The news

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Astrids POV.
I woke up on hiccups shoulder, squinting as the sun hit my eyes. I looked around and felt something in my hand, I looked down and saw a drawing book in my hand, along with a pencil.
"Oh hey, sleepy." Came a voice.
I looked to my right and saw Hiccup, I smiled and yawned.
"Where did everyone go?" I asked.
"They all had some stuff to do, but I didn't want to wake you, so I stayed."
I brushed my hands over the vibrant bristles of the sharp grass.
"You hungry? There's some food left over."
I looked and saw a sandwich, I rested the book down and grabbed the sandwich, I took small bites until it was finished. Then I finished the drawing of us all, with a small line there and a smudge here. It was done. We packed up everything that was ours and headed back to the village, slowly we travelled back to the house. Arriving at the front door we were greeted inside by Valka.
"Come in, we need to talk."
We both went inside and hiccup placed the stuff down and we both sat down, awaiting what she was about to say.
"We received... news, I don't know how..."  she paused.
"Val, whatever it is you can tell us." I said.
She took a breath.
"D-Drago has attacked Berserker island."
My mind realised.
She nodded.
", please no, gods no!" I cried.
I buried my head in my arms and sank into myself, Hiccup wrapped his arm around me and consoled me.
"I-I'm so sorry, Astrid."
"It c-can't be! She can't be-."
"We also found out the net you got caught in... that was Drago's crew."
I didn't care about me, or the net... Heather was... no.
"Thank you, mom." Hiccup said.
I heard the door open, footsteps, then closed. Valka left. I could hear him walking back over to me and feel him sit down next to me.
I looked up my eyes burning with tears.
"Why her?" I said.
I hugged him tight and sobbed, I couldn't feel my eyes, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't... I couldn't live without her. It wasn't real. It couldn't be real. Why does it have to be real?
"I'm so sorry, Astrid, if there's anything I can do, anything you need." Hiccup told me.
I looked up and stared him in his eyes before speaking.
"I need her."
I fell back into the hug and I felt him kiss my head, we stayed there until I had calmed down. After I stopped crying I sat up and I didn't speak, I did nothing.
"What did I do? W-What did she do?" I said.
Hiccup looked at mom empathy crawling everywhere on him.
"Astrid, do not blame yourself, this was Drago, never. Ever. Think it's your fault."
I heard him, but didn't regard him, Heather was dead, and nothing in this world could bring her back. If there was any way-
"Drago!" I didn't mean to say it out loud.
He was going to pay, I know it wouldn't bring her back, but it would avenge her and every one else Drago has killed.
"Astrid no!" Hiccup said.
I got up and left, slamming the door behind me.

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