs as she switched. Hiccup flew off with Zeph and Astrid exchanged a glance of happiness with her son, before flying off to follow them.


Hiccups POV.
"Waiting for us to figure out how to get along. Yes, the world believes the dragons are gone, if they ever existed at all, but we Berkians... we know otherwise..."

*out of flashback*

They weaved in and out of one another and went through two opposite gaps in a cloud. They ended up back together and they flew off, spinning and twirling and having fun. The Light Fury followed along with her children.


Hiccups POV.
"And we'll guard the secret... until the time comes..."

*out of flashback*

They flew together in perfect harmony, happy and smiling.


Hiccups POV.
"Until dragons can return In peace."

*out of flashback*

They flew into the sun. together. One last time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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