Chapter 17

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(this chapter will have some crap goin' down, btw) 

The door to the underground prison swung open. You pulled the door shut, walking down the steep steps and taking a deep breath of the familiar muggy air. You dug in your bag and pulled out your notebook, ready to start taking requests. As always, you started from the side opposite to Enki and made your way towards him. After what seemed like an eternity, you were at the last five cells before him. Three out of the five didn't want anything while the other two requested a small fan. You jotted that down as you walked past the wall of darkness. As you walked, all you could hear was the soft click of your boots. Your pen dangled in your hand as you walked in an almost day dreaming state. After a few seconds, your pen slipped out of your hand, hitting the floor with a small 'click' You stopped walking and bent down to pick it up. Without the clicking of your boots, it was completely silent. The other inmates were too far away to be heard. You stood up slowly, amazed at how quiet it was. You went in a trance for a little bit, bewitched by the coldness of the silence. (stop reading for like ten seconds) ...................... You then heard footsteps. Your heart lurched as you ran out of the light and into the dark. No one was supposed to be down here. Not even a guard or supervisor. It was only you, Inori, Samon, and the Warden who had the ability to enter this room. You knew for a fact that it wasn't Inori or the Warden. You looked at your watch. Samon would be at lunch right now. 'Maybe I left the door open?' No you remembered closing it. Even if you did, that person would have to have gotten by you. 'Could they have possibly gotten by me?' No, you had closed the door. No one can get in once you close the door.'Could... could it be an inmate?' Your heart dropped. The worst of the worst were kept down here. The most dangerous, lethal, and violent. The cells were thought to be impossible to break out of. No one could ever break out.' But what if-'  Your thoughts were cut off by the sudden lack of footsteps. You forced yourself to silence your breathing and slow down your racing heart. You heard the steps start to walk to the other side of the wall (not the side you were on) You couldn't see this possible escaped inmate. He was keeping clear of the lights that were hung in the middle of the wide corridor. They only illuminated a small part of it, so it wasn't hard to steer clear of them. You could only see the outline of him. Even that didn't give off anything. He seemed to be wearing something that was concealing his shape. A cloak of some kind, maybe? Well, whatever it was, it was as black as the darkness hiding you. He looked to be pretty tall. At least as tall as Uno, though it was hard to tell. He was feeling the wall, dragging his hand on it as he walked. You thought it was weird. You followed the sound and what little of the black clothed man you could see. Not so far back, you had passed a small space where there was one light out. This made almost a bridge of darkness, connecting the pitch blackness that clung to the walls. Your heart dropped as this mystery man crossed that bridge of shadow, still obscured by the black. His hand was sill on the wall, feeling along it. You realized what he was doing. He was searching for someone. Anyone that was hiding. You forced calmness as you tried to think through the rush of adrenaline pumping through your veins. You only had a few options, none of which resulted in an ideal situation. You could run, but he would hear you and come after you. You could try to fight him, but you didn't know if he was armed or not. Yelling for help would do no good. Calling someone would alert him of your presence. You ran through your options. In that moment, you decided that booking it would be your best option. He was getting closer. The sickening click of his boots and the nauseating sound of his hand dragging against the rough walls was getting louder. You thought for a bit, sacrificing a little bit of precious time. If you took off your boots and socks, you would make less noise. Though he would still most likely hear you, it was worth a shot. Just your luck, the air circulation system came on just then. You looked to your side and saw the man to be about twenty feet away from you. The noise coming from the system would only last about one minute. You quickly went to work, undoing the latches and laces on your boots, tearing them off. You then pulled your socks off, picking them up and stuffing them into the boots. You stood up in the darkness, ready to start running. The noise stopped. It was quiet again. He was very close now. Thinking on your feet, you threw your boots past the man, making some noise. His head snapped towards your little scene and started walking to it. His steady pace was slightly creepy. Head spinning, you ran the other way as fast as you could. The sound of your bear feet hitting the cement was more quiet than running with boots, but in the sickening silence, it could still be heard. The man wasn't stupid and quickly caught on to what was happening. You could hear his calm footsteps walking at an exaggeratedly slow pace in your direction. Heart pounding in your ears, you pushed yourself faster. You were still running in the dark as the man was walking in it. Your vision was focused on what was in front of you, waiting for the steps that would lead to your way out of there. Then, out of nowhere, you collided with a wall. You fell to the ground with the breath knocked out of you. Your eyes snapped open. You jumped to your feet and whipped your head around. Your heart stopped. You were at Enki's cell. The one at the end of the corridor. The one farthest away from the door. You had run in the opposite direction. The man's foot steps were still slowly approaching you as death seemed to approach a bed-bound person. You looked into the cell to find Enki on the ground. The care for your momentarily overpowered the current situation. You found your voice, the little one you had, and whispered in a broken voice, "Enki" He jumped and looked at you with startled eyes. He suddenly started yelling. "(Y/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" He didn't wait for your to answer. "RUN. GO. HE'S COMING." His usually calm and comforting voice was now demanding and absolute. With tears in your eyes, you rose to your feet. You almost started running, but you were too late. He was there. Standing there. He towered over you. Though he wasn't as tall as Enki, his height was still scary. You stood there, wide eyed, looking up at him. You couldn't see his face, as it was hidden by the cloak. His head was tilted to the side slightly. Remembering your extensive training, you slipped into a low fighting pose, ready to defend yourself. He made no move. The only thing he did was chuckle. It was low and cold and filled with malice. It made you want to puke. You didn't know much about this man, but you did know that he wasn't good. "GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU TREACHEROUS LITTLE CRAP" Enki yelled, gripping the bars. The man turned his head towards him slowly. He let out another poison laced chuckle. He spoke. "So this is the girl that has been... interfering with my little plan." He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. His voice sounded like that of a corpse. It was scratchy and low, laced with deviousness. You gulped and felt yourself become light headed. He laughed again. You almost puked. He slowly put one arm out to you, the other still at his side. His fingers were strained into a claw-like position. You wandered what he was doing for a second. And then you felt it. Ever fiber in you body felt as if it was on fire. You let out an agonized yell. The pain was indescribable. It was worse than anything you had felt in your life. It was worse than breaking a bone. It hurt more than being stabbed a thousand times. It was more painful than being slowly lowered into a pit of lava. You heard screaming, but it sounded distant. Tears streaked down your face. Your throat was beginning to hurt from yelling. You felt yourself being lifted up. Through your tears, you were able to see that the man wasn't directly touching you. He was still standing there, face covered and hand outstretched. The outer circle of your vision started to face to black. You were now very high in the air, being held up by some unknown force. Everything was blurry now. Only vague shapes were visible. The black continued creeping up into your sight. In just a few agonizing seconds, your vision was gone. You felt your body going slack, giving way to unconsciousness. Your head lulled one side as your previously taut muscles gave in. The last thing your heard was Enki's screams.

I'M SOOOO SORRY FOR BOTH NOT UPDATING YESTERDAY AND THE CLIFF-HANGER. I was almost at 2,000 words, and if I continued, it would be too long. I'll try to get the next one out ASAP. I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter. So YEET.

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