The question.

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Astrids POV.
I awoke the next day and found heather on the sofa fast asleep.
"Thought so." I giggled.
I walked back into my room to get ready, I brushed my teeth, showered, got my clothes
on and did my hair in a half up half down braid. I finished up and Heather came through from the living room.
"Good morning, my best friend of all time!" She said excitedly.
"Morning, what's wrong? Your acting strange."
"Oh, nothing, isn't it just a beautiful day!"
"Yeah, is it nice out."
"I'm gonna get ready." She said.
"Hurry up though or I'm leaving without you!" I yelled.
"I will!" She gargled the toothpaste in her mouth.
We head out into the centre of the village, we were talking, gossiping I saw Hiccup out the corner of my eye.
"You should go talk to him." Heather said.
"I will."
I walked over and as I did he jumped and hurried away around the corner, I began to jog and by the time I got there he was gone.
"Strange." I whispered.
I walked back over to Heather, looking around for him.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"When I got there he panicked and... vanished."
She looked weird and suspicious.
"Heather!? Do you know something?"
"Heather, don't make me do it!"
"I d-don't know, I promise."
"You asked for this."
I tickled her stomach and sides, she laughed and began to push me away.
"Stop it!" She laughed.
I stopped and asked no more questions, we carried on.

Hiccups POV.
I ran back to the gang struggling for breath.
"I-I... saw her!"
"What did she say?" Fishlegs asked.
"Nothing... I ran."
"How... how are you f-feeling?" Fishlegs nervously asked.


I began letting in the hungry vikings and watched them take their seats, once I knew everyone was in and sat down I shut the doors and made my way to the stage. I saw the gang and my mother, Gobber and Eret sat at one of the benches.
"Um, I might need some... support." I whispered to the four.
I invited them to the stage as well as Astrid, I sat her next to me, I shouted to the crowd for quiet and they immediately complied. I cleared my throat ready to speak.
"You may be wondering why I've called you all here, well there is a special reason. One person in particular in my life has always been there, they have shown consistent passion, grace and wisdom to those around them, they helped my through the toughest times in my life. They helped my hide Toothless, supported me and my dragon, they were there when my father died, they were there when I've nearly died. They were there when I missed my best bud, they are always there... no matter what. I love this person with every part of me, and I always will."
I looked down at Astrid, and she looked up at me, I turned to face her.
"Astrid Hofferson... will you marry me?"
The whole room was silent, she stood up and began to tear up. That single moment of nothingness felt like a lifetime. I began to give up hope, I looked to the masses of people in front of us and looked down in embarrassment.
I looked towards her in complete shock, I began to tear up at the sight of her crying.
"Yes, yes I'll marry you!"
The whole room cheered in unison.
I pulled her to a kiss, then into a hug.
"I love you so... so much." She whispered into my ear.
"I love you too." I replied.
We sat down and wiped our tears away and held each other's hand. The room was still erupting in cheers and excitement. I looked over to my mother and Gobber crying too. I stood up and walked over.
"Oh, son, I'm so proud of you!" Valka said.
She wrapped me in her arms and hugged me tight.
"Y-Your father would b-be so proud." Gobber said.
I hugged him and said thank you, I returned to my seat.
"Are they okay?" Astrid asked.
"Yeah, they're fine, you?"
"Happier then I've ever been."
"Me too."

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