Chapter 53

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You broke eye contact with Liuyang and walked back to your seat. You wanted to go check if Enki was okay. You wanted to with all of your heart. But you had to stay. The Jury was still talking. You couldn't hear them though. Your heart was pounding and you fought to keep the nausea away. You took a long drink of the glass of water on the desk. It tasted a little weird, but Momoko, who was the speaker for the jury, stood up. You and Liuyang's lawyer walked both stood up, waiting for the verdict. When you stood up, your head went all fuzzy and your vision had black spots. You shrugged it off, thinking that you had just stood up too quickly. Momoko started speaking, "The jury finds Liuyang-" your hearing faded in and out as you started to fee rather dizzy. You strained to hear as your ears popped. "-guilty of all charges" You smiled faintly as the rest of the jury cheered. You had done it. He was free. You felt hot. So hot. Too hot. But you had to stay. Just a little longer. You turned to the judge who looked to be just a blur now. While you couldn't hear much at this point, you could make out fragments, " chance.......-" You tried your best to listen. You strained so hard. But you couldn't hear. Everything was blurry. Everything hurt. Your knees started wobbling. You leaned onto the desk to stay standing. Your vision started to fade to black. You coughed and felt something warm and sticky roll down your chin. Confused, you lifted your hand to your mouth. You pulled it back. It was red. Blood. You whipped the blood off on a hankercheif you had in your back pocket. You tried to speak. Nothing came out. You looked at Liuyang, who was smirking at you maliciously. The judge was still talking, so no one had noticed you yet. You needed help, you knew that. But you couldn't speak. You couldn't do anything. You made brief eye contact with Samon as you feel more blood seep out of the corner of your mouth. Then, black enveloped you, and you fell to the ground.

Samon's Pov

I didn't know how to feel. Enki was free. I could have a brother again. A smile spread it's way across my face. I looked to (y/n), expecting to see her smiling. The sight I saw was totally different. She was pale. Too pale. She looked as if she was in pain. She was leaning on the desk and she looked as if she was about to collapse. Just then, she made eye contact with me. Blood rolled down her chin. I watched in horror as she fell to the floor. Everyone looked in shock for a few seconds. "GET MEDICAL, RIGHT NOW"  I yelled, getting everyone out of their shocked state. The Warden grabbed her walki-talki and called medical. Liuyang was quickly put in cuffs and dragged roughly out of the room. His lawyer was also escorted out. In a few seconds, a medical team rushed in and put her on a gurney and took her away. Just like last time. The room grew silent. Then, Upa stood up. Everyone walked to her desk. He picked up the glass of water. He lifted it to his nose and smelled it. He recoiled and set it down. "This water is spiked" I walked to where he was and smelled the water. It smelled... bad. It wasn't just water, that's for sure. "Samon-san?" I turned to Upa, "Yes" He pulled something off of his top and handed it to me. " I was sitting on the outer row. That camera probably has the person that brought it." "Oh than- wait why do you have a camera on you?" "There was a gunman. During the recess, (y/n) asked Liang and I to take him out. She gave me the camera to record it." I thought to myself for a second, then started walking off. "Wait, where are you going" said Upa as I was approaching the door. "I'm going to have a little talk with our friend"

(Timeskip for an unknown amount of time)

(Enki's Pov)

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to get used to the bright lights. I look around. I'm a hospital bed. I moved my hand to cover my eyes. I stayed there for a second until, "Enki?" It was Samon. I moved my arm to see him standing a bit away from me. "Sa-mon" my voice cracked. He sighed and walked to the table beside me, pouring a glass of water. He handed it to me. He seemed to be standing as far away as possible. I took a sip then set it back down. "Samon, I'm sorry and-" "It's fine, Enki. I just need a little bit of time." I nodded. "There is something you need to see, though." He seemed very somber. "Can I see (y/n) first, I need to thank her." He looked down. "Samon, is (y/n) okay?" No answer. "Samon." She had to be alright. He sighed, "Follow me." I stood up. He led me to another room, not too far from my own. He stopped in front of the door. "Enki, before you go in there, just know that we have the person who did this in custody." I nodded. I reached for the knob but he stopped me. "Enki, she, um" I looked at him. He sighed, "Just be careful." I nodded. He moved out of the way and I stepped in. My heart dropped as I saw her.

Lol a cliff hanger. Sorry. So Enki's finally free! The next one should be out by either 7/2 or 7/3. I would also like to thank Yun_Yukihara for following me! Also, thanks for all of the nice comments! Thanks for reading and see you next chapter! So YEET.

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