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Hiccups POV.
I continued to run certain errands around the village such as helping Gobber with weapons, wood work, etc. Then after Heather asked me about... about marriage, I had a lot of thinking, deliberating, procrastinating, pros and cons. It was all flashing through my head at a speed of one thousand. I went to find the gang and see what they thought about it all, I was walking through the village and I saw her coming from the water fall. I quickly hid behind a stack of boxes and peeped through a hole in the top one. She was so calm, so beautiful as she walked through the clearing, I waited till she had gone out of sight until I moved again. I ducked and jogged on toward the water fall, where I saw her come from, me, Astrid and the gang all sit down there for private talks, so I assumed they'd be there. I walked on pushing through the trees.
"Guys, are you there?" I said.
"Oh, Hiccup, hey." Fishlegs said nervously.
I sat down in the middle, where there was space.
"I need to ask for your opinions on... a sensitive... subject." I said scratching the back of my neck.
"Yeah, What is it?" Tuff asked.
"Well, Heather came to see me this morning and told me that she thinks me and Astrid should... should um... get married."
"Yeah, I think everyone does at this point." Snotlout laughed.
Fishlegs nudged him hard and he threw his arms out, his face showing an expression of utter confusion and pain.
"Um, yeah... but... erm... but the conversation got me... got me t-thinking." I stuttered.
They all looked shocked and surprised.
"R-Really!" Exclaimed Fishlegs.
I nodded.
"YES! This, this is marriage material, Hiccy!" Tuffnut Screamed.
"Shush, Shush!" I said as I gestured a silence sign with my finger.
"I don't want anyone hearing, please!" I pleaded.
"Oh, got it." Said Tuff.
"But, What would you guys think of... of us... you know..."
"Getting married!" Fishlegs squealed.
"I for one, think it would be gross, because romance is yuk! Unless it's me of course." Ruffnut said.
"But yeah, totally, it'd be so cool." She then said.
"Of course, I'll have to teach you a few things about being a husband though, you'd be surprised at how much I know." Tuff said.
"It'd be...GREAT!" Fishlegs screeched.
"Then soon you can have little Haddocks running around all over the place!" He said with excitement.
"Woah, woah, woah, one step at a time, Fishlegs!" I said nervously.
"Oh, sorry, I'm just excited." He said.
"I can tell."
"Obviously Astrid is way out of your league, but I suppose we all need a good occasion." Snotlout added.
"Woah, Snotlout that was really... profound, coming from you." I said in shock.
"What's that supposed to mean!" He charged.
"It's good, it means, it was very smart, and deep." I said in a hurry to defend myself.
"Why, Thank you" He said.
"We all think it's great, now what about you?" Fishlegs questioned.
"Er... um... yeah... yeah I-I wanna marry Astrid Hofferson!" I said.
"Wo-Hoo!" They howled in excitement.
I laughed and we ran off together.
"Oh, let's have a feast tomorrow evening and you can do it there." Fishlegs suggested.
"Uh, I don't know, if.. if she says no and-." I said.
"Oh she won't, trust us." He said.
"I trust you."
We rushed through the village, promoting the feast for tomorrow.
"Hi, come to the great hall for a feast tomorrow... Hi come... Hi." We repeated that line several times.
We finished and went back to my hut.
"So What are you gonna say?" Fishlegs asked.
"I don't know."
"What do you think she'll say?" Snotlout added.
"I don't know."
"What will you do after you get married?" Ruff questioned.
"I don't know."
"Do you think you'll have kids?" Tuff said.
"I don't know, okay guys, I don't know!" I yelled.
It all went silent.
"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." I said.
"No, it's our fault we shouldn't have pushed." Fishlegs said.
We spent the last hours of day light, talking, and catching up, They then left and I went to bed. Sleeping on all our preparation for tomorrow night, and thinking of what to say, and what to do.

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