Chapter 13

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Liu Wei

"If I move inmate 643 to cell 85, do you think it would solve the problems?" Samon said, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Uhhhh, what?" you said with an apologetic face. Samon sighed and repeated himself. "So, what do you think (y/n)? (y/n)!" Still only half paying attention, you nodded your head. Samon had noticed your lack of attention, which was highly unusual for you. You were one of his best workers. Heck, he would even go as far as to say you were one of the hardest working here. You loved your job with a passion that he sometimes couldn't understand. You always payed attention. Getting worried, he took a seat next to you. He tapped you on the shoulder. Surprised, you give out a little 'hm!' Slightly annoyed, you turn to Samon, getting ready to scold him. But then you saw his face. It was strangely serious and concerned. You cocked your head to the side, wandering why he was like this so suddenly. Had you done something to upset him? He spoke," Hey, you seem to be day dreaming much more than usual. Something wrong?" You were about to respond 'no' when you had an idea. The Warden has much trust in you, and tells you things she doesn't tell the other guards. Despite this, she never let any information about Enki slip past you. 'If I said that the Warden had wanted more information about his case, (for reasons unspecified, of course) Samon would tell me more about Enki.'  You thought to yourself. 'but wouldn't that be lying? He's my friend, taking advantage of him would be wrong' you continued 'but if I ask him out right, he would get suspicious and want to know why I wanted to know.' you paused. 'what if he found out about my visits? Would he tell?' 'What would happen if he did tell?' You were about to continue your little argument with yourself, but Samon interrupted," Hey! You seem really out of it today. Did something happen?" A war still going on inside your head, you responded," Yeah, I'm fine. Just stressed." You hoped he would take the bate. 'I hope he doesn't' 'Shut up'   "About what?"  'bingo' You put your quickly thought out plan into action. "Well, the Warden wanted me to ask you some questions on a sensitive topic" he tensed up slightly at her name. He nodded gravely and got up to lock and close the door. He sat back down on the couch lightly, ready to answer any of the Warden's questions. You pulled out your pad of paper and pen. You noted the ever decreasing amount of paper you had left as you flipped it open to a new, clean page. You took a deep breath before talking," She needs to update some information in Enki's file." You could see his face contort slightly at the mention of his brother's name. You felt your stomach churn. "I see. What does she need to know."  'no questions asked.'  you thought sadly. "She wants the whole story, from when he started training to the incident" He seemed lost in thought for a second before nodding. You readied your pen as he readied his story. (Most of this is going to be totally made up btw) "I don't think she needs the location at which we grew up, does she?" you shook your head no. He nodded. "In the beginning, he practiced Wing Chun Quan, a traditional peaceful fighting technique. Before we got into the prisons, he was really a gentle gia- I mean, he wasn't as harsh as he was when we got into working at prisons." he said, trying to keep himself professional. You nodded. "When did you first start seeing changes in Enki's behavior?" you asked. He thought for a moment," It was when he began getting noticed by the higher-ups. They admired him for his strength and skill. He was sent to a meeting with the council one day. When he returned, he was different." Your heart started beating faster. The council was the highest of the high. They rarely called in the wardens of the most important prisons, much less just a supervisor.  "What do you mean, different?" He took a deep breath in. "After that meeting, he was not the same. He was cruel. The day he came back, he beat up an inmate. Everyone was surprised by his sudden change. His ways became harsh. He even switched to practicing  Krav Maga, the most deadliest form of fighting." You nodded, slightly surprised. Samon had told you before on how rare it was for a person to switch fighting styles. And when they did, it wasn't usual as drastic as this. You continued jotting things down. "After a while, we applied for a position here. Of course, he got the supervisor position and I became the deputy supervisor." He said with some resentment. You just nodded. He continued," It only got worse from there. After a while, he was called back for another meeting with the council." You gave a surprised nod. "That was about two months before he-" his voice cracked. Your heart lurched. "-he." Samon sighed, "Before the incident. That was when he was his most cruelest. During that time, he even punched me a couple of times." He let out a broken chuckle. "He became cold and un-caring. He was not himself anymore. He became distant. Before, he rarely shared what was on his mind. After that visit, he never did." He cleared his throat. "Sometimes I found him in his office, holding his head. One time, I heard him say stop. But he would always let go of his head and pretend it didn't happen when I walked in. I was so worried." You could see the tears in his eyes. His voice started to be clouded with the sound of tears "Then he just killed an inmate and it all happened so fast and I couldn't stop him. I hesitated. He said I was weak" He was crying full on by now, tears cascading down he cheeks. You reached out to him and put a hand on his shoulder, a gesture that was rare for you. He put his hand on top of yours. "He just... he said that I would never be enough... It hurt... I still cant shake it off... and I... I-" He was cut off. Shocked, his tear stricken face looked down at you. You were hugging him. This was (as was said before) unheard of from you, so it meant all the more to him. He wrapped his hands around you, pulling you closer. His body was wracked with sobs as your eyes began to fill with tears of your own. No one had ever seen you cry. Ever. 'i did this to him. if it weren't for me, he wouldn't be crying right now. i hurt him.' you beat yourself up in your head, your nose burning with the onset of tears. You hugged him tighter, closing your eyes tight as to not let any tears escape. After a while, his sobs had cleared, and now he was occasionally sniffing. He didn't let go, though. You rarely hug people, and he wanted to make the most of it. While he was still crying, you had both somehow laid down on the sofa. Your back was facing the locked door, and his was against the couch. He was curled around you. His legs were entwined with yours, his hands were holding you close, and his tail had wrapped itself around one of your legs. Physical contact had always made you uncomfortable, but you wanted to comfort him, so you stayed like this. You looked down at his face. His tired eyes were closed and his mouth was curved slightly upwards. Despite his recent sobbing fit, he looked happy. His breathing was slow and even. He was asleep. You chuckled quietly as you patted his head. 'He doesn't usually show this much emotion.' you thought 'i hope he's okay'. With this thought, you start to try to wiggle out of his grip. He didn't budge. Letting out an exasperated sigh, you come to terms with the fact that you were going to be stuck here. Sure, you could wake him up, but after what had happened, you didn't want to. 'what I had caused' echoed your thoughts. You shook it off and began to slip off your shoes along with your socks. His was already off, as he had put them off to the side right before his fit. You somehow managed to take your outer coat and button-up shirt off, leaving you in pants and a tank top. You went back into your previous position, arms around his waist. For a moment, you thought about what would happen if the other guards found you sleeping on the couch with Samon. You then recalled several instances of you falling asleep with or next to them. It wasn't often that you fell asleep at work, but it was usually after working shifts longer than what was probably healthy. You recall falling asleep in the guard break room while Kiji was telling you a story. He had been nice enough to cover you up with his feathered boa to keep you warm. You also remembered falling asleep while you and Kensirou were discussing a few statistics. He, like Kiji, didn't want to wake you, as it was a well known fact that you over worked yourself, even to his standards. So, he covered you with his haori. Unlike Kiji, he had thought to take a picture. Much to your dismay, he had showed it to the rest of the guards. They all, including Hajime, agreed that the picture of you curled up on the couch with Kensirou's haori covering you was adorable. Chuckling at the memory, you feel your eyelids droop. 'They wouldn't mind' you thought to yourself as you fought against sleep. Your mind begins to drift towards the information Samon had told you. You forced yourself not to, reminding yourself that you had notes in the discarded note book. No longer able to keep your eyes open, you slip your hands tighter around Samon, finally giving into sleep.

I procrastinate too much. At least I got this one out on time! anyways, the next chapter should be out by 4/13 or 4/14. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you'll stick around to read the next one! So YEET.

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