The return

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Hiccups POV.
I opened my sleepy eyes to find I was looking at the clouds.
"Where am i?... a-am I?..."
I thought I was on Toothless, I-in the sky again... flying. I looked to my side and saw Astrid breathing slow and her eyes closed, her head rested on my shoulder. I brushed the back of my fingers, in an attempt to calmly wake her. She smiled with her eyes closed and I did too, I brushed her beautiful hair behind her ear.
"Astrid?" I whispered.
Her eyes began to flutter open, they came straight to me, as soon as she looked at me she smiled. That smile. So delicate, beautiful.
"Hi." She said sleepily.
"Hi, sleepy."
She lifted her head off my shoulder and looked around, I stood up and offered her my hand. She ran her fingers onto my palm and used it as leverage to get up, we walked hand in hand back to the village. We arrived and Gobber ran up to me.
"Oh, Hey Gob-..." I began to say.
"Where have you been!?"
"At the wat-..."
it doesn't matter just hurry!"
He ran away from me, and I looked at Astrid in bewilderment, here expression reflected my own.
"C'mon!" He yelled back.
We ran together.
"What's going on? where are we going on?" I asked.
"We've been attacked!"
"W-What!?... by who!?"
He didn't respond, just carried on running, leading us somewhere. We arrived and I found my mother lying on the floor... bleeding.
"No, no, no, no...MOM!" I screamed.
I turned her over and threw the sword, which was still in her grasp, away, I cried.
I looked down and saw my mother looking at me.
"I'm s-sorry"
"Sorry? Sorry for what?"
"I c-couldn't stop... him"
My heart sunk, Drago? How is he... how is b-back?
"We need to get to Gothi...Now!"
I grabbed one of her arms and hung it over my shoulder and held her hand with my spare hand, Gobber did this same. We dragged her off the beach and through the trees, down the hill, and over the log. We arrived at the village and got to Gothi's hut... she wasn't there.
"No, where is she?!"
"I'll go look!" Astrid stated.
She burst out the door and returned 20 minutes later... without Gothi.
"I looked everywhere, asked everyone... she's gone." she said.
"No, please, mom... s-she's gonna... d.... die." I cried.
"I learned a few things from Heather I... I can try." Astrid told us.
"Do anything... j... just help her, please!"
She grabbed bandages and cotton to stop as much bleeding as possible, I left to get answers. I stormed down to the beach in anger and pain, looking for clues... anything. I saw a sword stabbed through the ground, a piece of paper was flapping underneath it. I walked over to the sword and ripped the paper away from the sharp sword.
"Hiccup Haddock, master of dragons, you thought you could watch me fall in the sea and expect me to... die. It takes more than that. You were foolish to forget about me, and berk was idiotic to let you be chief. Stoick made a better fit, shame, if only he were still here to see the mess you made. For extra precaution I took your healer, I believe you call it a... Gothi. I have also claimed your "crew", as a more heartfelt touch. Good luck saving your mother, her fate will end the same as your father's, then you will have no one, you'll be a no one. Without your dragon, and yes I heard about the dragons, you will never! Defeat me. I will find those dragons and rebuild my army to conquer man kind, this time I won't make it so easy for you.
One day I'll kill Astrid, and everyone you love.
Then you, well at least you'll be with your... father.
My blood was boiling, I stormed angrily back to the hut and slammed the door open.
"What is it? Wha-..." Astrid began.
I cut her off by slamming the note down on the table, she jumped and looked shocked. I paced and huffed as she read it aloud for Gobber to hear.
"Drago? How is he? Why is he? What?" Astrid exclaimed.
"Gothi's gone and my mother's going to die, because of me, it's all because of me!" I yelled.
"No Hiccup, it's n-..." she said reaching for my cheek.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled at her smacking her hand away.
She looked shocked and surprised and began to tear up, I wanted to apologise, I really did, but I was so angry my mind wouldn't let me.
"Just leave me alone!" I shouted.
I ran out the door and to my hut.

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