Chapter 26

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Your alarm clock screamed in your ear. Groaning, you swatted at it. After turning it off, you lugged yourself out of bed. You got to your feet slowly, expecting your injured ankle to hurt. It didn't. 'hm. That's weird' you thought. You shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen. You ate a quick bowl of cereal, not bothering to put the dishes in the dish washer. It was time to get ready, so you made your way to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror. The bruise on your cheek was gone. "what the-" you gently prodded the area that it was in. It didn't hurt. Making a what-the-heck-is-goin-on face, you washed your face and brushed your teeth. After that, you brushed your (h/l), (h/c) hair and put it in a pony tail (or whatever you want) You looked at your uniform that was hanging and reached for it. You slipped on the white buttoned up shirt. You tied your tie and put on the black overcoat. After putting on your socks, you yanked on your pants. After securing your belt into place, you set off in search of your shoes. You found them where you threw them. You put them on and grabbed your bag. Just as you were about to walk out the door, you spotted the letter you planned to send to Li Jing. 'I'll do it when I get home' you said to yourself as you jumped into the car. After a quiet drive to Namba, you got out of the car and made your way to the entrance. You clocked in, automatically making your way to Samon's office. You stopped. 'What if he starts asking questions again? He'll find out and forbid me from going in the underground prison.' With a heavy heart, you made a hard decision. You turned away and walked, going to do your normal routine without checking in with him like you normally do. You started taking roll as usual. You stopped a few cells before Cell 8. 'They would ask questions too.' It was at this moment that you saw Inori walking in your direction. You waved him over. "Back so soon, kid?" you nodded and said," Hey, would you mind waking up the last few cells?" He let out a groan at the prospect of more work. 

(Inori's Pov)

I groaned, but then remembered what Samon had told me. 


'dang, the kid looks pretty roughed up' I turned my head back to my *ahem* adult magizine. A sharp pain erupted in my stomach. I gasped for air as I looked up to see who it was. Samon. He grabbed the front of my shirt. "You made (y/n) take your shifts in the under ground, didn't you?" he said with a low voice. "Actually, I didn't make her, it just became a thing. So get off of my case, monkey." He fumed. "It was because of YOU that she got hurt. If she ever gets hurt on your watch again, you better be ready" While he was rather short, the little guy could do some damage. A nodded my head.


I sighed, and took the board. "Okay, fine. But the only reason I'm doing this is because Samon- where'd she go?" She was already half way down the hall. I seatdropped as I made my way (slowly) to the remaining cells.
(normal pov)

You sighed as you caught your breath. You backed up until your back hit the wall and slid down. Your head fell into your hands as you came to a conclusion. 'Enki's innocent.' You thought 'he's innocent and no one is there to prove it.' Your mind flashed to the time you saw that picture of Samon with a person you now know to be Enki. They seemed to be quite a big younger. They looked so happy in the picture. Samon had the biggest smile. Enki had a small, but genuine, smile too. You remembered how fond of Enki Samon seemed to be. 'Samon still loves him. You never stop loving family.' You remembered his face when he talked about the times Enki had called him weak. He seemed so... so... 'The real Enki would never say that. Somethings controlling him. He's not himself. He didn't kill that inmate, that thing did.' You always want your friends to be happy because you cared deeply for them. 'If I do this, I'll have to isolate myself from them for a while.' While you didn't want to do that , it seemed to be the only way. 'Momoko will transfer me to any building I ask for.' Your heart hurt. You thought about building 8. The Warden had told you something a while back that you're glad you heard. 

"Building 8 had a direct passage way to Building 4's underground prison. It is important that we have a guard here at all times"

It was in a meeting with building 8's supervisor, Ryota Fukamata. You didn't know much about him. The only thing you remember is that he had black hair and silver eyes. 'I don't want to leave my friends' You remembered the times you spent with your friends. All of the laughs and smiles. 'They'll probably hate me for this' You had always hated the innocent being treated as guilty. That was one of the things you couldn't stand. 'But the innocent shouldn't be punished' Enki's face flashed before your eyes. You stood up, making your way to your seldemely used office. You rarely used it. You hadn't used it in months. 'This is the only way.' You started to gather the few things that were there. Only a few pens and a the plushy of himself Upa had proudly given to you. 'This is ganna suck' You grabbed a bag and shoved all of your stuff into it. 'This is ganna be hard' You decided to leave the paper along with everything else. 'But I will prove him innocent.' You walked out of your office, trying not to shed any tears. You made your way out of the building, avoiding everyone. You made your way to the Warden's office. 

Sorry it took so long to update! Testing is still going on (uuggh) I'll try to update either on 5/7, 5/8, or 5/9 tho. Also, the thing about building 8 having a tunnel to building 4 isn't in the actual anime, but the name and description of the supervisor is something I got from somewhere online (I don' remember where) I also just realized that I titled two different chapters "Chapter 23" Ignore that because my computer won't let me change it. Anyways, I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter! So YEET.

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