Chapter 19

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Slight gore warning. Just a bit of blood tho. 

(Samon's pov)

Despite (y/n)'s warning, I stayed late another night. I didn't mean to stay so late. I had lost track of time. It had been lunch, then BOOM, it was 4:30 in the morning. I forced myself to stop working and to get ready to leave. I packed up my things and slung my briefcase over my shoulder. I locked my door on the way out. As I was walking, I realized something. (y/n) hadn't come to visit me after her shift in the underground. She wasn't even there at lunch. She didn't come to check out. My heart began to speed up. 'no' I thought 'She's just working late again' I had always been weary of her working down there. Enki was down there. But she didn't work on that side of the hall. That was Inori's job. (he probably didn't do it)  But it always worried me. Knowing (y/n), if she was working late, she would either be in the break room or in the night-duty room. More likely than not, she would be asleep on the couch in the break room. Wanting to make sure she's okay, I start to make my way to the break room. On the way to the break room, I pass the entrance to the underground prison. I usually wouldn't pay much attention to this, since I pass it every day, but one thing caught my attention: The blood trail. It seemed to be coming out of the underground. Pulling out my phone, I called the medical staff," There is an injured person. There is a big blood trail leading up from the underground. It might be an inmate but it's probably a guard" My heart stopped. The only ones that go down there is Inori or (y/n).  I gasped as I realized that she could be hurt. Breaking into a run, I continued updating the medical staff. "Blood loss is severe. The location is unknown, but the blood trail will lead me to her." I could hear the staff getting things ready for a possible critical patient. I looked at the wall as I was running. The hand prints were too small to belong to Inori. '(y/n)' I ran faster. Then, suddenly, I hear someone screaming. "SAMON. iNORI. SOMEONE. WE NEED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. (Y/N) NEEDS HELP" It was Upa. Knowing where she was now, I yelled into the phone, " CELL 8, GET TO CELL 8. I REPEAT, SHE IS AT CELL 8." Not paying attention, I slipped in the blood. Gagging slightly, I pushed myself up. I heard the shouts of the medical staff. There were there. They were going to help (y/n)" When I got there, she had already been taken away. I looked into the cell to see a blood-covered Upa being hugged by Liang and Qi. They all seemed to be in shock. They hadn't noticed me yet. I walked up to the bars and knocked lightly.

(Liang's Pov)

Through the fog of shock, I heard a knock. I looked up to see a white-faced Samon. Looking down at Upa, I decided to let him go and stand up. Time seemed to have stopped. Samon looked at me, eyes full of an expression that I couldn't quite place. Moving slowly, he pulled out the keys and unlocked the cell. He stepped back to let the door swing open. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to run up and hug him. And that's what I did. He hugged back. It was silent for a moment. No one was able to talk. Samon broke the quiet first. "What happened?" he spoke in a hushed voice. I let go of him and stepped back as I tried to find my voice. "(y/n) she..... we were sleeping..... she called and Upa went.... she was all....-" I was cut off by Upa, who spoke in an unusually quiet voice," We were sleeping. I heard her call my name. I went and she was all... beaten up and bloodied. And I yelled for help and I-" his voice caught in his throat. We all gave him a look of sympathy. 

(Normal pov)

After a moment of silence, Samon spoke. "Everyone, come with me. We need to get cleaned up." That was true. Though everyone had some amount, Upa and Samon had the most blood on them. Upa and Qi both stood up. There was no policy for this. No rules to follow. No plan to go by. So, thinking on his feet, Samon decided to take them to the showers. There seemed to be nothing else to do. (y/n) would most likely not be open to visitors right now, and no one seemed to be able to speak to answer any questions. So, everyone walked in silence to the showers. Everyone took one pair of their clothes from the cubbies and walked to a stall. Everyone only got more nauseated as they peeled off their blood-sodden clothes. Water was turned on. The pinkish color of the water was unsettling. Due to the showers being only for prisoners, Samon would have to wait to get home. After a while, everyone was done and dressed. Samon motioned for them to follow. They did. Samon was out of ideas. 'where am i supposed to bring them? I cant just put them back at their cell. It's still full of...' his thought trailed off. 'The break room' he thought. Prisoners weren't usually allowed in there, but this wasn't a usual situation. Everyone walked as if they were a zombie. Once they made it the the break room, Samon unlocked the door and held it for the inmates. Only Hajime was in there at this time. At first, Hajime was about to confront Samon about bringing inmates into the break room. That was before he noticed Samon's blood stained clothing. He stood up and walked over to Samon, not paying any attention to the inmates who plopped themselves lamely onto the couch. Once he was close enough, he said, "What happened? I someone hurt? Why are you covered in blood and why did you bring them?" Samon looked at him with dead eyes. He only uttered one word . "y/n)" Hajime took a breath in and started towards the door, wanting to see her. Samon stopped him. "There's no use. She's receiving medical attention right now." Something about the lack of emotion in his voice made Hajime nod and walk to a chair and sit down, fiddling with his thumbs. The room was dead quiet as they all sat. Nobody daring to break it in fear of something bad happening.

So that was a thing. Anyways, I hope that you had fun reading this chapter! The next one will probably be out by tomorrow! Thanks to all who read and commented and voted on my story! So YEET!

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