Chapter 7

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After waiting in a long line, you were finally able to make your way to your usual table, tray in hand. Plopping down in the seat directly in front of Samon, you looked up at him. He had the same sinister smirk you had. He was the first one to speak. " So... Got any ideas?" You nodded your head. Because you had been thinking about this all day, you had come up with a few. You and Samon planned what your revenge would be over your lunch, then set out to set it up after. 

(Time skip to when everything is set up)

You and Samon sat on the couch in the break room, knowing Inori would be here soon. Hearing the door knob turn, you both glanced at Inori, who was currently entering the room. Knowing his routine well, you weren't surprised when you heard the fridge open followed by some rummaging. You both shared a look when the sound of foil tearing could be heard. It was a well known fact that Inori would often take some treats out of the fridge. So, you had put a very special treat for him today. While it didn't say his name on it, it was labeled "brownies", so you knew he would take some. And by some, you mean all. He made his way to the couches, falling onto one lazily, plate of 'brownies'  in hand. You both looked at him intently as he took a big bite. You both saw his eyes widen in surprise as he realized that those weren't brownies. He dramatically spit the chocolate covered sponge out. "WHAT THE (bleep) WAS THAT?" not being able to hold it in anymore, you and Samon both burst out laughing. You fell off of the couch, taking him with you. As you both roll around on the floor, clutching your stomachs, Inori stomps up to you. Picking you up by your collar, he said "HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH FOOD" Still laughing, you replied "Well then, maybe you shouldn't mess with people's phones" "or their pop sikles." Samon chimed in. Still angry, he dropped you, making you fall on your butt. " Owwww. ThAt huRT" "Well maybe you shouldn't MESS AROUND WITH FOOD" Giggling, you stood up. You offered a hand to Samon and pulled him up. Samon put what you called his work face and said in a serious voice," Now that's enough. You have some paper work to fill out, Inori. Do it now." Grumbling, Inori stomped away, going do the paperwork. Dropping the act, Samon smiled. Smirking along with him, you followed Inori to his office. Watching through the crack in the door he never seemed to close, you waited for him to grab a pen. After a few minutes of looking on his phone, he took up a pen. You could see him scribbling furiously against the paper. You could tell he was frustrated. He threw the pen across the room. "Stupid pen" You heard him grumble. You put your hand against your mouth to keep from laughing. He got another one. This one also seemed to not work. With a yell, he threw that pen. Roughly picking up another on, he pushed hard. Once again, nothing came out. He threw it and scram " WHAT THE (bleep)" You and Samon looked at each other, then started laughing. Inori ran over to the door and saw you to there, laughing your guts out. He picked you up by your collar (again) and yelled " WHAT THE (bleep) DID YOU DO TO MY PENS?!" It took a while, but you finally regained your composure. "I may or may not have coated them with clear nail polish." You said with an innocent expression on your face. With Samon still laughing in the background, Inori threw you against the wall. You made an "oof" sound when you fell. Despite being thrown into a wall, you began to laugh. Samon joined you. Inori huffed and tramped off. Because you didn't want to get in trouble with the Warden, you guys had decided on only doing three... today. That's why you ran to the bathroom. Inori always came in here to slack off by hiding in the stalls. Once you got to it, you both went to work putting together your pre-hidden supplies. After a bit of work, you're final prank was complete. Stepping back to admire your work, you both smirked. Samon set up his phone to catch this on tape. You looked at the time. It read 2:20. About the time he leaves the courtyard. He always asks either you or that other weird looking guard to cover for him. Perfect. You press record on Samon's phone and dive into a stall, anticipating what's about to happen. After a few minutes, you hear heavy footsteps approaching. Smiling, you waited. The door opened. You heard water splashing accompinied by a scream. Then you heard the bag of feathers pop as he stumbled backwards. You ran out of the stall to grab the phone. Laughing, you walked up to a feather covered Inori, Laughing as hard as you could, Samon doing the same. Furious, Inori sprang up, grabbing Samon this time. "YOU'RE GANNA GET IT LITTLE MONKEY" Still laughing too hard to respond, Samon wiggled out of his grasp, running away. You videoed Inori chasing a laughing Samon. After a while, Inori gave up and waled off. You stopped the video and turned off the phone. Samon gave you a high five after you had given his phone back. "Send that to me" You said, he nodded. "Welp, that was fun." You looked at your watch. "Ima go now." "Okay. Thanks for helping me get back at him" he said with a smile. You bowed dramatically, " It was my absolute pleasure, sire." Copying you, he said back," Have a good day, m' lady." Laughing at your oddness, you waved and walked off. You walked passed Inori on your way out. Chuckling, you went up to him. "What." he said,angry. "Hey, sorry, but not sorry. But because I'm a good person, I guess i'll take your shift in the underground tomorrow" He nodded, still mad, but slightly less so now. Satisfied, you walked off, once again looking forward to seeing Enki"

Finally finished! Hope you enjoyed this weird one. It has no signifigance what so ever to the plot, but still. The next once should be out by 4/3 or 4/4. So YEET.

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