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Hiccups POV.
I held Astrid in my arms as tight as I could, i felt something on her side, I lifted my hand up to my face.
I saw blood covering my hands and turned ro Astrid as she slipped from my arm.
I scuffled towards her and placed my hand on her cheek and my other on her shoulder.
"Astrid? Astrid can you hear me?"
A loud bang went off in the distance as I looked up I saw a cannon hit the side of Drago's boat.
I grabbed Astrid's lifeless hand and grabbed the sail post with my other, I held on tight to the wood and made sure to not let go of Astrid. I suddenly felt her hand slipping as the boat was capsizing. I bit my lip in concentration. She fell.
The sail post began to break and I let go. I saw Astrid hit the water and then I felt my body sink into the ocean with her. As soon as I was underwater I opened my eyes, the salt water burning my eyes, but I looked everywhere for Astrid. I saw her drowning slowly and I swam towards her. My attempt to grab her hand failed and I followed her on her journey to the bottom of the sea. Again  I tried to reach her, this time successful, I pulled her up toward me, with the pressure of the water weighing her down. I got her far enough to place my arm underneath her back and pull her close. I then made my way back to the surface. We emerged together, Astrid still unconscious and I breathed hard to gather air. I swam quick for the intact boat and screamed and hit the side of the boat. Finally they pulled us up, I passed them Astrid first then I followed and I ran straight to Astrid as soon as i was up.
"Astrid? Astrid! Please, wake up!" I began to cry.
The tears streamed down my already wet face and I held onto her vest and cried into her chest.
"Wake up! P-Please, I love you." I whispered.
That's all that resonated throughout the early morning air, the sun was half up and illuminated the morning sky.
I looked up and saw Astrid open her eyes.
I cried even more, she was alive, but she needed medical attention and fast. She shut her eyes again but was still breathing. I hoisted her up and the boat was turned around, headed back to Berk. As soon as the boat was at the dock I jumped off it and ran to Gothi's hut. My mother came with me and opened the door, I placed Astrid on the wooden bed and rested her head down gently.
"Your gonna be okay, I'm here." I whispered. 
I was holding her hand and I felt her squeeze it tight, i sighed in relief.

Astrids POV.
I opened my eyes and saw Hiccup sat next to me asleep, his breathing was calm and slow. I looked down and saw his hand in mine, I went to get up, but felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
"Woah, lie back down." Hiccup said sleepily.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
"Its okay."
I lay back down and held my side, it was stitched up and there was no bleeding, but it still hurt.
Hiccup sighed, I sat up, he didn't stop me this time.
"Hiccup, what is it?"
"W-Why did you leave?"
"Hiccup, you know w-." 
"Yes, I know you left for Heather, but I thought..." he stopped.
"Hiccup?... What did you think?"
"I thought we agreed you wouldn't go, that you wouldn't put your life on the line for someone who's dead!"
I teared up.
"I'm sorry."
"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to avenge my best friend, I'm sorry for trying to help so many other people. I'm sorry for 'leaving' you all alone, but do you know what true loneliness is? And how about that time when you risked every life on Berk. And you risked your own life, and mine, to defend your dead father!" I was crying now.
"Doesn't sound much different does it? At least I had the decency to only risk one life and not every life around me."
Hiccup stood up and flung the door open, he walked out slamming it behind him.
Moments later his mother walked in.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing, just go."
"I have to check your wound first."
"No, just get out!" I yelled.
"Okay. I'll come back later."
I lay down facing the wall and cried, I tried to stop the tears, but they just get coming, they burnt my eyes and cheeks. I cried till I fell to sleep.

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