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Astrids POV.
It'd been a month since I returned to berk, everything was going well and we had a few huts up and ready. I went to see Hiccup, who was at Gobber's blacksmith hut, I was enjoying the walk there and looking at all the trees. I turned the corner to see Gobber and Hiccup arguing, I didn't want to intrude so I stayed put. Suddenly hiccup grabs his apron and throws it on the ground. I've never seen him this upset with Gobber. Hiccup looked away and his eyes met mine, he then looked shocked and stormed off in the opposite direction. I approached Gobber.
"What was that all about?" I said confused.
"Oh," he stuttered.
"Gobber ?" I said.
"Um, well ya see...I'm may of... sort of...asked Hiccup to... to m-marry you" He finally spat out.
"Gobber, we've been over this, you know we are not ready for that." I told him off.
"Well, worth a shot, eh?" He smiled.
"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes.
I ran in the direction he went.
"Hiccup? ... Hiccup?" I questioned into thin air.
I soon found him sat by the water fall watching the sky.
"Hiccup there you are!" I said excitedly.
"Hey" He said unenthusiastically.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.
"Oh, me...nothing, I'm fine." He said in a sad tone.
"No your not, you know I can tell when something's wrong." I said.
"I know, the truth is, there is so much going on that I don't know what's wrong anymore." He sighed.
"Oh, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, with the accident and the dragons an-..." I said, but couldn't finish.
"it's not your fault, none of this is anyone's fault but mine." He said.
I wanted to interrupt, but I let him speak.
"If I hadn't gone to Grimmel then Toothless might still be here, if I had been paying attention you wouldn't of got hurt, if I had moved before Toothless shot my dad he might've still been here, if we hadn't of gone to the edge then maybe we'd still be living on berk, if I hadn't... if I..." he said tearing up, now tears streaming down his face.
"If i...I... if... if I hadn't shot down Toothless in the first place none of this would've ever happened. Toothless would have his tail fin, you'd have a better life without me, and you'd probably be the greatest dragon killer the world has ever seen. I wouldn't be holding you back, and everyone's life's would be significantly better if I... if I was never even born!" He emphasised the last part.
"Hiccup-..." I said.
"No, no it's okay I'm just ruining your life so, he don't yo just put yourself out of misery and leave me." He said with tears.
"You didn't let me finish, everything is better with you, I am the person I am today because of you, none of this would of happened without you, your right about that, but what you don't see is, that everything that happened was something nobody was brave enough for, you were the first person to ride a dragon and we all followed p, you have been the greatest leader to everyone from day one... and don't you ever... ever! Think otherwise again, all of these amazing adventures you lead to, all this brilliant stuff that happened to us, it's all the way it's supposed to be, and I couldn't be more prouder of you, of who you are, this... this, Hiccup is who you were meant to be." I told him.
I couldn't bare to see him like this, I don't understand why he feels all those thing, but he doesn't understand all the greatness he has brought to us.
" really think so." He stuttered.
"I know so, Hiccup." I firmly said.
"Thank you." He whispered.
I was about to kiss his cheek, before he turned his head and we properly kissed. We hugged and stayed there watching the sky and clouds flow by slowly, we told each other what we thought the clouds looked like and laughed at each others ideas. We were both doubtful but now we are both sure.

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