Chapter 52

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Several gasps were heard around the room, followed by talking. The judge hit the desk with his mallet ordering for the room to be quiet. After it was silent, Liuyang walked up to the stand slowly, glaring at you the whole way there. He plopped down into the chair, looking as smug as ever. He hadn't noticed that his friend had been taken out (non-lethally of course) He still thought he had an advantage. You smirked and began your questioning. "Liu Wei" He looked at you expectantly at the sound of the name. Instead of talking to him, you looked at the judge as you handed in some papers. You finished your sentence while he read them. "A man who was invited to the council" Liuyang rolled his eyes, "Of course I was invited to the Counsel, how else would I be-" "I wasn't finished." You cleared your throat. "But, as it turns out, Liu Wei was murdered." Surprise and confusion swept over the room. "Impossible, you must be mistaken. I'm right here." He said, gesturing to himself. You chuckled. "Oh, but there is one issue with that." He laughed, "And what would that be?" He said confidently. 'perfect'  You thought. You pulled out a picture of Liu Wei. The real one. He was in a body bag, obviously dead. You held it out to the jury. "This is the real Liu Wei. He was murdered buy a mafia. One not known to many. The case was covered up. Liu Wei had been the one who was invited to the counsel. Because of this, they, the Orcus mafia, had him killed. A man named Liuyang took his place." You said, pulling out a picture of him. You held it up. Mumbles were heard throughout the room. You went up to a person in the front row of the jury, who happened to be Momoko. "Ms. Momoko, who does this man in the picture look like." She studied it for a moment. "Him" She said, jerking her chin towards Liuyang. You picked up a picture of Liuyang that was taken that day and handed it to her. "Do these two pictures look like the same man?" She looked at them, comparing the details. "Yes" You nodded and took them away. You then backed up, still facing the jury, "Ladies and gentlemen, do these two people look the same. The whole jury agreed. You turned back around and gave the papers to the guard who handed them to the judge. "Your honer, the two people in those pictures are the same person." The judge looked for a moment, "Yes, they do appear to be the same, but how can you be sure?" You had prepared for this. Being the person you are, you compared every detail. "Look at the details. The nose on both people are slightly offset. This is an aftereffect of having a broken nose. The thing is-" You said, digging another thing out and handing it to the judge, "-Liu Wei never had a broken nose. No records what-so-ever." The judge nodded, "Go on" You then handed in the picture of the real Liu Wei. The real one had blond hair and blue eyes. He had a straight nose and no scars. You then went on for a while about the small details that the pictures had in common, then you got to the biggest one. Before you said it, however, you looked at Liuyang, who was sitting there in disbelief. You smirked and looked up at the balcony, which was void of any gunman. He followed your line of sight. The blood drained from his face. You chuckled. "Lastly, look on the neck. As you can see, there is a tattoo. 'Frater semper frater' if I'm correct." the judge nodded, "Now, if everyone would turn their attention to this man." You said, gesturing to Liuyang. Everyone turned. All eyes on you. "If you would look at his attire, you would notice that his neck is covered." You walked over to your case. You had prepared in the case that he had covered it with makeup or something. Go got it ready then walked back to the stand. "Now, Liu Wei, please show the jury the right side of your neck" He smirked and did so. There was nothing there, or so it appeared. You chuckled. "Now, would you please come down here?" You said in an overly-sweet voice. Liuyang looked at the judge. "I'll allow it." He grumbled as he walked down and stood next to you. You smirked and pulled up a cotton pad with make-up remover on it. His eyes widened. Before he could do anything, you got a good swipe in on his neck. He was going to protest, but you held the thing up. A bit of foundation had wiped off. "It's just a little make-up" "Well then, you wouldn't mind if I took some off, would you" The jury looked at him suspiciously. He sighed and stood still. After a few wipes, a tattoo that matched the one on the picture of Liuyang appeared. "As you can see, your honer, this man is Liuyang." Several gasps were heard around the room. The judge seemed to believe you, as he picked up the walki-talki and called for security to surround the room. You smiled triumphantly. You looked at him smugly. He lunged for you. Before you could step back, he scratched your arm. He was put back in hand cuffs. You turned to the jury. "It took me a while, but I figured it out. And when I did, Liuyang came to finish me off." A t.v. was rolled in and a tape started playing. "This is the footage from when he broke into my house." You watched as he broke the lock on your door. After that, you looked away. You didn't want to think about that right now. It finished and the tv was rolled away. "If you payed attention, you would see that Liuyang had been shot in the leg. You pulled up a picture taken when Liuyang was getting his medical exam. There was a bullet wound right where it was in the tape. "As you can see, he tried to kill me because I knew too much." You looked to the Judge. "I would like to call Li Jing to the stand." He nodded and she went. "Now, please say what you were going to say earlier" She nodded, "Many times I had heard him talking to lady 4 about how he was going to summon Enki to headquarters to overpower the rest of us. He was planning to take over." You turned to the jury. "That is the reason why Liu Wei was killed. That is the reason why Enki was controlled and manipulated for all of those years. For power. This man-" you gestured to Liuyang "Murdered for his own well-being. He tore apart two brothers just so he could have more. Enki was all that Samon had and he took that away from him, just so he could have more. He murdered countless people. He tore apart families. He hurt so many, just so he could have more. This man is a cold blooded killer. One that will do anything for more power. He deserves the worst punishment. For the ones he hurt. For the ones he scarred. For every one of his crimes. If you need any more evidence than there already is-" You took Enki's hand and led him to the center of the room. "Look at this." You tried to reach the back of his neck, but you couldn't. He bent down. You pulled down the collar of his shirt to reveal a talisman. Without warning, you pulled it off. Several gasps were heard around the room as he fell to the ground. He was out, cold. You held it up. "This is a talisman. One of such a high power that is it only available to the Council. This, along with everything else, should prove that this man- Liuyang Gacheru- is guilty of all charges, and more. Thank you." With this you sat back down. You watched helplessly as Enki was dragged away by medical. The jury started discussing weather he was guilty or not while you glared at Liuyang. 

A bit longer than usual. Kool. The next one should be out by 6/30 or 6/31. I would like to thank kirakitsune2324 and LolaAnimies for adding my story to their reading list! I hope you enjoyed this one! See you soon! So YEET.

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