Chapter 1

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Walking quietly down the long hallways of building 5, you heard a few other prisoners (whose names you did not know) talking about a guy named Enki. You didn't know much about him. The only things you knew about him came from passing conversations. All you knew was that he had killed an inmate. Apparently he was Samon's brother and was still kept in this prison. Chills went down your spine. You continued to think about this until you arrived at your destination: the break room. As you opened the door, your nose was immediately assaulted with the sour smell of cigarettes. You looked to the couch to see Hajime smoking one. He, as was all of the other guards, was used to your presence in the break room. He nodded and you bowed slightly in response. As you closed the door, you found the person you were looking for. You suspected he would be here as it is his break time. You timidly walked to the chair in which Kenshirou sat, papers in hand. "I guess those are the documants the new prisoners." You nodded, a polite smile on your face as you handed them to him. He thanked you, to which you nodded as you walked out of the door. You had nothing else to do, so you settled on going to building 5 to talk with your friends. (the few ones you have). You daydream lazily as you walk through the entrance of the building, eyes wander until they fall on a certain chines smol. You smile lightly and walk towards Upa. He looks up from his book and waves. Neither you or him were the talkative type, but you still enjoyed each other's company. Once you were in talking range, Upa said a simple "hey". Though you weren't mute, you tended not to talk that much.  He was an exception. "Hey Upa. I got something for you" you replied as your smile became slightly bigger. He looked up and raised and expectant eyebrow. You held out a closed hand. He held out his. A small square dropped into the palm of his hand. Only a few people knew about Upa's stamp collecting, and even fewer cared, so he was surprised when he realized that you had given him a stamp from (your choice of place). An expression of shock crossed his face for a second before being replaced with a small smile. He looked up and said a small "thank you." you nodded and wandered off. You walked past Liang training. You didn't want to disturb him so you kept on. You finally made it to Samon's office, knocking quietly. After hearing a "come in" you turned the doorknob and walked in. As you suspected, there he was. Sitting at his desk eating a popsicle while doing paperwork. He looked at you as you entered. "Oh, hey (y/n). What brings you here." Your face scrunches up as you try to think of a reason, then you shrug. "I don't know." He rolls his eyes playfully as he looks back at his work. He seems to remember something as he suddenly begins to rummage in a stack of papers. "Hey, while you're here, do you think you can bring these papers to Inori? He'll know what to do with them." You nodded and took the papers, waving as you walked out the door. After walking for a bit, you stopped to ponder where he could be. Right now, he was supposed to be supervising the inmates while they were out for training and/or free time. Knowing he would be slacking off, you walked to the bench he usually slept on. Smirking slyly, you scare him awake by pushing the hand that was holding his head up. His face nearly hit the bench arm. Clearly agitated, he looked around, only to find you on the ground laughing. Annoyed, he said," Did you have to do that? You could have just woken me up" getting up, still slightly out of breath from laughing, you replied "Or you could have already been awake and doing your job". He rolled his eyes at this. "What do you want" Remembering your task, you handed him the papers. He sighed, taking them. "Tell Houzuki to watch them, I'll be back" He said, pointing at a strange looking guard. You nodded and went up to the man. You nervously cleared your throat, getting his attention. "Oh hello. Who might you be?" He said, smiling. Feeling a bit at ease, you replied ,"I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you. Inori told me to let you know he'd be leaving for a bit." He nodded. "Oh, okay. Thank you for letting me know" You bowed and walked off. After a few more errands, you decided to sit for a while. As you were siting there, doing nothing, your mind made it back to this Enki character. You reasoned that he would be in the underground cells if the rumor about him murdering an inmate was true. Your hand went to the access card in your pocket. You regularly went down there to either give one of the prisoners held down there something, take any requests, or just to talk to a few that you knew. Samon was wary of the idea of you walking down there alone, but it's become the norm now. You usually only went down half way as Inori tended to the rest. Being the slack-off he is, it would be easy to get him to let you take his shift. So you decided to ask him next time if you could do so. For some unknown reason, you really wanted to see this Enki guy, if he was even real or held here. This mission was running through your mind as you got up to continue walking around.

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