Chapter 25

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          Dear Jingy, 

I didn't think other Counsel members would do something like that. They're supposed to be mature. I really hope that you can still enjoy your job though. I don't know if you're going to have time to read this, so I'll make it about the same length as yours. 

Anyways, about your questions. I haven't made many new friends. Still with my old groups here. 

You paused. Should you tell her? She would be worried and might try to so something. You chose your words very carefully.

Despite me being safe, there has been an accident. Don't worry, I'm fine. I was in the underground prison taking requests like always, then BOOM. The last thing I remember was crawling to Cell 8. Quite a bit happened to me, but I'm ganna be okay. And no, like I said last time, there is no 'special someone' to tell you about. 

Li Jing, or Jingy as you like to call her, was always obsessed with the idea of you getting a partner. Due to your anti-socialness and your general dislike of humanity, it proved to be a difficult task.

Nothing new has happened over here. Same old same old. Momoko drooling over Hajime. Kenshiro drooling over Momoko (and hating Hajime). Samon and Hajime fighting. Kiji's makeup obsession. Etc. Anyways, I hope you can reply soon! I miss you a bunch!



Reading through it again, you decided that it was finished. You groaned as you got up in search of an envelope. Once you found one, you slipped the note in and shut it. You laid it on the table for later. Deciding to be weird, you dropped to the floor and rolled to the couch. It hurt, but hey... (there was no point) You crawled onto the couch and picked up the notebook. You flipped until you got to the beginning of Samon's story. Staring down at it, you suddenly remembered what you did to get this information. Your mind flashed back to that day. How broken he sounded. How hard he cried.  The weight of the guilt was suddenly very present. Your mind ran through everything that you've done to your friends trying to figure out what's wrong with Enki. All of the times you lied. All of the time you didn't spend with them. The things you didn't do for them. And, more recently, making them worry for you after you had gotten yourself hurt. Your thoughts then went to the man. You couldn't get any information about his appearance. He didn't talk, so you didn't know anything about his voice. Nothing. The only thing you knew was that he was rather tall. So practically everyone. You sighed. Your heart felt heavy and your chest felt tight. You had done so much to help him. Enki's face flashed before your eyes. Letting out a small breath, you re-read what you had gotten down. (just pretend that I copied and pasted that whole thing on here. I don't have a mouse so I cant do that. It's in chapter 13 if you want to re-read that information) The first thing you thought about was his change in behavior. Samon said that he turned cruel. 'When did this start again?' you thought as you flipped through the notes. 'oh yeah, after the counsel meeting' you sat, thinking for a bit. 'maybe they told him something.' Li Jing had told you before that every word said was recorded in every meeting, ever. 'So that means that they have a transcript of when Enki went there.' You looked to the letter sitting on the counter. 'maybe Jingy could do me a favor' you made a mental note to alter the letter later. You felt bad for asking her for something, but it was for a good purpose. The second thing you noticed was that he changed from Wing Chun Quan, a peaceful fighting technique, to Krav Maga, one of the most deadly forms of fighting. Samon had told you before how rare it was for a person to switch something like this. And, when it did happen, it wasn't as dramatic as this. Going from peaceful to deadly was unheard of. You then thought of the second time he go called in from the counsel. He got even worse. 'and that was just two months before he-' you cut yourself off and placed the tablet down on the side table. You then started to think about all of your meetings with Enki. The first, he was cold and didn't respond to anything. The second, he was more responsive. The third, he was hospitable. You remembered the time he had played with your hair. He had been so gentle with you, like he didn't want to hurt you. You then thought about how he had been so cold for a while after that. Then he was okay again. Now, right after that man had come, he had a murderous intent again. 'did that man do something to him' you shook your head, trying to get that thought out. It didn't work. While you did manage to stop thinking about it for a moment, it stayed in the back of your mind. His behavior was so varied. It was like he was fighting something. But after a while, that something lost it's strength. The something then seemed to come back at full force. It didn't make sense. "ugh" you said, as you let your head fall into your hands. This was all giving you a headache. It was all so overwhelming. You looked at the time. 12:43. "oh" was all you said. You decided to think about this tomorrow. You grabbed your phone off of the counter on the way to your bedroom. You turned the lights off as you made your way to the bed. Flopping down on it, (ouch) you pulled the covers carefully over yourself. Within a few minutes, you fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

OKAY, I finally got the time to write another chapter. I'll try to get another out by tomorrow. I would like to thank hitham21 for following me. I would also like to thank IHatePopUps for showing concern for my stolen flute. It means a lot to have someone do that! I would also love to thank all of my awesome viewers for over 700 views! That's way more than I ever thought I would get. There's not much else to say. So YEET.

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