Easter special!!! (finale)

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You watched as the brutal egg hunt began. You knew just as well as everyone that someone would get hurt. Probably multiple someones. As if right on cue, you heard a loud thud followed by a moan. You looked to your right and saw Jyugo, who had been thrown by someone (probably Hajime) You laughed and offered a hand. Rolling his eyes, he took it. "Welp, that's it for me" he said, walking off to somewhere. You sighed at his inability to life. Turning your attention back to the fight- I mean egg hunt, you saw Kenshiro fighting over eggs with Hajime. Knowing Kenshiro, he was probably just trying to impress Momoko. Sadly, he had little to no chance as all of her attention was on Hajime. You looked for Upa in the crowd. You saw him up in a nearby tree, scavenging up there. He made eye contact with you after he picked up another of the many eggs up there. He smirked at you as he knew that you did this on purpose. You dramatically winked and he rolled his eyes, returning to his task. You looked for some of your other friends. You spotted Nico in his bunny outfit. He was currently hopping around with only a few eggs in his basket. He seemed happy though. Kiji was trying not to mess up his makeup You spotted Qi on a bench far in the back sleeping. (Sigh) Honey and Trois (still of course looking fabulous) were padding around in the bushes. Enki had gone off somewhere earlier. Uno was running at top speed, going from place to place. It wasn't doing him that much good, as he only had what looked to be fifteen eggs. He was smiling nonetheless. Musashi gave up and sat on a bench to the side. (that poor blind boi) Mitsuru was cutting backflips and such. You know. Being Mitsuru. Samon wasn't completely crazy of chocolate. The only reason that he was doing this was to beat Hajime probably. Liang was moving quickly, hopping gracefully from place to place. Upa jumped down from one tree and went to another. Hitoshi hadn't collected any eggs, as she kept getting knocked down. Knowing Hajime, though, he would probably give Hitoshi his eggs. You still couldn't find Rock. You shrugged it off, though. The hunt went on for about thirty minutes. By that time eggs were rarely being found. You decided to call it to an end. Everyone started to walk back to the building. Well, almost everyone. Nico was hopping. Once there, everyone was told to count their eggs. Jyugo had none, Kenshiro had 43, Hajime had 45, Uno had 25, Mitsuru had 18, Honey had 24, Trois had 24(they decided to split it), Muashi had none, Samon had 42, had 26 (he had to stop in the middle of it to fix his makeup), Liang had 47 and Upa managed to get 53. Momoko congratulated him and he managed to keep a straight face. He looked at you and you smiled. He couldn't help but give a small smile too. You chuckled and grabbed the mic. "Okay guys, there is one last game to play before the food starts coming. Any one who wants to stick their face in a mountain of whipped cream to get a gummy worm, please go the last table" Of course, not everyone wanted to play. Quite a few did though. Rock joined because food. Uno joined due a bet made with Hajime that he could win. You persuaded Lang to join. Nico just wanted to stick his face in whipped (that smol bean). After much begging (and a little guilt tripping) Upa agreed to do it. Lastly, you joined because why not? Momoko chuckled at your eagerness. Everyone put on an apron as the people who were not playing gathered around. After all the plates were set out and all the gummy worms and whipped cream was in place, the Warden got ready to start it off. "Ready" you prepared to slam your face into the cream. "Set" Kiji got his phone out to take a video. Momoko left a long pause. The silence ringed in your ears. "GO!" Everyone slammed their face into the plates. You tried desperately to grab the gummy worm that was somewhere at the bottom of the plate. After a few seconds of breathless grabbing, you emerged victorious. You jerked your head up, gummy worm in mouth and face covered in whipped cream. Liang popped up a second later, also covered in cream. Nico cheered as he came up. Uno came up looking around, sweat dropping when he saw that he had lost the bet. Rock ate all of the whipped cream. Upa couldn't find the worm and ended up throwing the plate down. You laughed. suddenly, the door opened. The sent of food came wafting in. Everyone turned to see all kinds of dishes being brought in. You had made sure to get everyone's favorite dishes. People started to wipe off the cream and walked to the tables. Momoko sat by Hajime. Kenshiro had picked a seat near her. Honey, Trois, and Kiji sat together. Samon and Mitsuru were talking. Uno, Jyugo, and Musashi were all talking loudly together. Rock and Liang were eating together, talking about food. Nico and Upa were also sitting next to each other. You sat with Qi. "You did good this time (y/n)" You laughed lightly. "Thanks. Took forever though." He put his head on his hand. "I bet. Too much work for my liking" he said getting up. "Where are you going?" You asked. "Sleep" you grabbed his jumpsuit. "Not right now you aren't. We still need to take a picture. He groaned and sat back down. Pretty soon, everyone had finished eating. The ring of the microphone got your attention. The Warden spoke, "Okay everyone, please, clean up. A group picture is to be taken" You picked up a rag and wiped your face off as did everyone else that played. Kiji ran to the bathroom to fix his makeup. In the mean time, people started getting into position. Of course, The Warden ended up right next to Hajime. Kenshiro stood near her. People stood by their friends. Everyone had genuine smiles on their faces. You stood with Qi, Liang, and Upa. Samon had also decided to join in. Rock, Uno, Nico, and Jyugo were together, while most of the guards flocked into one group. A random guard came with a camera. Once set up, he held up a hand. Everyone in on the joke got the things hidden behind their back ready. Everyone looked at the camera smiling. One flash. Before the second flash, however, half of the people in the picture brought out the plates of whipped cream from behind their backs. A second flash. The pies were thrown, hitting everyone. A third flash. Several surprised screams followed by laughter. A final fourth flash.


You looked at the four pictures. The first was perfect. Everyone was looking good. The second showed about half of the people with plates of whipped cream in their hands and the other half ignorant for what was about to come. The third showed people getting hit in the face with the pie. The fourth showed everyone laughing. You smiled to yourself and put the pictures on the table beside your bed. You drifted to sleep with a smile on your face. 

That took FOREVER. At least i'm finished now. The actual story will resume tomorrow. I really hope you enjoyed this special! Happy Easter! So YEET!

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