The understanding

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Hiccups POV.
The door sent a vibration around the whole house and from my foot, to my head, I didn't wait a second I ran to the door and burst through it. I shut the door behind me and saw the huge bustle of Berkians In front of me. I looked to my left and right, then forward, I made my way to the crowds all going different ways.
"Excuse me!.. sorry!... pardon me." I repeated.
I gently pushed past the sea of people around me, I looked around for her. Nothing.
"Have you seen Astrid?... have you seen Astrid ?... have you seen-..."
there she was running down to the docks.
"ASTRID!" I yelled out for her.
She continued. I began to quicken my pace and move through the swarm of villagers, rushing to get to her. I squeezed myself out of the crowd, by that time she had disappeared. I ran after her and followed the path to the docks, I stepped on to the wooden docks and I couldn't see her. She was gone.
"What!?" I whispered under my breath.

Astrids POV.
I heard him call after me and I ran faster, I got down to the docks and ran to the nearest, thickest tree. I ran behind it and stood facing the sea. I didn't mean to avoid him, but I had to do this. For Heather.

Hiccups POV.
"ASTRID!?" I yelled out.
The water seemed to echo it back to me and I sighed, bowing my head I turned on my heel and began walking back up to the village. A small creak came from the dock. I hurriedly turned around and Astrid was stood there. Still. As if she was a statue of ice.
"Astrid, please." I begged.
She didn't turn, but she spoke.
"I'm sorry, Hiccup, I have to do this for her. I need to do this."
"It won't bring her back."
"I know."
"How do even know where he'll be?"
"I don't."
"You can't do this alone."
"I know, but I have to try."
"I can help." I pleaded.
"No!... I'm sorry, I can't risk you getting hurt, and besides you have"
"And you think I can sit up there and risk you getting hurt."
"If I do... get hurt, then it would be for her, and if I... if I die, then it's okay, I'll-."
"What? No! How could you ever think that's okay... if you die, I could never live with myself."
"I... just please let me go, it's for the best."
She began to walk away further to the boat, I ran up behind her and grabbed her waist, lifting her off her feet and I twisted her around so I was the closest to the boat.
"Hiccup! Put me down!"
I placed her down and she moved around me, I grabbed her hand and she stopped dead in her tracks.
"Please. Let me go." She choked on her tears.
"No. I can't. Please, I can't let you go... I can't lose you." I choked on mine.
"I need to find him..."
"I know, I understand, but you have to understand me."
"I do I-."
"Astrid, please listen. If you die... it's because of me."
"Yes. If I can't stop you, and you die it's because I couldn't stop you, as your chief I have to try and stop you, as your friend I have to try and stop you, as your boyfriend I have to try and stop you, as your... your fiancé I have to try."
"Hiccup... I."
She paused.
"I won't go." She said.
"Thank you, I love you."
"I love you to."
She looked sad and defeated.
"Look, I know this is hard on you, losing your best friend and not being able to do anything, but sometimes the world is cruel and unforgiving, and takes things you care about most, but you have to remember to push through and stay strong without doing anything irrational."
She smiled and nodded and kissed my cheek, we walked back to the village together.

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