Chapter 57 (xreader)

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No one attempted to talk to the pair of you, so it was a rather quick lunch. When you were finished, the pair of you made your way to the Warden's office. You requested the rest of the day off. Because Enki wasn't due to start work yet and because you weren't supposed to be working, she let the two of you go. Kiji said that he would take care of getting Enki's clothes, so there was really nothing to do. You both made your way to the parking lot, still hand in hand. You went in the direction of your car but Enki went another way. This caused you to fall. Of coarse, he caught you before you hit the ground. While you were in his arms you looked up at him and said, "Well, I guess I really have FALLEN for you." He groaned but helped you up. He started walking in a different direction, pulling you with him, "So where are we going?" You asked, not really minding where you went. "First, we have to get my car" He said, pulling out a set of keys from his pocket. After a bit of walking, you got to the car. It was a bit taller than the average car and had nothing to step on to help you get in, which left you struggling to get up. Enki laughed. "STOP LAUGHING AT MY SHORTNESS PROBLEMS" You wailed dramatically. Enki got out of the car and helped you in. "Looks like I'm going to have to get running boards."(running boards are those things on cars that you step on to get in.) He said, smirking. You just crossed your arms. He went around and got in on the drivers side. "Where are we going now?" You asked. He thought for a moment. "How about we go to the house" You nodded. After a rather quick drive, you made it. "it's on the third floor" He nodded. You were about to start walking up the stairs, then, without warning, Enki picked you up and started running up the stairs. "Enkiiiiii put me dooooown" You said to no avail. In no time, you were at the third floor. He set you down. You were a bit dizzy and leaned against him, trying to calm yourself. "Enki nooooo" He chuckled "Which door is yours" You dug the key out of your pocket and walked to Hdoor number (room number). You unlocked the door and stepped in. "Here it is" He walked in and looked around. "Pretty nice." he said. "Thanks. Wanna tour?" He nodded. "Living room is right there, kitchen and dining room over there" You started walking down the hall, him following, "bathroom, Guest bedroom, and an office on the right. Master bedroom and closet on the left." He nodded, trying to memorize the layout. You started to walk but you tripped over air. You fell down and stayed down. You heard Enki chuckle. "I guess you could say that you FELL HARD for me, eh?" You groaned, "Enki noooooo" He rolled his eyes and picked you up. "So where are we going now?" He thought for a moment. "I have an idea" he said with a smirk. "Oh really? Where?" He took your hand and started to go towards the door. "Enki where are we going?" "You'll see" You sighed but let him guide you to the car. You jumped (literally jumped) into the car and shut the door behind you. He started driving. As you neared the place that he wanted to go, he said, "close your eyes" "What. Why?" "You'll see" You closed your eyes. You felt the car stop. Enki got out and came to your side of the car and got you out. "Can I open my eyes now?" "Yes" You opened your eyes. You were at (favorite place to eat). "How'd you know?" You said excitedly. He shrugged, "Samon may have told me a few things" You smiled and walked into the building, ignoring all of the stares. You walked up to the counter and ordered your usual. Not knowing anything on the menu, Enki ordered the same. You walked and sat down at a table. "When do you start work?" "In two days. What about you?" "I don't know, they didn't tell me" "Or did you just not listen" "I probably didn't listen" He rolled his eyes. The food came and you both started eating. That was when your clumsy self decided to spill your drink. All over yourself. Like a four year old. And it was cold. very cold. You sat there frozen, both literally and figuratively. "Oh gosh" Enki said, grabbing some napkins. He handed them to you and you dried off as best as possible. In the end, you decided to take your food to go and go home. "You're clumsy, you know that right?" "yeah" While Enki was driving, you turned on the radio. After a few songs, (favorite song) came on. You gasped and started singing the lyrics. Enki laughed at you while as you finished the song enthusiastically. You turned to him, "What?" he shook his head. The rest of the way home you both just listened to the radio. You and Enki made your way up the stairs (normally, this time) You opened the door and ran to your room, wanting to get out of your wet clothes. Not used to having someone else in the house, you neglected to close the door. You had just taken your shirt off when you heard footsteps in the hall stop right next to your door. You turned around only to see Enki with a smirk on his face. "gEt OuT eNkI" you shouted, covering your chest with your arms and running to close the door. You slammed it shut. "You should close the door then." You heard Enki say from behind the door. You crossed your arms. "Well you're the one who looked." He chuckled, "nice bra by by the way" This caused your face to flush. "SHUT UP" You said, throwing a shoe at the door. You heard him laugh and walk away, probably to the guest bedroom. You finished getting dressed and walked out. Enki was in the kitchen eating the food that you had gotten at (favorite restaurant) at the counter. You sat in the chair next to him. He offered you a bite and you took it, smiling as you ate your favorite food. After you had swallowed you yawned. "Tired?" he asked. "No" you said stubbornly. He rolled his eyes at this. He put up the food then turned to you. Picking you up he carried you to your bed and set you down. You yawned again. "Are you sure you're not tired?" "Yes, perfectly sure" He ignored this and pulled the covers over you. He kissed you on the head. "Goodnight" He was about to walk out of the door when you said, "Wait" He turned around. "What" "Lay with me?" He gave you a questioning look "I thought you didn't like to be touched." "eNkI pLeAsE" you said dramatically. He gave in and fell onto the bed. the sudden weight shift caused you to roll towards him. Your back hit his stomach. He took the blanket and wrapped it around both of you. He then gently wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. You felt you cheeks heat up from being so close to him, but you ignored it. You just closed your eyes. "Goodnight (y/n)" " 'night Enki" Then, out of habit, you said, "Love you" You froze. 'crap crap crap wasn't supposed to say that yet he hates me now abort mission I repeat abort-' "Love you too" You lay there, stunned. You recovered quickly though. 'He loves me?' you thought. You smiled and snuggled closer. 'I could live with this' you thought happily. You gently drifted off into a peaceful sleep in the arms of your lover. 

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So, this is the end on He's Innocent. Wow. It's bittersweet to see this one come to and end. I hope that you enjoyed reading this book. I'll add an author's note after this saying stuff things....ya know. Anyways, thanks for reading. So YEET.  

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