Chapter 5

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Your phone blared as you hit the screen frantically to try to stop the assault on your ears. After a few failed attempts, you successfully turned off the Alarm. Sighing, you groggily rubbed at your eyes, slowly pushing the covers off as you sat up. 'Why am I so tired this morning?' you thought. Stretching, you flung your feet off of the bedside. You dragged your feet to the bathroom, cringing as you looked in the mirror. You grabbed your toothbrush as you squirted some toothpaste onto it. After brushing, you splashed some water on your face, still trying to wake up. Snatching the brush, you pulled it through your (h/l) (h/l) hair, pulling it into the usual hairstyle. You trudged down the stairs, almost falling down them. Grabbing a bowl, you made yourself a bowl of (f/c) cereal. You sat down at the table, pulling out your phone while taking in a mouth-full of cereal. You looked at the time. It was 5:15. You were supposed to leave at 4:55. Almost choking on your cereal, you grabbed your bag and bolted out the door. Throwing open the door of the car, you hastily jumped in. Starting the car, you pulled out of the drive way, slamming on the gas. Because it was still rather early, there were very few cars present, so you floored it all the way there. Because you lived on the island, you didn't need to take a plane or boat everyday. Screeching into a random parking spot, you yanked your keys out of the slot and threw them in your bag as you dashed to the entrance. You had to clock in at 5:30. The drive here is usually 20 minutes, but speeding had cut it down to only 10. You sprinted towards the door as fast as you could, not paying attention to any cars that may or may not hit you by accident. Banging open the doors with your card in your outstretched hand you ran for the punch card machine, slamming your card into it. The clock always announced weather you were late or early, and by how much. You waited to be told you were late, only to hear ," (y/l/n),(y/f/n). Supervisor assistant. One hour and thirteen minutes early." You had thought you had heard wrong, but on the brightly lit screen, the time was in the corner. It was in fact on hour and thirteen minutes earlier than you should have been here. Confused and angry, you sank to the floor, head in hands. No wander why you felt so tired. Looking out the clear doors, you also noticed that the only other cars there was the warden's and a few employees that lived in the prison. You banged you head against the wall. Standing up slowly, you decided that you would nap in the night duty room. Dragging your feet all the way there, you found the door was locked. Groaning, you began to think about what to do next. You could be a good worker and start your duties a little early. Oooor you could go into the underground prison and see Enki again. There was no real thinking required to determine which was the correct choice... So you set off to the underground. Despite your tiredness, you still were pumped. So, you walked with a slight bounce in your step all the way there. Quietly opening the door, you made your way down the long set of stairs. Because you didn't want the sound of your boots to wake up the inmates down here, you took them off, walking barefoot. The floor was always clean down here, so this wasn't an issue. You walked down the twisting rows of cells, until you got to what seemed like a wall of darkness. Now knowing better, you pulled out your flashlight, revealing the large man. He was laying down, back towards you. Then it hit you; What if he wasn't awake. Suddenly timid, you padded quietly back to the entrance. Just as you had taken a few steps, the voice said, "I'm not asleep" You dropped your boots as you gasped. You heard a chuckle. Turning around, you puffed out your cheeks as you picked up your boots. You heard him taking another position. You looked and saw he was now facing you. He wasn't looking directly at you, just in your direction. You had never really seen his face, so you took in what you saw: He had very tan skin (despite not seeking the sun for years). Like Samon, he had apple green eyes outlined by a bit of red, just as the lips were. He had several piercings in his ears. Two sharp looking teeth stuck out of the corners of his mouth. He was staring plainly at you now, an eyebrow raised in question. After a moment of shock, you said a shy, "hi." He nodded then spoke," Why are you here so early?" Thinking for a moment, you responded," For some reason my alarm woke me up very early. Someone must have switched the time or something. I don't know who could have done tha-" You stopped suddenly as realization hit you. You had lent your phone to Inori for a few minutes because he lost his phone. A deadly aurora surrounded you. Enki seemed to notice this and asked," What?" Already thinking of your revenge, you responded, "I let Inori borrow my phone yesterday to find his. I walked off to the bathroom while he was using it. He must have switched my time up." Grumbling to yourself, you continued thinking about what you would do to that man. Enki smirked but said nothing. You walked to the wall next to the cell door and slid down it. Pulling at my hair, I groaned. Enki chuckled again. Being tired, this wasn't funny to you. Deciding to be winy, you complained, "StooOoooOOoOOOOp iT's nOt fUNnY" You heard Enki laugh. It was more than a chuckle this time. You crawled from your position to in front of him. You crossed your arms and pouted. You made eye contact. His eyes weren't like they were last time. They were kind. Despite your tiredness, you smiled. Because of his new attitude, you were able to keep eye contact for a bit longer. Then, he changed back. One second he was kind and laughing, and the next he was closed and serious. Just like in your first meeting. You looked away. You lay down on the cold floor, arms behind your head. You didn't want to take the chance of falling asleep and not having a wake-up call, you unlocked your phone, remembering to set the time right. You set an alarm for the correct time and turned your phone off. You dramatically let your arm fall with your phone in it. You, once again, heard him chuckle. You felt a large hand grasping your arm, you shot up and tried to pull away. You looked at him. He was pulling you towards him. You stopped struggling when you saw his eyes were once again kind. His pupils didn't look steady, though. They were changing from large and kind to small and mean. He seemed to be fighting to keep one. After a few seconds, his eyes settled on kind. You relaxed and allowed him to pull you closer. You were now laying down at the door. Despite his large fingers, he managed to gently pull your hair out of it's style. It pooled around you. Gently, he began to braid your hair. The soothing feeling of someone playing in your hair combined with your early wake up and adrenaline rush resulted in you being in an exhausted state. Laying there, a dangerous man playing with your hair, your eyes began to droop. Silence filled your ears as you drifted off. 

Part 5 is finally done! I hope you enjoyed. I have nothing else to say here so YEET.

Ps- the next part should be out by either 4/1 or 4/2

Pss- Yeet

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